
Chapter 345 Experimental Record Manual_1

It seemed that Flandre's sleeping palace was not within the boundary of Zhongsi City, as it took them almost half a day to arrive at their destination even with the speed of courier beetles.

Despite the exceptional distance of the journey, the fare strangely did not increase and remained at ten thousand spirit points, causing Lin Xun to marvel at the rare bit of fairness in the game from the Underworld.


[As you emerge from the abdomen, a refreshing breeze hits your face. As it had been a long time since you'd last seen the sunshine, you couldn't help but raise your hand to shade your eyes, and it took you a moment to adjust.]

[The dome of the sky was a brilliant blue, dotted with fluffy white clouds, and before your eyes stretched a vast grassland. The breeze rustled through the lush grassland, waving it like a vivid green sea.]

[Oddly enough, you did not smell the expected fragrance of green grass.]