

Susan barged in. Her brother, Trevor looked genuinely surprised to see her. The expression on her face spelt trouble.

"What have you done this time?", Trey asked rolling his eyes in frustration.

"Gosh, it is too early for this. What is wrong with Susan?", Femi asked the air as he laid on the couch staring at the roof. This is what men who just had heated arguments with their wives do right?, he asked himself for the tenth time only he did not speak aloud. It was early Saturday morning which means that he could have an alone time with his wife, Susan, and rekindle their romance with all the romantic ideas he had thought up during the week. He hardly got a free day in his field of work as a prestigious lawyer in Freedom Law Firm, the best law firm in Los Angeles or says Time magazine and he intended to spend the entire day with his wife. He had even arranged for their four kids to go to his mother-in-law's place for the weekend but who knew she'll get so mad with him that she would leave the house to her brother's?.

Susan dropped on the couch beside her brother in exhaustation. Trevor shot her a look. He swore if she wasn't his kid sister he'd have chased her out. He feared the force she used to sit could have sent him flying out of the chair and heading straight to his plasma TV.

"Why do you always assume I am in the wrong anytime Femi and I have a fight?".

"Well isn't that how it has always been?. You complaining about all the smallest things and him not wanting trouble, tries to put up with you for peace to reign?. Just tell me what you did this time."

"Well I am not the one wrong this time. Femi is."

"So tell me kid sis, what did he do to make you rushing to my place 7 am in the morning?".

"He refused to complain?", Susan blotted out. Trevor nearly hit her head.

"What?. You are complaining that your husband is not complaining while my wife is angry because I did what you are complaining your husband is not doing. Unbelievable!".

"What?. Wait a minute, you had a fight with Bukky? Where is she?"

"At her brother's place", came Trevor's faint reply.

"You mean to tell me that Bukola is with Femi the way I am with you now?".

"Yep. Apparently today is the day women decided yo report their husbands to each other. Or should I say their brothers?"