
Saved by the rebel leader (Xertian Soulmates 1)

No one expects to find love while struggling to overthrow an evil king! Wiphas As the most wanted man on Xertia, Wiphas lives life on the edge. The last thing he needs is dependent-but that's just what he gets after saving the would-be sex-slave, Shane. Now Wiphas has a decision to make... Part of him wants to abandon the human omega and keep his focus on leading the rebellion. Another part of him can't help but become enraptured by the gorgeous man's glistening eyes... Shane Art Student Shane was living a privileged life as the son of a wealthy yet heartless diplomat. His corrupt father decided to gift Shane to his business partner, the King of Xertia, as a way to get rid of him after he came out as gay. Before he can seal Shane's fate, Xertian rebels attack his ship, his son gets kidnapped by the infamous rebel leader Wiphas. Now Shane needs protection, both from his father and the king he was stolen from, but can he trust this gruff rebel leader who always locks him in his gaze?

DeaSkye · Romance
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27 Chs

Chapter 23


I wake up feeling wrung out, I'm sticky with sweat and other fluids. I turn beet red, realizing what the other fluids are. My ass aches at the memory of our sex marathon. I feel thirsty and hungry, trying to get up I get dizzy.

"Woah be careful Shane, let me help you."

The bed dips and Wiphas sit's beside me, hugging me to him.

"Water," I croak coughing.

A tall glass of water presses into my hand, grateful I take it. Drinking slowly, the dryness of my throat disappear.

"How long did we?"

I ask, looking down, too shy to look him into the eyes.

Wiphas grabs my chin and pulls my head up, kissing me sweetly before looking directly into my eyes, grabbing my hands in his.

"You went into heat when we started to have sex. That was fifty-three hours ago, your heat stopped as soon as.." Wiphas tries to say, but I interrupt him.

"I conceived."

Stunned I look down at my stomach, I try to imagine growing a life. Tears fill my eyes, remembering my painting. Happiness fills me, and my heart swells. I look up at Wiphas with tears glistening in my eyes. He looks worried, I start to laugh.

"Shane, are you okay?"

"More than okay, I'm beyond happy, ouch," I say, grabbing the right side of my neck.

It feels sore, I have no idea why my memory is still fuzzy.

"I um, I claimed you. As in giving you my mating bite. It should feel for a few more hours slightly sore. It's already nearly healed."

A blush spreads over his face, darkening his grey skin further. I pull my left hand from his and lay it down on my still flat stomach. The rumble of my stomach destroys the peaceful moment, and Wiphas starts to laugh.

"Yes, food is in order. You need to eat more now, you are eating at least for two," Wiphas says joyfully.

"At least?" I ask, shocked, getting dizzy.

"Single births are the exception in our species, twins and triplets are the norms."

"Twins? Tri, Triplets!" I shout before I blackout.


I come to Doc arguing with Wiphas,

"You claimed him while he was in heat! How can you call that consent Captain."

"He wasn't in heat when we started to make out and he initiated it. But I should have stopped myself from going all the way. Or at least we should have talked about children before we have gone and created them."

Hearing Wiphas berate himself, I can't help but interrupt them,

"I don't regret anything. I was just surprised about the pregnancy. That is as you all know a new normal to me."

I can see Wiphas visibly relax at my words. Doc walks over and checks me with his medical scanning unit.

"Your vitals are fine and the twins are developing as expected. But you need to eat more, I will send our Captain a nutrition plan for you. I will check you weekly for now. This will be the first Xertian-human children. As it is the first pregnancy we need to keep a close eye on everything."

"Ok, I'm relieved that everything is fine. Before Shane fainted we wanted to go and get food. So we should all go eating and there we can talk about more details."

Together we walk to the canteen, Wiphas makes me sit down while he brings food for all of us. I should be annoyed that he's babying me. But I'm so hungry I don't care. Wiphas comes back with two overflowing plates stuffed with food to the brim. He puts the one with mostly veggies before me. I want to argue about that when Doc seems to read my mind,

"Shane you need the vitamins and the red meat on his plate is taboo for you."

Begrudgingly I take my fork and pierce a piece of honey glazed Brussels sprouts. Trying it I'm pleasantly surprised, these are delicious I dig in with more vigor. Next, I try the seasoned chicken breast and baked potatoes. They are yummy as well and without further prompting, I eat the food before me. I was so immersed in my food I didn't notice Curtis joining us.

"The day I see you eating Brussel sprouts with so much vigor I thought would never come. Are you deathly ill?"

Swallowing the last bite I reply,

"No just pregnant."

Dropping the bomb on my friend like it is nothing big. Curtis must have swallowed his mouthful wrongly. He starts to cough and Krelak helps him with claps to his back.

"Pregnant? How?"

"Really? You of all people should know how something like that can happen. Remember? I'm an omega now, like your dad."

Curtis blushes furiously, looking at his plate,

"I… that was a stupid question. Congratulations?"

"Yes, these are good news, even when they are unexpected, It's the first time I'm happy being an omega."

Putting my hands on my flat stomach I smile.

"Woah you are glowing literally with happiness."

Everyone agrees I didn't notice the rest joining us.

A big plate with different little desserts is placed in front of me, Wiphas winks at me,

"Now that all of us are here, I think a little celebration is in order. With all the things happening, we should celebrate the good things even when they seem small."

I take the mini cake with apple sauce and cinnamon cream. Taking a bite, the delicious flavor of sour apples and spicy cinnamon complemented with the sweet cream takes my taste buds to heaven.

"How did you know this one was one of my favorites?" I ask Wiphas after I have eaten every crumb of the cake.

"I told him," Curtis says grinning.

"You have chocolate on your right cheek."

Before he can swipe it away, Davac leans in with a tissue and wipes it away. Curtis blushes again, and I start to laugh.

"Ehm so what happened while I was otherwise occupied? I can see we are already in hyperspace."

"We started our journey forty five hours ago. We couldn't wait till your heat was over. Our people are expecting us and each day more on Xerun will be one more day they can be attacked," Wiphas explains to me.

"I get that. I think Curtis's parents of all people understand what heats are like. I still can contact them now. After all, I have wonderful news to share."

"We can break the news together. After all, it's my first time I get to be an uncle."

"You can use the conference room to make the call. I would love to come with you, but I need an update from Xerun."

Nodding I stand up and Curtis follows me out the canteen. Before we reach the door I can hear Doc shout,

"Shane I will send you a list with everything you can expect in the first few weeks and what kind of activity, beverages, and foods are off-limits."

Maybe I should have asked him how long this pregnancy will be. I file my question for later while we walk along the corridor. Getting into the lift, Curtis selects deck two.


After sharing my good news with Curtis's parents, I walk back to our quarters intending on taking a nap. The tablet Wiphas gave me, chimes with a new message. Taking the tablet from the desk, I get comfortable in bed. The message is from Doc with the promised information on Xertian pregnancies. Curious I open the message,


In the file attached, you will find everything about Xertian pregnancies. While you are a human, I made assumptions based on the data I gotten from other human interspecies matings. While this is only theoretical data, I'm happy to record the first human-xertian pregnancy for future matings. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call or visit me in the med bay.



Opening the file attached, I can see that doc organized them into three main topics, development of the fetus, pregnancy symptoms, and the birthing process. I tap on the first topic and begin to read. A normal Xertian pregnancy takes thirteen months, holy crap I thought our females had it hard. Looking down at my flat stomach, I can't imagine what I will look like thirteen months along. Looking back into the file, I can see a note from Doc. He expects that my pregnancy takes around eleven months. That's still more than I thought and I hope it's eleven and not thirteen.

The next part describes in great detail the growth and development of the child in the thirteen months. Checking Doc left a note here too, the child when fully develop and ready for delivery is around the size of a human three months old. Oh my god, how will I birth it then? Panicked I jump to the birthing process topic, reading the rather short topic. My nerves settle down, according to other interspecies matings a c-section will be necessary. I'm rather cut open than trying to squeeze a baby in the size of a three-month-old out of my asshole.

One topic to go, I read what joys my the condition will bring. Morning sickness usually starts ten weeks along and last up to week thirty in severe cases. Normal is to week twenty-four. In the last stage of the pregnancy is heartburn expected. The doctor needs to monitor my blood pressure and sugar levels. Swollen ankles and back pain is expected as the pregnancy progress. Because of the multiply birth, I will be on bed rest in the last one and half months. Mood swings and carving are common over the whole pregnancy.

So besides my belly growing bigger than a human pregnant belly should grow, the symptoms are the same. That at least is a bit comforting. I could certainly do without morning sickness, but I'm sure Doc has something for that.

My questions are answered, for now, we will see how this goes. Shutting off the tablet, I lay down for a nap.

Waking up I feel hungry and restless, getting up. I walk to the small kitchenette, scrolling throughout the available menu of the food replicator. I choose a simple ham and cheese sandwich and a small salad. I start to eat when Wiphas steps through the door.

"Shane I'm happy to see that you are eating again."

Hugging me from behind, I melt into his embrace. Food was forgotten until he separates from me. I can hear Wiphas using the food replicator himself. Placing a glass on the table he takes the seat opposite of me.

"You only get something to drink?"

"Mate, I'm not the one eating for three, and this red ginger tea I first tried back at the generals home is my new favorite. Before I forget it here is the list of banned food and beverage for the duration of the pregnancy. I already programmed our small food replicator accordingly. But you need the list for the canteen and any other circumstances."

Again my tablet chimes, before I can get up, Wiphas brings it to me. Looking over the list, I make a face when I see that I need to limit my caffeine intake.

"I'm only allowed one cup of my tea?" I pout.

"Yes, your earl grey does not have much caffeine but Doc recommends only one cup a day. Better would be none. But as long as you don't get high blood pressure, you can drink one cup a day."


Not exactly happy but for my two little ones, I will manage the sacrifice.

Polishing the rest of my sandwich I'm stuffed. Looking at Wiphas I get hungry for something else. Standing up I walk around the small table, staring into Wiphas eyes I lean in and kiss him. Backing away I can see Wiphas eyes blown with lust, taking his hand, I lead him to our bed.

"I… I want to… I can remember."

"Your wish is my command omega."

Stripping my shirt from me he starts to explore my chest. Flicking his tongue over my right nipple and pinching the left with his fingers. I can feel heat infuse my body, my cock takes notice. Twitching in my jeans, I moan when he starts to suck my nipple between his lips. It feels like my cock is directly connected to it, I feel myself get wet as my arousal grows. His tongue moves upward, plunging into my mouth. His other hand starts pinching my neglected right nipple, I moan into his mouth. I unclench my hands in front of me and start to explore him in return. Following every crevice of his muscles, feeling the power beneath my fingers. I lift his shirt and he helps me pull it off. Curious I start to touch his nipples, Wiphas groans and throws his head back. Getting more confident with his reaction, I lean in and suck one of his nipples into my mouth. I can feel him tremble with restrained need. He leaves my nipples sliding his hands along my back and downward. Cupping my ass I moan into his nipple I suck greedily. His hands move around over my bulge in my jeans when he squeezes me throughout the material my knees go weak.

He holds me up by my jeans till I get my bearings back. Then he quickly opens my jeans and removes them together with my shorts. My cock springs up hitting my stomach. Precum glistening at my tip begging for his touch. His finger goes back exploring my cheeks and all I can do is pressing my face into his chest moan and lean heavenly onto him. I can feel him spreading my cheeks apart one of his fingers start to explore around my rim.

"Oh god Wiphas, please…" I moan into his chest.

Instead of continuing he grabs my cheeks and lifts me. Wrapping my legs and arms as good as I can around him in reflex. Seconds later he lays me down on the bed.

"Hold still Shane, just feel."

I nod in response, feeling suddenly unsure. His first touch breaks my reservations, licking down to my chest he starts to give my nipples attention again. Changing between them and my thoughts fly out the window. I can only feel his hot wet strong tongue teasing my increasingly sensitive flesh. His hands replace the tongue pinching and flicking my nipple in concert, all I can do is moan and beg him for more. His tongue trails down my stomach stopping at my bellybutton. Dipping inside and around it and then kissing down my happy trail. I can feel vibrations of words against my abdomen. Then he starts getting lower and near my straining cock. But he ignores it, lifting my right thigh he starts to lick the inside of it.

Trailing kisses down my leg he changes to my left one. Lifting it he starts at the toes, licking and sucking them, I tremble in pleasure when he gets to my inner thigh again. I groan in frustration when he still ignores my cock. I whine when his hot mouth leaves my flesh and in the next moment, I scream as he engulfs my cock in his hot tight mouth to the root. I come overloaded with pleasure, my vision flickers and flash behind my closed eyelids my whole body tremble. I can feel him swallowing my load greedily. When I come back down from my first orgasm outside of my heat, I'm out of breath, inhaling, and exhaling words fail me. He pulls off my cock I'm only half hard now.

Lifting both my legs to my chest and spreading them apart. Trailing his tongue down to my balls licking them and engulfing each into his mouth.

"Wiphas! Ohhhhhhhhh god, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm uhhhh so sensitive."

He starts to tease the expand of skin behind my balls slowly making his way to my fluttering slick hole. I nearly shot again when his tongue starts to rim me lapping up my leaking slick. Getting my hole relaxed he plunges in as soon as my rim starts to give. His hot tongue fucks me like a mini cock. I can feel him suck and slurp my slick directly from the source. It seems like he can't get enough of the taste, I can hear him groan. But it's not enough he can't reach either of my spots like this. I groan in frustration and start to beg again,

"Ahhhhh, Alpha… ohhh god Alpha please, I ahhhh, I need you Ahhhh."

I can feel him chuckle, in frustration I start to hammer my fist into the sheets. That makes him only chuckle more. Lifting his head his gaze lock with mine,

"My Omega, I love to hear you beg for me your Alpha. You are mine and mine alone."

Wiphas shifts getting to his knees and leaning over me, bending me in half. I can feel his cock touching my hole. I try to wiggle my ass, but his grip is too firm. He leans in and gives me and scorching kiss again. I can feel pressure on my hole, I try to relax and then I feel his glans breach me. His cock starts to fill me quickly, there is hardly resistance from my slick channel. His cock feels so big hard and hot. I groan, finally getting what I want. Stroking his cock over my prostate, I start to moan loudly,

"Harder Alpha, Ahhh please deeper."

He thrust deeply into me and withdraws and thrust back in wet squelching noises and flesh hitting flesh fills the room: Pleasure engulfs me, heat burns down my spine, my neglected cock is rock hard and straining. I see stars with every inward thrust hitting my prostate with such perfect accuracy. I'm reduced to a moaning mess. He picks up speed and I start to lose my senses I can't tell anymore where I end and he begins. I feel near-constant pressure on my prostate and my rim. His ridges are swollen big, plunging into my hole and prostate.

"Ohhhh, ahhhh it's ahhh too much, Ahhh god it feels ahh so good. Don't ahhh a stop. I'm so fucking close ahhhh Wiphas."

He starts to thrust even harder and faster like a man possessed. Looking up I can see his eyes are closed in pleasure and his mouth opens in a silent scream. I can hear his nearly noiseless grunts and groans,

"Omega you are so tight and wet and warm, it's a shame your womb is all closed up. But don't worry, I will get you to come from your prostate alone."

He smirks at me and leans down, tonguing his claiming spot, sucking on the healed skin. I feel like I'm being electrocuted, I come hard my vision swimming before me, my cum spurts between us. Then everything goes black.