
Without You

The aftermath of Simon Holtz was hell.

After Simon had called him when he got home, they talked every day and texted every free minute.

It was fun.

But it wasn’t the same.

Zeke felt like he’d cry each time he had to hang up after a call from Simon. He’d missed the skinny nerd so much.

He barely spent time at home, except to sleep and shower. He was always at work or his brother’s place or Diane’s place.

He was moping and in a constant bad mood that he was seriously bumming everyone out.

“Cheer up, Zeke boo.” Bella slurred in his ear when he had gone clubbing with she and Diane. “Don’t be sad. If you’re sad, then I’m sad.”

“If you make my girlfriend cry, Zeke, I’ll end you.” An equally drunk Diane warned him. “You are a buzzkill.”

“I’m not.” Zeke protested weakly. “I just…”

“Yeah, we know.” Diane slurred. “You miss your boyfriend. Call him already.”

“I did.” Zeke muttered. It wasn’t enough.

Diane gave him a somewhat dry look. “Then call him again.”