
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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293 Chs

Chapter 62

"Hee, old genius? He really dared to say whatever he wants. The old poison really interprets death to the extreme."

This is a Titled Douluo of Ninety sixth grade.

Don't look at the fact that Dugu Bo can easily defeat Chrysanthemum Douluo just now.

But the strength of these two is not something Chrysanthemum Douluo can compare.

More importantly, these two brothers have lived over one hundred and twenty years old. They are nearly twice as old as Poison Douluo.

Rich in combat experience.

Compared with the more stable brother, Jiang Long is more irritable at first glance: "What an arrogant boy. You don't know the immensity of the heavens. Just because you defeated Chrysanthemum Doulou, doesn't mean that you are invincible."

You called a sixty year old man a boy.

This sentence made many soul masters in their thirties and fourties feel speechless.

Then what are we?


Thirty year old baby, hehehe.

"I don't know the immensity of the heay? Haha, the scenery I have seen is not what you can imagine, just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well!"

Dugu Bo despised: "Besides, what about high strength? Soul masters should know the difficulties to advance. Besides, I just said. Soul power, soul ring, and soul abilities are no longer the standard to measure strength. You think I am kidding?"

Good guy, crazy enough!

Before, people still felt that the character of Poison Douluo made people unlikable and there is no comparison.

Now there is a Jiang Long who relies on age difference and power. He is even more unpleasant.

As expected.

There is no harm without comparison.

The beauty of safflower is set off by green leaves.

"Huh, it is said that you are perverse and arrogant Poison Douluo. I saw it today and you really deserve your reputation!"

The older brother, Qianjun said coldly at this time.

"Crazy? This is crazy? There is even more to being crazy." Dugu Bo sneered. "Why don't we do a bet?"

"You want to bet against us?!"

Everyone who were present there were startled.

Is this guy really crazy?

In the face of level ninety six Titled Douluos, he still dare to bet, how crazy this is to fight?

"Yes, I accidentally found it in a record. Fifty years ago, within the jurisdiction of the Spirit Hall, a terrifying strange beast appeared and was finally beheaded by you two. Does the strange beast has a crystal nucleus?" asked Dugu Bo.


Qianjun did not hide.

That was the story of the brothers when they were elders. It was a feat, and it was naturally recorded.

"Then I will bet on it!"

Dugu Bo smiled lightly.

In fact, this is also the purpose of his trip.

Although his problem has been solved, don't forget that Dugu Yan also faces the same problem.

After many inquiries, only the Spirit Hall has ever encountered another strange beast. Therefore, he put his idea on the spirit hall to have the crystal nucleus.

But, because of the opposing relationship between Heavenly Dou Empire and Spirit Hall, it is impossible to obtain such precious things through conventional channels.

If it weren't for the purpose of obtaining the strange beast's crystal nucleus from their hands. He would have not come to the Spirit Hall and fight against Chrysanthemum Doulou.

So Dugu Bo came up with this way to do things in front of Spirit City.

Fortunately, this part of his plan succeeded.

As for offending the Spirit Hall?

He already offended the spirit hall.

The hostility between the two sides is not of one day or two days.

The most important thing is to get the benefits.

After all, that strange beast crystal nucleus is too important, and the life of his granddaughter is greater than the sky!

"Okay, what do you do if you lose?"

"It's up to you."

"Hehe, confident enough. I won't trouble you too much. If you lose, you can kneel for three days in front of Spirit City."

Jiang long sneered.

"Hiss, so cruel."

"It's nothing more than murder and condemnation."

Everyone gasped after hearing the details of the net.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely bad punishment.

This kind of humiliation is even more uncomfortable for the Titled Douluo powerhouse than killing him.

However Dugu Bo surprisingly nodded slightly to him. "It's up to you."

"Old poison, you are too impulsive."

Chrysanthemum Douluo couldn't help but say.

After all, they have been frenemies and fought each other for many years. He has a kind of inexplicable emotion towards Dugu Bo.

This is really weird.

"Haha, old chrysanthemum, don't you know? It's not challenging to defeat you without even showing half of my strength. You see how I abuse this old genius."

Dugu Bo laughed wildly.

They have to say that he is still extremely arrogant in his bones.

Before this, there is no matching strength for his arrogance.

But it's different now.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp. I hope you can smile when you knell in front of Spirit City."

Said Jiang Long and walked forward slowly.

However strangely, every step he took seemed to be normal but his figure has appeared ten meters away for each step.

At the same time, for each step a spirit ring appeared.

So, after nine steps.

He is already less than 100 meters away from Dugu Bo. The perfectly matched nine spirit rings slowly move.

His strength is daunting.

On the other side, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were slowly approaching the center of the battlefield.

"The strength of these two people is even more terrifying than I thought. They are not far from level ninety seven. Moreover, the two are very good at combining attacks. Together, their strength is at level ninety eight."

Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly.

Sword Douluo said lightly. "Sect Master doesn't have to worry too much. What if they can match level 98? They are nothing infront of my sword."

"Hehe, what Uncle sword said is right, I was worrying too much."

Ning Fengzhi laughed.

The two spoke without deliberately shielding the surroundings.

This made the soul masters who were engrossed in watching the battle on the side to feel startled.

Because of observing the movements of the battlefield with full concentration.

He didn't know that the soul master beside him had changed. Then sneered without looking at them and said "Even the level ninety eight titled Doulou is nothing infront of your sword, why don't you go to heaven? "

This statement came out unconsciously.

His surroundings suddenly became quiet.

He felt the strange gazes of people around him.

With doubts he turned his head to see who the 'bragger' behind him was, his expression instantly froze.

Then, he squeezed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"I think the two of you are too humble."

When did these two big guys came here?

No one told me. Pig teammates.

At the same time, in front of Spirit City.

Although Dugu Bo is extremely arrogant in his speech, his spirit has never slackened.

Because verbal provocation is also a tactic.

When used well, without losing the soul control skills it will be effective.

At this time, his martial spirit has appeared behind him. At the same time, the nine spirit rings were shining with mysterious light around him.

This is the first time he has summoned his spirit rings in public after he came here.

Seeing this, Jiang Long didn't hesitate any longer and directly launched a fierce attack with his martial spirit.

He knew that Poison Douluo was a control type spirit master, so of course he wouldn't be foolishly waiting for him to arrange his traps.

This is different from the long range attack method of Chrysanthemum Douluo's attack. His Martial Spirit is surprisingly heavy and extremely strong, and is better at close combat.

They saw his martial spirit move with swift and unparalleled power, turning the sky full of stick shadows, covering Dugu Bo.

"You think you can still catch it!?"

Jiang Long is extremely confident.

 Among the same level, except for the defense type spirit master, he doesn't think anyone can withstand it.

At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Ninety sixth level Titled Douluo is extremely terrifying.

Poison Douluo is in danger.





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