

Jayden's POV.

I sigh as I slowly wake up and crack my eyes open. Luckily the room was dark so there was no light to hurt my eyes. The room around me seemed vaguely familiar but I know it's not Ethan's room.

The walls are a dull white matching the plain ceiling. The room smelled of chemicals and seemed very similar to a doctors office. The only difference was that the bed is super soft and big and there are no strange machines surrounding the bed.

I did have an IV stuck in my arm though. What happened to me? I know I wanted to go for a run by myself. I was in my special clearing and then... he showed up. I gasp as I remember his evil face smirking down at me. I remember the pain he gave me. And he said that I was... I was...pregnant.

I suddenly feel sick as the memories began to flood my mind. Tripping and tumbling over each other trying to hold my attention. Two thoughts stick out to me though.

One: the babies might be his. Two: if they are Ethan's pups instead of his then I may have accidentally killed one or both.

With these two thoughts fighting for my attention I quickly stumble up, barely feeling the IV rip out of my arm and ran toward the bathroom. Luckily the door was open so I didn't have to waste time on that. I fall to my knees in front of the toilet before expelling the contents of my stomach.

As I slump to the floor exhausted a panicked looking Ethan bursts into the bathroom. He looks momentarily relieved to see me before a concerned look takes over.

"Baby, are you okay? Do you still feel sick?" He questions quietly while brushing my bangs out of my face. Only then did I notice how damp my hair was from sweat.

'Im fine. Just a little tired. And don't touch my hair, it's all sweaty right now' I sign to him since I really don't feel like talking right now. I'm so glad he can read sign language for times like these.

"Are you really worried about your hair right now?" He asked while chuckling quietly. I nod slightly and he grins before glancing down at my arm.

"Come on baby. You pulled your IV out. You just got over a fever and I don't want you sick again." He went to pick me up but I quickly shook my head before singing.

'Can I brush my teeth real quick? My mouth tastes gross right now.' He smiles before picking me up and carrying me to the sink. Once he set my feet on the ground he kept a soft but firm grip around my waist to help me balance.

After I was finished he laid me in bed and had the doctor out my IV back in. We spent most of the afternoon snuggling together after that.

I was just about to fall asleep when the doctor finally deemed me safe to be off the IV.

"Hey Jay?" Ethan asked suddenly.

"Yeah babe?" I whisper back. I could talk louder but I wanted to be quiet right now. I just wanted to slip back into my mute days right now but that would upset Ethan.

"I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?" I ask curiously. I didn't see anything in the room so he must have it hidden.

"Let's get you dressed and you can come see it." He grinned excitedly.

I just nod and let him help me change into a button up shirt and shorts. I smile up at him as he links our hands together and gently tugs for me to follow.

He leads me to the car and lets me climb in before he pulls out a piece of cloth.

"Wait. what is that for?" I ask dreadfully. I already know the answer but I hope I'm wrong.

"Well you can't see where the surprise is now can you?" He chuckles.

He carefully ties the cloth around my eyes while making sure none of my hair gets caught in the knot. I sit still just taking in the feel of his hands brushing against my hair.

He finishes tying the cloth and shuts the door before I hear his door open and close. He turns the car on and puts on some quiet music for me to listen to.

After a while of sitting there I begin to feel restless. It was frustrating not being able to see where I was.

"Ethan? How much longer till we get there?" I whine. I know it's childish but I'm bored, hungry, and pregnant. Wow that is so weird to think. I can't believe I am actually pregnant.

"Yes babe. We are here now." I hear the engine shut off and Ethan's door open and close. My door opens soon after and Ethan gently guides me out of the car and onto what feels like grass.

He leads me several feet before stopping me and slowly untying the knot. I gasp as the cloth fully falls off and I take in the beautiful view.

The grass is a little tall but not too much. There are several clouds gathered in the sky turning a pinkish sunset color. It was defiantly the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen and I've seen quite a bit of nice sunsets.

"So what do you think? Is it ok?"

"Ok? It's perfect!! Thank you so much babe!" I exclaim before I stand on my tip toes for him to kiss me. He kisses me slowly, moving his lips softly against mine.

I almost get lost in the feeling but he pulls back and sits down pulling me with him.

"So are the babies ok?" I ask timidly.

"They are fine the doctor said. But tomorrow morning you are getting an ultrasound." Ethan explained gently. I feel relief flow through me as the words sank in.

Both my babies are alive. I didn't take an innocent life.

"I'm so glad." I say quietly as I lay next to him and rest my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat as I watch the sky slowly turn from pink to black.

My heart feels fuzzy and light as he wraps an arm around me and nuzzles the top of my head. Tonight is perfect. I hope it will stay that way.


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