
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime et bandes dessinées
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278 Chs

Chapter 139: Strong Man's Lock

Uchiha Clan territory.

A drunken Tsunade, supported by Shizune, emerged from a tavern.

Accompanying them was a man dressed in a black kimono. He was tall and imposing, with a stern face. At first glance, he seemed to be a ruthless, domineering figure.

That must be Uchiha Dan.

Jiraiya watched from a distance, his gaze fixed.

He had already received all the information about Dan from the Third Hokage, who had repeatedly warned him to be careful and cautious when dealing with Dan, as he was extremely dangerous.

In Jiraiya's view.

The actions of Uchiha Dan so far were even more egregious than those of Orochimaru in his time. Even if he was expelled from Konoha, it would not be too much.

The Third Hokage was too kind.

What puzzled Jiraiya was, why would Tsunade associate with someone like Uchiha Dan?

Rumor had it that the two had met because Dan's name was the same as Tsunade's first love.

But in Jiraiya's memory.

Dan Kato was a handsome long-haired man, upright and gentle, and shared the same aspirations as Tsunade. He was once considered Jiraiya's biggest rival in love.

Uchiha Dan, on the other hand, had almost nothing in common with Dan Kato, neither in appearance nor in character. In fact, they were completely opposite.

Jiraiya was puzzled.

Forget it, instead of guessing here, it's better to ask Tsunade directly and also to get in touch with Uchiha Dan, the Hokage's assistant.

With that in mind.

Jiraiya strode over, but before he could enter the gate, he was stopped by the gatekeeper.

"Stop! No one from outside the Uchiha clan is allowed in," Raijin shouted.

"Except for Lady Tsunade," Fujin added carefully.

Jiraiya frowned, seeing that these two guys didn't seem too bright, he decided to reveal his identity to scare them off: "I am the Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku, haven't you heard of my name, Jiraiya?"

In the entire village of Konoha, whoever saw him, Jiraiya, had to call him sir.

But what Jiraiya didn't expect was.

"What's a toad? Can you eat it, brother?" Raijin turned to Fujin and asked curiously.

"Idiot, toads are poisonous. If you eat them, you'll die," Fujin seriously educated his brother.

Then the two brothers glared at Jiraiya together, rolled up their sleeves, and were about to drive him, the "toad", away.

"..." Jiraiya's face twitched, not wanting to tangle with these idiotic brothers, he immediately retreated and quickly disappeared from the brothers' sight.

However, he didn't plan to give up just like that, but went around and came to a deserted corner.


Jiraiya, like a large raccoon dog, leaped over the wall and landed lightly on the ground.

After entering the Uchiha clan's territory.

He used a little trick to avoid the Uchiha patrol team, climbed up the back wall of the Body Modification Department building, and successfully sneaked in through the window.

The third floor of the Body Modification Department was a living area, where Dan, Samui, and Tsunade and her disciple lived.


As soon as Jiraiya entered, he heard the sound of water from the bathroom

Someone was taking a bath.

Could it be Tsunade?

His mind began to wander, and he revealed a lecherous smile, but then he remembered,

Tsunade was drunk, it probably wasn't her.

Even if it was Tsunade, he wouldn't dare to peep.

After all, the last time he peeped at Tsunade bathing, she broke six of his ribs and ruptured his internal organs. He almost died.

Thinking of this nightmarish memory.

He shivered and came to his senses.

So, Jiraiya held his breath and tiptoed past the bathroom, not making a sound.

But just then the sound of water in the bathroom suddenly stopped.

Had he been discovered? Jiraiya looked surprised and quickly looked towards the bathroom. The next second—


The bathroom door was kicked open and flew towards him like a cannonball.

Not good. Jiraiya's face changed, and he quickly made a seal. His long white hair suddenly came to life and danced wildly.

Lion's Mane Technique.


His long hair shot out like a rope, wrapping around the flying door and stopping it.

Dan stepped out of the bathroom.

At this time, he was bare-chested, wearing only a towel. With one step, he was in front of Jiraiya.

Without a word, he threw a punch.


The door was instantly punched through by Dan, and his fist, without losing momentum, went straight for Jiraiya's chest.

Jiraiya reacted quickly, raising his arms to cross in front of his chest to block Dan's punch.


With one hit, Jiraiya slid back several meters, his tall body hitting the balcony, causing all the windows on the third floor to shatter.

What terrifying power.

Jiraiya only felt a sharp pain in his arms, and then they went numb. The opponent's strength was almost identical to Tsunade's.

"Wait, this is a misunderstanding!" He came to his senses and quickly shouted at Dan.

However, Dan ignored him and threw another punch at Jiraiya's face.

In his anger and surprise, Jiraiya once again used the Lion's Mane Technique, trying to wrap Dan's body and subdue him.


Dan's fist suddenly squirmed, creating an illusion that left Jiraiya momentarily dazed.

Yin Release: Phantom Body Technique.

Taking this opportunity.

Slap. Dan grabbed Jiraiya's long hair and forcefully threw him to the side, causing Jiraiya to lift off the ground and crash into the wall.


Jiraiya crashed through the wall and fell into the reception room.

Dan followed closely.

To prevent Jiraiya from creating distance and using ninjutsu, Dan directly mounted Jiraiya, dragging him into a ground brawl.

Bang, bang, bang!

He raised his fists and hammered Jiraiya's head, forcing him to protect his head with his hands.

But this was just a feint by Dan.

He quickly found Jiraiya's opening, grabbed Jiraiya's right arm with one hand, and with the other hand, he reached around Jiraiya's right arm and grabbed his own wrist.

Then, while using his own weight to suppress Jiraiya, making him unable to move or resist.

He used the principle of leverage, combined the strength of both arms, and applied an upward force on Jiraiya's right arm.

Joint lock technique, Kimura lock.


With a crisp sound, Jiraiya's right arm was broken.

"Ah!" In extreme pain, Jiraiya couldn't help but scream.

Hearing the commotion of their fight.

"What's going on?"

Samui, Tsunade, and Shizune, all in their pajamas, rushed out of their rooms.

Upon arrival, they saw Dan on top of Jiraiya, subduing him with a jujitsu hold.


The sight of two grown men wrestling on the ground was not exactly graceful.

During the process, the towel wrapped around Dan's lower body had slipped down quite a bit, threatening to expose him completely.

Seeing this.

The faces of the three women turned red, and they all turned their heads away, but the image in their minds was hard to erase.

Dan stood up, nonchalantly adjusting his towel.

"Director, what... what happened?" Samui asked, her face flushed.

Dan glanced at Jiraiya, who was lying on the ground, sweating profusely and in great pain, and said coldly: "He sneaked into the building and peeped at me while I was bathing."

At his words, the three women present all gasped, their faces full of shock.

Jiraiya was even more shocked, almost spitting out blood.

I peeped at you? I, the perverted hermit, am interested in women, not men, damn it! Don't slander my innocence!

But he was already in so much pain that he couldn't speak, and could only scream at Dan in his heart.

Tsunade walked over, frowning.

Of course, she recognized Jiraiya, but she didn't expect their reunion after so many years to be in such a scene.

"Tsunade, long time no see..." Jiraiya managed to speak, squeezing out a smile that was uglier than crying.

Tsunade immediately noticed that Jiraiya's right arm had been twisted in the opposite direction at the elbow. She couldn't help but gasp.

Dan was too heavy-handed.

"Don't move!" She scolded, squatting down next to Jiraiya and immediately starting to treat him.

Half an hour later.

In the newly tidied reception room.

On the tatami mat, Jiraiya sat on one side of the low table, his arm bandaged and hanging from his neck.

Across from him, Dan, now dressed, remained expressionless.

"I'm sorry..."

Jiraiya took a long time to gather his thoughts, and although he was reluctant, he finally apologized.

After all, he had trespassed on private property, and even if he was put in a strong man's lock and had an arm broken, he could only swallow the bitter pill.

"As long as it was a misunderstanding, let's forget about it." Dan seemed quite magnanimous, agreeing not to dwell on Jiraiya's peeping incident, and then stood up to go back to his room to rest.

Jiraiya then looked at Tsunade, who was standing to the side. She was crossing her arms and looking at him with a disgusted expression.

"Tsunade, can we talk..." He had just started speaking when Tsunade cut him off.

"Your injury needs half a month to heal. During this time, I advise you to control your lower half and stay away from any places of ill repute."

She coldly left these words and turned to leave.

Tsunade did care about Jiraiya in her heart, after all, he was her longtime friend. But her care only went so far.

Watching Tsunade's retreating figure, Jiraiya was stunned.

After a while.

"Sigh." He sighed, showing a bitter smile, and got up to leave.

For Jiraiya, this was undoubtedly a terrible night. He finally saw the goddess who had haunted his dreams for many years, only to make a fool of himself in front of her.


After personally experiencing Dan's show of force, he finally understood the Third Hokage's warning.

Uchiha Dan was indeed a very dangerous man.


Under the same night sky.


Inside a massive sewer pipe, the bodies of Root shinobi were scattered haphazardly, each one more gruesome than the last.

In the middle of the bodies, a figure clad in the cloak of the Akatsuki, with Rinnegan eyes, stood indifferently.

Just now.

A battle had erupted here.

The combatants were a group of forty Root members led by Aburame Tatsuma.

The other side was the target of Root's assassination mission—Pain, the leader of the Akatsuki, or more accurately, the Six Paths of Pain.

From the outcome.

Root had clearly failed, and it was a devastating defeat with almost all members wiped out, with only a few managing to escape.

For Pain, this battle was just an appetizer.

Because, his next target for the night was the three thousand shinobi army of Konoha.