
Chapter 5

Otto slowly woke up as if nothing happened. He lied in the hospital bed, however, something was wrong. he looked around and all his stuff was gone. He wasn't wearing the hospital gown that he was before and he seemed a little... transparent. He immediately got up and seemed a little more energised than he was before. Then a nurse came into the room and he immediately wanted to know what was going on.

"Excuse me?" He said to her however she didn't respond to him. "E-excuse me?" He repeated but again no response. he thought she didn't hear him so tried tapping her on the shoulder, however as soon as his hand touched it went straight through as if he was made out of air. He pulled his arm back and held it to make sure it was actually there, even so, it still shocked him. He ran out of the room in hopes that somebody would see him but he had no luck. Just then he saw a familiar figure sitting outside a hospital room. He could never forget that look, it was of his mother, grieving. Otto ran straight for his mum with his arms stretched out to give a hug, however, he just went straight through her. He looked back at her in disbelief. He finally gave up. He gave up in making her see him, making anyone see him so he sat beside her waiting.

"My precious little girl..." His mother muttered with a choking voice and red eyes. Otto just listened quietly feeling helpless. "First my Otto and now-" She cut herself off before her tears began to flow again.

"Ella?" Otto muttered to himself. Then he gave a slight sigh. "Don't worry mum, I'm still here. I won't leave you. I'm not... dead." Otto hesitated, trying to convince himself. Just then the doctor came and told Mrs Brundle about her condition. After hearing about it she immediately ran for the room and Otto followed after her. He immediately froze after seeing her.

"She looks... older." He said to himself in disbelief. "How long-" He was cut off by Mrs Brundle running for Ella with a relieved smile.

"Ella!" She exclaimed going to give her a hug but she then stopped before she got any closer. Ella seemed... different, to both Otto and Mrs Brundle. Ella remained quiet, unable to rip her eyes away from Mrs Brundle but to Otto, it looked like she was looking straight at him. He tensed up. "Honey, are you ok?" She asked with concern. Otto was brought back to the reality that she couldn't see him and was going to leave when a small question got his attention.

"Who are you?" Ella asked awkwardly, not sure of who she was talking to. Otto and Mrs Brundle both froze at those words. Mrs Brundle almost burst out crying again but held it in and gave slight smile.

"Ella... you probably don't remember me, but I'm your mother." She said with a warm smile. "I don't blame you for not remembering who I am, you hit your head really hard. I think I'll come again later, I'll give you time to rest." Mrs Brundle said then abruptly left the room. Otto raced after her.

"Mum-" He cut himself off after seeing his mothers horrified look. "Mum, what happened to her?" He asked quietly almost too quiet for her to hear if she could. Then Mrs Brundle stood up straight and started marching for the door. Otto followed after her. "So, you're abandoning her?!" He exclaimed. But as they drew closer to the door he felt something was off. He looked down and saw his foot disappearing from his toes to his ankle when he already took one step outside the hospital. He immediately drew back in surprise. But Mrs Brundle kept going, still oblivious to him being right beside her. Otto looked at his leg which was slowly growing his foot back. He looked back at his mother who left him behind, with loneliness and frustration. He realised that if he tried to leave, he would disappear, he was trapped, there was no way out.