
Scaramouche meets Rin

Scaramouche was doing his bounties when he saw a group of scientists working on a new portal. When it gets turned on, he gets hit and dropped hard, and the EMTs find him and take him to the hospital. He gets dropped in Japan in 2023. In this world, people have different powers and are classed with jobs that your strength can help with. Rin can summon two water dragons. Soon his parents find out how to travel to get him, and when he gets the option to go back, Ren thinks he is getting taken and goes after him.

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Back in Mondstadt

Kuki and Itachi found the Futai and the time machine. Sasuke dragged a guy over and tossed him at their feet. Kuki pulled her sword out. "Where is my son," she said. The Futai held his hands up and told her. "Bring him back home," she said. "We haven't figured out that part yet," the Futai said. Itachi picked him up, and his Sharingan came up. "If he gets hurt due to this, I will kill you slowly. Do you hear me figure out how to get him back by sundown," Itachi said, tossing him hard. "We will watch until it's finished," Itachi said. The man rushed off to work.

Sasuke waited with them. Kuki was worried about her son. "he is strong, Kuki," Itachi said. She nods her head. "I know Itachi," she said. The Futai walked over right when sundown happened. He bows and hands them a small device. "Once you find your boy, just find an open area and let the sun hit this glass. A portal will reopen and take you home," he said. They nod and step threw it. In Japan, Rin was at a local restaurant. Scaramouche was there with a guy from work and kept looking at Rin. "Why does he have to be so sexy like he could pick me up and just," he mumbles. Alex, his coworker, looks, "Rin, yeah, he is sexy as fuck. Too bad he is gay," she said. Scaramouche smirks, hearing it. Rin picks up his helmet. He is drunk.

"Oh no," Scaramouche said and took his helmet and pulled his phone out, and ordered a Uber. He got him in and sat down and dug in Rin's pockets and found his wallet and told the driver where the place was and texted Alex, and she took care of getting Rin's Bike to his home safely. Scaramouche dropped the keys and sighed and soon got in Rin's place. He fell over with Rin on top of him. Rin looks seeing Scaramouche he kisses him deeply. Scaramouhe swallows. "No, you drunk," he said. "Get off me, your heavy," he said. Rin smiles and licks up his neck and runs his hand up Scaramouche's shirt. Rin soon passed out. Scaramouche pushes him off and covers him up. He turned and looked around the lovely apartment. "Nice place," he mumbled and walked into the huge bedroom.

Scaramouche smiles and lays down, and falls asleep. Around 1 am, Rin got into the bed and pulled Scaramouche against him. Scaramouche felt his strong arms around him. He looked and saw Rin's chest and went back to sleep. Rin smiles, feeling Scaramouches body. His hand roams his back and runs over his butt, and squeezes his ass. Scaramouche woke up feeling it. "Rin stop your drunk," Scaramouche said. Rin looks down. "Scaramouche, I like you and find you very attractive," he mumbles and kisses him. Scaramouche kisses back. Rin slides his hand into Scaramouches pants. Rin licks up Scaramouche's neck. He moans, feeling it.

Rin was sucking on his neck. Rin licks his fingers before his hands go back into Scaramouche's pants. He gets around, kissing his neck. Scaramouche moans. Rin slips in one finger. Scaramouche gasps, feels it, and cries. Itachi, Kuki, and Sasuke were looking for him. Kuki stops Alex. "Have you seen my son Scaramuche?" she asks. Alex looks. "He is with Rin at Rins house. Here is the address," she said, wrote it down and handed it to her, and ran away.

It took them a while, but they found it. Itachi kicks the door in. Rin stops and opens a gun case and loads it, and cocks the gun. Scaramouche was breathing heavily. He got up. Sasuke turned the corner, and Rin pulled the trigger, but he missed. "Dad," Scaramouche said. Rin put the gun down. Itachi removes Scaramouche. "Home," he says and glares at Rin. The two dragon tattoos on him glow, and two water dragons appear. Rin followed on his bike, and once they stepped through and he jumped threw before it closed.