
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 9 Family dignity cannot be trampled on!

The more he scolded, the more ugly Kijiro saw that the popularity of the Uchihas was dying, but he didn't dare to do anything to him, and even if some people couldn't help but want to do something, they were dissuaded by Shishui, so they became more and more arrogant.

The contradiction seems to be growing.

Hiko, who couldn't stand it anymore, led the people down the stairs.


Seeing Hiko coming, Shishui knew that this matter would not end well.

Hiko is not as good at talking as he is.


He was still cursing loudly in the last second, and Mu Erlang, who made all kinds of accusations, flew out directly and hit the wall heavily.

The noisy hall of the police department fell silent in an instant.

"Who gave you the courage to come to the police department to gather crowds to make trouble?"

Hiko said coldly:

"What are you doing in a daze? Did the police department let you watch the show?

Others scolded you for eating dry food, why don't you grab them and save them for the New Year? "

The people present were very angry, but Nai He did not order them not to dare to act easily.

The water stop is caught in the middle and hinders.

Following Hiko's order, the clansmen who had already been unable to hold back rushed forward in a swarm.

Counting one by one, they knocked all the troublemakers to the ground, ignored the wailing and screams of the other party, and dragged them towards the monitoring room.

As long as these people go in, there will be something for them to enjoy.

"Hiko, don't!"

Hiko took the initiative to teach Mu Erlang who took the lead in making troubles, and the scolding Mu Erlang was fine, and he asked the tribe to arrest the rest.

Seeing that the clansmen were attacking one after another, Shishui was in a hurry and wanted to stop it.

"Shishui, I'm very disappointed in you."

A moment later, Hiko, who directly blocked Shishui, said disappointedly:

"I thought you were just kind-hearted. It seems that I was wrong. Your kindness will only be given to other people, not to your own people."

"I have already said that he is not a good thing."

Oriyan cursed angrily:

"These people are making trouble. He doesn't arrest them. He even stops the clansmen. Even when the clansmen are scolded and saliva is sprayed on their faces, he remains indifferent and won't let other people do it!"

The relationship between Oriyan and Shishui is not good. In the past, everyone would not take it seriously.

Even Shishui's behavior is more and more disappointing.

But now, Oriyan's words reached everyone's heart.

Which side are you Uchiha Shishui on?

We are asked to be gentle and polite in law enforcement, and all kinds of restraints are enough. The patriarch and elders also suggested, and we agreed.

But now when others go to the police department to make trouble, you not only don't deal with it, you don't let us do it, you even stop us, causing us to be pointed at the nose and scolded.

The saliva is sprayed on the face, are you Shishui Uchiha still from Uchiha?

"You can't arrest me, you can't arrest me, I'm going to complain, I'm going to complain to you."

"Let me go."

Seeing that Uchiha really arrested people, many people panicked.

Scared now?

Why did you go early.

Hiko sneered:

"All of them were arrested and locked up in the monitoring room. These people gathered in the police department to make trouble."

Gathering a crowd to make trouble is not a small crime.

It's still in the police department, enough for them to stay in prison for a while.

"Take them all away."

With Hiko's support, the Uchiha's people stopped panicking, one by one counted, they were all arrested and locked up in the monitoring room.

"I didn't, I just didn't want it to be a big deal."

Shishui defended himself.

Hiko shook his head and said disappointedly:

"These words, you should save them and say them to those clansmen who are scolded and disappointed in their hearts!

I will personally report your behavior to the patriarch, and I will also advise the patriarch to cancel your position as the head of the police department. "

Watching anime in the previous life, Hiko still felt that Shishui was a soft-hearted person. Apart from being a bit stupid and brainwashed by the will of fire, he was quite pitiful.

Now it seems that poor people must have something to hate.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

Someone was causing trouble in the police department. When such a big incident happened, the Fugaku people who were resting at home jumped up and rushed to the police department immediately.

Here comes the patriarch.

The clansmen who were still emotional just now calmed down one after another.

In Uchiha, the patriarch of Uchiha Fugaku is quite majestic, at least when he punished the tribe, he did not seldom ruthless.

No one spoke, and Oriyan, who was about to speak, was prompted by Hiko's eyes and decisively shut up.

Fugaku had no choice but to look at Hiko and Shishui who were in the confrontation.

Hiko didn't give Shisui a chance to explain, and replied:

"Because of the announcement of the new regulation, some people were unwilling to accept it. They gathered a crowd to the police department to make trouble, but Shishui was busy explaining and did not deal with it directly. This caused the trouble to get bigger and bigger, and even the clansmen were pointed at their noses and scolded around. ."

"Shishui, is this true?"

Although Fugaku is cowardly in some matters, it is related to Uchiha's dignity and prestige, and he cannot be allowed to take half a step back.

Some people gather a crowd to make trouble, and if they don't deal with it directly, why explain?

The most important thing is that people in the police department have been abused, which is fine, we are law enforcement officers, what are you Uchiha Shishui doing!

Facing the angry eyes of the clansmen, Shishui lowered his head in shame.

Hiko continued:

"I personally think that Shishui is not suitable for the position of the police squad leader. I suggest that he be removed from his personal position, and maybe he can be transferred to the complaint handling department. He should be good at doing these things."

Since you like being a good person and a peacemaker, well, you can take charge of these troublesome complaints.

The position of police squad leader is not for you.

Taking a deep look at Shishui, Fugaku said, "I will think about it."

No matter how much he values Shishui, under the watchful eyes of everyone, or under the premise that everyone has been wronged, Fugaku can only let this matter go.

Otherwise, the anger in the hearts of the clansmen would not be appeased.


Regardless of whether Uchiha Fugaku felt comfortable or not, Hiko raised his hand and turned around, and said loudly:

"Please remember our identities. In addition to the staff of the police department, we are also members of the Uchiha. We are members of the No. 1 pupil family in the ninja world. The dignity of the family cannot be trampled on. No matter at any time, the Uchiha will never Will wag his tail and beg for mercy!!"

"Uchiha's pride does not allow us to bow our heads to anyone!!"

If you don't take advantage of this great opportunity to improve your reputation and gain the support and favor of your clansmen, what are you waiting for?

Hiko made a decisive move.

"Well said! The captain is mighty!!"

Oriyan, who was flushed with excitement, clenched his fists and shouted loudly, leading the applause.

The applause became louder and louder, and everyone's eyes became eager and excited.

They, who had just been wronged, became agitated after being stimulated by Hiko's words.