
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime et bandes dessinées
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277 Chs

Chapter 242: Uchiha Pride

The Uchiha clan was unwilling to return to Konoha.

This point came as a surprise to Danzō, Ōnoki and the rest, as well as Kakashi and Orochimaru.

So Kakashi grew anxious, hoping he could persuade the Uchiha clan to change their minds.

Unfortunately, they weren't convinced at all.

"Kakashi, if what you said was true about the Uchihas being Konoha's rightful owners, we would never have been marginalized to the edges of the village," Tetsuhi rebutted.

"The Uchiha were never obligated to save Konoha in the first place. Can't they rescue themselves?" Itachi added. Neither he nor Tetsuhi were moved by Kakashi and Orochimaru's bow.

The silent Shisui made no indication of his stance either. After dying once, his former duty to protect the village had vanished along with any lingering affection he held for Konoha.

"This is..." Kakashi and Orochimaru were left dumbfounded.

The reason they had joined the Uchiha side was precisely to help the clan defeat the Shinobi Alliance and drive out Danzō, allowing the Uchihas to reclaim their place as Konoha's masters.

But now, the Uchiha clan didn't even care for Konoha anymore and saw it as beneath them.

Witnessing this, Tsunade sighed inwardly before speaking up for Kakashi:

"My view aligns with Kakashi's. When Konoha was first founded, Madara Uchiha was the one who named the village. And my grandfather created the title of Hokage hoping that Madara would become village leader, since Katon techniques represented the Uchiha clan.

I believe now is the time for the position of Hokage to return to its original meaning - with the Uchihas filling that role. What do you guys think?"

Tsunade's argument clearly held more weight than Kakashi's plea. After all, the title of Hokage was the dream of countless Konoha shinobi, and had once been an ambition the Uchiha clan was unable to let go of.

Years ago when Madara angrily defected from Konoha, it was because he failed to become Hokage. In the following decades, the Uchihas grew further and further from that coveted position.

And now, the prestigious title they had craved for was right before their eyes, ripe for the taking.

Would the Uchiha clan return to Konoha and assume the mantle of Hokage?

The answer should come from either clan leader Fugaku or Dan. One of them would undoubtedly be the top choice for the new Hokage after all.

As such, everyone's gazes unanimously turned towards the two men, full of anticipation.

Becoming Hokage had never crossed Fugaku's mind. Because to him, there was only one candidate suited for the role - his nephew, Uchiha Dan.

In terms of might, reputation and leadership, no one was more qualified than Dan. Simply based on his glorious feats of subduing the Four Kage and annihilating tens of thousands of allied shinobi, Dan would be equal to the First Hokage upon taking office.

What's more, Fugaku also remembered Dan joking in the past that the first thing he'd do as Hokage was tear down the entire Hokage Building. Then he would construct a nine-storey watchtower called Tenshukaku in its place, where he would stand at the top with a folding fan looking down on the masses, proclaiming himself as the "Man Above Men."


"Dan, are you ready to become the Man Above Men? No matter when, I and the entire Uchiha clan will give you our full support for the position," said Fugaku as he gazed at his nephew expectantly.

However, Dan seemed somewhat distracted. He abruptly stood up to leave, tossing out, "Samui said she wasn't feeling well this morning. I should head back to check on her. Regarding things here, Clan Leader, I'll leave it to your discretion."

Then under everyone's startled looks, he strode away in large steps.

As he exited the conference room, Dan walked past the four Kage. They averted their eyes at the same time, displaying varying degrees of fear towards him.

Especially Danzō - when their gazes met for an instant, the predatory glint Dan gave him evoked a deep dread and unease within the old man.

Even so, Danzō also secretly felt relieved upon hearing Dan had no interest in becoming Hokage.

Boom! The conference room's door shut behind Dan as he took his leave.

Tap tap tap. Fugaku frowned and drummed his fingers on the table, deeply contemplating for a good while.

Afterwards, he made a shocking decision.

Swish. Fugaku stood up and looked Kakashi straight in the eye as he declared:

"Kakashi, as you've witnessed, the Uchiha clan has no desire to return to Konoha. However, in gratitude for your contributions this past year, we shall aid you in becoming the Sixth Hokage!"

What? Kakashi was instantly stunned upon hearing this. He quickly waved in refusal:

"Fugaku-sama, you think too highly of me. How could I possibly qualify for the Hokage position..."

He absolutely didn't expect the Uchiha clan to be so generous as to directly grant him such an honour. After all, Kakashi was only 21 years old this year - even younger than when his sensei the Fourth Hokage took office.

When Minato Namikaze became Hokage, he had already established glorious war achievements in the Third Shinobi World War as the Yellow Flash, earning him admiration and support from the public, truly a hero in people's hearts.

In comparison, Kakashi's foundation and experience paled far in inadequacy. He was nowhere near suitable to be Hokage.

However...there was someone qualified enough.

Thinking of this, Kakashi glanced at Tsunade before suggesting:

"Why not have Lady Tsunade become the Hokage instead? Lord Orochimaru and I can return to Anbu to support her governance of Konoha."

In Kakashi's view, Fugaku was actually the most ideal choice given the Uchiha clan leader's composure and consideration of the greater good. Compared to Dan whose might was unrivaled but did as he wished, Fugaku was more befitting to lead a village.

But since the Uchiha clan declined to reclaim Konoha, they could only settle for second best.

As granddaughter of the First Hokage, Tsunade had impeccable pedigree. She was also one of the Legendary Sannin, earning Konoha many battle merits over the years. And she was a medical prodigy who had saved countless lives, thus revered by shinobi worldwide.

No matter how one looked at it, Tsunade was the proper candidate to become the Sixth Hokage.

Unfortunately, Kakashi's hopes were somewhat wishful thinking.

"What nonsense! I have zero interest in becoming Hokage, so stop trying to rope me in!" Tsunade rejected outright without the slightest hesitation, even glaring at Kakashi and leaving him looking rather awkward.

If she truly aspired to be Hokage, she would have competed for it long ago instead of leaving Konoha for over a decade. What's more, becoming Hokage under the Uchiha clan's backing would be humiliating in her eyes.

The ever prideful Tsunade would never agree to that.

The position of Hokage was something countless people fought tooth and nail for in the past. Yet now, it had been declined one after another by Dan, Kakashi and Tsunade - as if the prestigious title wasn't worth a damn.

An awkward atmosphere descended upon the room. But inwardly, Danzō completely relaxed with a sly delight.

From the looks of it, the Uchiha clan had no intention whatsoever of reclaiming Konoha. And since Tsunade refused to be Hokage while Kakashi lacked the capacity, that meant Danzō could still retain his seat as the Fifth. Konoha would continue under his command.


"Let us conclude today's proceedings then," said Fugaku as he looked towards the four Kage with a piercing gaze. "You may take your troops and leave. However, remember that according to terms of surrender, all reparations must be paid within one month. Otherwise, the Uchiha clan will pay each of your villages a personal visit."

The Kage paled at his words before promptly getting up to hastily take their leave.

As the four shadows departed...

"Father, are we truly letting Danzō return to Konoha just like this?" Itachi forcefully suppressed the rage and dissatisfaction simmering within. All this time he had wanted to kill Danzō with his own hands to avenge Shisui, yet the chance eluded him still.

Especially now. Despite the Uchiha clan's decisive victory, that old geezer got to walk away free and clear, returning to his Hokage seat in Konoha! This outcome was unacceptable to Itachi.

Upon hearing this, Fugaku frowned severely and admonished his son:

"This decision comes from your uncle. Stop going after Danzō."

Itachi froze in shock for a good while trying to process this. Fugaku himself also found it rather puzzling why Dan kept showing leniency towards someone like Danzō. But since it was Dan's call, there had to be deeper reasons behind it.

With the meeting concluded, the council members also dispersed.

Outside, a completely lost Orochimaru turned to Kakashi. "What should we do next, senpai?"

Kakashi furrowed his brows, wracking his mind hard.

Could he really be forced to become the Sixth Hokage against his wishes? But even if Kakashi assumed that role, he was doubtful whether he had the capacity to change Konoha's plight...

Just then, Tsunade's voice sounded from behind them:

"Why not ask the villagers of Konoha what they think regarding this?"

Kakashi snapped back to attention. He immediately bowed respectfully towards Tsunade and said earnestly:

"Lady Tsunade, please advise."


Tsunade stepped up and patted Kakashi on the shoulder, cutting straight to the heart of the matter:

"Given the Uchiha's proud disposition, they will absolutely never take the initiative to reclaim Konoha. Can't you guys see that by now? Unless...

The people of Konoha are willing to apologize for their past attitudes against the Uchiha clan, collectively petitioning or even sending representatives to the Mountain's Graveyard in person, begging the Uchiha clan to return - only then might there still be a sliver of hope."

So that was how it is...!

Kakashi's eyes widened as everything clicked in realization. In an instant, many things suddenly made perfect sense to him now.

In this world, aside from the Uchiha themselves, the one who understood the clan best still had to be Lady Tsunade after all!

Thinking so...

"Lady Tsunade, now I understand," said Kakashi with a nod. He immediately instructed Orochimaru: "Come on, back to Konoha!"


The battered remnants of the Four Great Villages' armies trudged away from the Mountain's Graveyard in dispirited defeat. Though they came here domineering and mighty, all who returned were left miserably crestfallen. The psychological trauma imprinted onto the survivors of this devastating war would haunt them for life.

Among them, Konoha's forces suffered by far the heaviest casualties. Out of twenty thousand shinobi, barely six thousand remained, not even a third survived.

The endless wars over the past year had nearly depleted Konoha's military might.

Take for example their elite Inoshikachō trio. The Akimichi clan leader Chōza Akimichi was dead; the Nara clan leader Shikaku Nara still lay comatose from his injuries; only Inoichi Yamanaka of Team Ten's fathers remained, himself heavily wounded.

Additionally, Hiashi Hyūga the Hyūga clan's leader also lost an arm and a leg in this war, left crippled and disabled.

As for the smaller Shinobi clans, deaths and casualties were even more extreme. Some clans had their shinobi completely annihilated, their family lines severed entirely in genocide.

Many more perished along the road back to Konoha from mortal wounds, reducing their numbers by an extra thousand men.

In the end, not even five thousand returned home. They were practically all that remained of Konoha's fighting strength. And among them were still a considerable number of elderly, children, the sick and disabled.

None of that concerned Danzō however. Back in Konoha, he immediately ordered his Anbu members to plunder money and assets. The exorbitant war reparations had to be scrounged up in the shortest time possible.

Out of the ten billion ryo the Uchiha demanded, Konoha's share amounted to three billion ryo - no meager figure for today's village. Failure to pay up within the month would cost Danzō his Hokage status.

Therefore, he would stop at nothing, even raiding major clans' properties by force or nationalizing villagers' shops and businesses just to desperately pool together the hefty sum.

This sparked major discontent and complaints among the populace. What dismayed them further wasn't only Konoha's need to pay steep reparations, but mainly Danzō still occupying the Hokage seat while continuing to oppress the villagers.


Since the Uchiha made no indication for the occupational armies to withdraw, those unequal treaties the four foreign villages imposed on Konoha previously remained valid. This only stacked more misery on the already distressed people.

The new hierarchy in the Shinobi World had taken shape:

The Uchiha Clan stood above all as overlords; the Four Great Shinobi Villages were considered first class citizens; only Konoha shinobi and civilians made up the bottom rung as lesser beings.

Once this harsh reality dawned upon them, feelings of despair and hatred seeped through Konoha's populace. But the brunt of their hatred was directed not at the other villages or even the Uchiha, but rather Danzō.

It was this old fart Danzō who dragged Konoha into its current wretched state, marching the village steadily towards destruction with his own two hands.

Under such circumstances...

The shinobi and civilians ultimately reached their limit. If they did not rise up against Danzō's rule soon, every single one of them would eventually share the same fate as the Sarutobi clan.

A storm brewed rapidly within Konoha under the cover of night's darkness.

The Hyūga estate...

Hiashi Hyūga, clan heads of the Inoshikachō clans, Inuzuka, Aburame, Kurama, Yamanaka, Akimichi ninja families - all the major and minor Shinobi clans' chieftains gathered together, secretly plotting a coup d'état.

"Everyone, it's been proven repeatedly that Danzō will do anything to cling onto his Hokage status. If this persists we will only die a slow death. We must unite and fight Danzō with our lives on the line!" Hiashi's voice rang sharply. Having lost an arm and leg, his body exuded a tragic yet resolute aura that left no doubt this Hyūga leader would pit his all to oppose Danzō.

And it wasn't just Hiashi. Over a hundred Hyūgas were also cruelly blinded on Danzō's orders, reduced to the fate of the Branch House members. Naturally, the Hyūga clan's determination to revolt was the staunchest among them all.

"But do we stand a chance? There are still so many paper bombs buried in the village under Danzō's control. If we pressure him too hard and he detonates them..." someone brought up worriedly.

"Cough cough." Shikaku Nara coughed twice before explaining to everyone:

"This past year without Danzō noticing, we've gradually swapped most of the paper bombs with duds. As for the stone faces of Hokage Rock, though there are Anbu keeping close guard denying our access, based on my calculations and analysis Danzō and Orochi* must be lying!

Even if Danzō did trigger explosions within Hokage Rock, its might wouldn't be enough to bury the entire village. In other words, Danzō is merely scaremongering..."

Having said so, Shikaku broke into another fit of coughs.

[*TL Note: Orochi(大蛇丸) refers to Orochimaru]

The others still seemed hesitant upon hearing this. Once they revolted there would be no turning back after all.

Seeing their reluctance, Hiashi shook his head. It looked like only the final resort remained to persuade them.

"Show yourselves," he called into the shadows.