
Chapter 462 Almighty True Knowledge Analysis_2

["The Ancestor of the Law" kept spouting gibberish, his golden pupils betraying an ever-increasing madness.]

[At last, the rotting sores on its face began to spread and expand, until they covered its whole body.]

[Its face twisted in madness, it tried desperately to open its mouth wide, tearing apart both upper and lower jaws, the tear extending to the roots of its ears…]

[Its humanoid shell began to transform into the shape of an Ancient Dragon, but its distorted, deform body bore no resemblance to the Ancient Dragons, exactly like the other Ancestors who were dominated by Chaos.]

[The space within the light grid could not contain the colossal Meat Mountain body; the expanding, aberrant flesh pressed against each other, squeezing out through the gaps in the light grid; yet the flesh could not break through the restraints at the Divine Level, and in the end, it all burst apart explosively.]