
Saviors and destroyers: Reaching Godhood by Any Means Necessary

Saviors and destroyers. One determined to save mankind and the other destroy it. We are separated into two groups not by choice. Only the system determines if we are fundamentally good or evil. Families are split, friends separated, destined to go against on another. Only then can we achieve godhood. Only then can we have peace. Campbell Goodwill is reborn as a savior on an alien planet hoping to survive. He leads a great number of people all wanting a peaceful future. Only by achieving godhood could someone determine the future of mankind and Cam is determined to achieve it. Thanks for reading! -Leet_Sack P.S. I switch between 1st and 3rd person occasionally.

Leet_Sack · Fantaisie
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Our final moments on Earth

Saviors and destroyers. One determined to save mankind and the other to destroy it. We are separated into two groups not by choice. Only he determines if we are fundamentally good or evil. Families are split, friends separated, destined to go against one another. Only then can we achieve godhood. Only then can we have peace.

It is the year 2048, the year scientists predicted all life on earth would cease to exist due to global warming or nuclear fallout. Humanity was able to delay this prediction by a few years due to global efforts but the corporate Fatcats didn't heed these warnings and kept polluting the earth for profit.

Tensions were high as nuclear war was inevitable. The earth was in danger and so were the people who inhabited it. Everyone knew that they only had a few more years to live and morale was at an all time low. Riots broke out as peaceful protests turned violent. The land that once belonged to mother nature was now barren and dry. Peace was hard to find on earth at this time and very few people still had hope for the future.

A boy named Cam in a small town had already given up on the world. It is not as though he didn't have hopes and dreams for the future, but what could an ordinary boy do to save this world. As a kid he dreamed of college, getting a job, and living happily ever after with a loving family. Deep inside he always wanted to be someone, someone that could help or even save this world but these dreams were crushed due to not having a future to look forward to.

Cam had just got off of school for the day and was lazily doing his math homework sipping on a glass of cold milk.

*Sigh* "I wonder if I could get away with saying I lost my homework or I could use the usual excuse that my dog ate it." Cam jokingly said even though he knew the teacher wouldn't believe him as he had used this excuse 5 times already. He didn't even have a dog. He didn't even have a family anymore.

He was one of the lucky ones to be able to live in an operational community that still had an operational school.

Even with record breaking heat waves and rising sea levels swallowing countries and many other nations, many chose to ignore the fact that the end is near acting like everything was fine, but deep down inside, all of them knew that life was fleeting.

The next day Cam was walking to school when one of his last remaining friends Zack walked up to him.

"Hey Cam how's it going!" Zack said in a cheerful voice.

Zack was a huge guy that is just pure muscle. He fit every stereotype of a big guy who is dumb and loves cute things. He is a huge meathead even though he has never worked out! He eats protein powder straight out of the container by taking a huge handful of the sand and wolfing it down. Cam swears he had never seen Zack eat anything else other than protein powder in these 2 years they were friends. In Zacks oversized basketball shorts you could see a bag full of that sand available any time he was hungry.

"Hey Zack" Cam said in a sleepy voice with no change in tone. It was not as though Cam wasn't happy to see Zack it was in fact the complete opposite, Cam saw Zack as his best friend!

Cam used to be popular in school as he was very charismatic but that all changed when scientists were able to prove that society only had a few years left. This felt like a punch in the gut to Cam as his dreams were crushed. He slowly became distant and stopped talking any more than he needed to. Many friends broke off and avoided him, very few close friends stayed.

At school in english class half the desks were empty as many didn't show up for school. Sitting next to him was Zack and another friend Grace.

Grace was his only childhood friend as their families used to be close. Cam saw her as his sister even though they were in no way related. Grace was a tomboy that never wore any makeup and was shy hating being the center of attention. When Cam became popular she started keeping her distance as she thought Cam wouldn't want to hang out with a nobody. They made small talk occasionally and were still seen as friends.

In english class Cam and Grace were passing notes talking about their weekend with Zack chiming in every once and a while rudely interrupting the class. It was an average boring school day. While they were doing independent reading a rumbling could be heard slowly getting louder and louder.

"Earthquake? I have never experienced one of those before'' Cam said with a surprised look on his face. The whole class was thinking the same thing, when out the window you could see it. A mushroom cloud reaching the sky appeared and it was getting bigger and bigger.

The class was silent for a moment, one of those pin drop silences, when slowly the rumbling got louder and louder. Almost instantaneously the class went crazy. People were crying, many were yelling, and most people ran toward the door trying to delay the inevitable. Few stayed behind accepting their final moments as they always knew this would happen one day.

Cam looked to his right and saw Zack with a mouthful of protein powder, his cheeks swelled up like a hamster, A single silent tear sliding down his cheek. To his left Grace his childhood friend looked panicked but was still sitting in her chair accepting her fate.

A cloud of dust was shooting forward destroying anything and anyone in its path and slowly making its way toward the school. The rumbling and shaking got louder and louder to the point where Cam couldn't even hear himself think.

In his final moments he thought everything and anyone he has ever loved or cared about would be gone. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to leave so soon.

In their final moments Grace turned to Cam and while smiling with tears in her eyes she mouthed something inaudible to Cam and at that moment the wave hit. Everything went black.

When he awoke he was floating in a void of no light yet he could clearly see his body as if he was radiating light. He couldn't remember how he got there and what was happening. He started looking around when a pleasant dinging noise was heard, and in front of him appeared a blue circular screen. The screen read,

"Did you enjoy the world you lived in?"

Under these words were two buttons one green and one red with the words yes and no on them. Cam was confused but felt inclined to answer and so he clicked the red button. As soon as he pressed the button another question was asked.

"Do you wish you lived somewhere else?" the screen asked.

He hesitated and thought of the pitiful life he was given and how he didn't have a chance to accomplish anything so far except for a few fond memories. He slowly pressed the green button after a few minutes. This time the screen took its time before displaying more text. "It has been determined that those around you perceive you as a good person. Campbell Goodwill is this true, do you think you have lived a good and honest life?" Cam recalled all he had done. He put other people's happiness in front of his own and always gave more than he received. He never lied and was a nice and honest child. He is perceived as good by others but that brings the question, does he perceive himself as a good person? The screen chose for him and everything went black.

He opened his eyes to a clear blue sky and took a deep breath trying to ward off his drowsiness. Fresh air entered his lungs and a nice breeze gently flowing over his skin. The air smelt of grass and nature unlike the usual smog. He slowly got up and when he opened his eyes before him was a breathtaking sight.