
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 6 Defending the police department, being cut by the soft knife of the third generation of Hokage!

"Master Hokage, although I can understand the difficulties of the village, Uchiha has been constantly improving the requirements of law enforcement, and the number of complaints received has been much less than before, and only a few civilians can handle it.

I hope that Hokage-sama can also understand Uchiha's difficulties, and that the village will continue to prosper under the leadership of Hokage-sama. "

"There are more and more areas where Uchiha needs to be responsible for patrolling. The police department has expanded several batches of manpower. There is really no way to deal with these things."

Fugaku gave a little praise to the stinky feet of the third Hokage, and then sold another wave of misery.

In fact, it's not a bad deal, because Uchiha is indeed facing such a situation.

After all, not every Uchiha ninja will join the police department, and many ninjas choose to join some teams to perform tasks.

After the family ninjas are dispersed, even if Uchiha is a big clan, there will be a shortage of manpower.

Everyone likes to listen to good things, and Sandaim Hokage is no exception. Even though he knew that Uchiha Fugaku said that on purpose, he felt a little relieved.

Because under his leadership, Konoha has indeed become prosperous.

"What you said is also reasonable. Uchiha's manpower is indeed somewhat insufficient."

What's the meaning?

Seeing what Sandaim Hokage said, Fugaku's heart skipped a beat, thinking that the other party wanted to persuade him again to expand the police department and include ninjas from other families and civilian ninjas.

So he said decisively:

"Master Hokage, the Uchiha's manpower is somewhat insufficient, but there is still no problem in ensuring the operation of the police department. Please trust us, Lord Hokage."

If Hiko was here, he would definitely curse: Stupid!

What good does it do for Uchiha to stick to the police department?

Didn't they want to push people in?

Promise him, and mention some conditions by the way!

In exchange, what if ninjas from other families, or even civilian ninjas, were allowed to join the police department?

The police department is Uchiha's territory, as long as the basic backbone remains unchanged, these ninjas who join in can only be reduced to younger brothers at best.

Don't you feel bad about leaving the dirty work to them?

Unsurprisingly, Fugaku still guarded the police department tightly, refusing to relax at all, Sandaim Hokage sighed slightly.

"In this case, I will select some people to be responsible for the complaint, but you also know that the village finance..."

"The police department will be responsible for the salary expenses of these people."

If you don't let the Cypriots, you will bleed.

This is for sure!

Fugaku quickly agreed. For him, as long as he complained about the problem and didn't throw it on Uchiha's head, everything else was easy to talk about.

Uchiha can afford to support a group of employees.

As long as these people feel comfortable taking care of the hassle of complaints.

In this way, his promise to the tribe can be regarded as fulfilled.

This kid is really going to give me trouble.

After finishing all kinds of bargaining with the third Hokage, Fugaku walked out of Hokage's office building and let out a heavy breath.

Although the process was a bit troublesome, fortunately everything is over.

Next, Uchiha only needs to be in charge of the police department. As for complaints, there will be a special department to solve them.

A big stone in Fugaku's heart fell.

The Third Hokage also indirectly relieved a lot of pressure on the village's finances.

Although he wanted to cook Uchiha in the same way as boiling frogs in warm water, he didn't want Uchiha to push too hard.

Once there is no escape route behind, the rabbit will bite people anxiously, let alone the largest family in the ninja world.

At least it is the largest family on the surface.

"Uchiha Hiko? It seems that monitoring needs to be strengthened."

Hiko's behavior of running to the gate of the ninja school at the time has already made the third generation Hokage unhappy, and now it is starting to show up in the family.

This is not what the third Hokage wants to see.

Even if Hiko didn't intend to take refuge in the hardliners.

Not now, but in the future?

In order to prevent more variables from happening, the Third Hokage decided to strengthen the monitoring of Hiko by one level.

Returning to the family, Fugaku immediately recruited people and held a simple family meeting. Not many people attended the meeting, only him as the patriarch, several elders, and the team leader of the police department.

After being notified, Hiko also put down what he was doing and came to the patriarch's courtyard.

The elders were still the latest group of people to come.

Everyone's eyes were on Fugaku, and they obviously couldn't wait to know the result of the negotiation between the patriarch and the Hokage office building.

Even Hiko is curious whether Sandaim Hokage will agree to Uchiha's proposal.

Is it a strong rejection, or continue to cut Uchiha's flesh with a soft knife?

When all the people arrived, Fugaku didn't make some things to whet everyone's appetite.

"Everyone, I went to the Hokage office building and proposed to Hokage-sama the wishes of our Uchiha Police Department. After some discussions and negotiations, the final result is that from now on, complaints about the police department will be no longer handled by the police department, but has a special department to manage it.

However, the village's finances are tight, and Uchiha needs to pay for the department's expenses from the police department. "

It is equivalent to Uchiha paying for himself and raising a group of people to handle complaints.

This price can be called not small.

But is Uchiha short of this money?

There must be no shortage. What Uchiha is afraid of is trouble, especially all kinds of annoying complaints.

Facing those nonsense people, on the premise that you can't teach others, you can make your head explode.

Once it is not handled well, it will face the village's blame or even punishment.

"Very good."

Many small captains and elders all showed pleasant smiles, even the spy Shishui showed a happy smile.

This is definitely a good thing for Uchiha.

"This is definitely a victory for Uchiha!!"

Seeing the excited look of the Great Elder, Hiko secretly rolled his eyes.

You said it was a good thing for Uchiha, I admit it.

But to say it's a victory, what are you talking about?

This is clearly using a soft knife to cut Uchiha's flesh.

Looking at the smiling Great Elder and others, Fugaku knew very well what calculations they had in mind, and he would not give them a chance.


Fugaku called directly by name and said:

"The proposal on complaint handling was put forward by you. What else do you think about the family and the police department?"

All eyes fell on Yan.

Uneasy kindness.

Knowing that Fugaku deliberately led everything to himself, Hiko didn't mean to put it aside, pretending to think for a moment, and replied:

"I think the missions of the police department should be rectified. Our police department is responsible for the security of the entire Konoha, and will even join important tasks such as arresting prisoners and spies."

"Those trivial things, such as catching cats and looking for dogs, can be completely rejected, and let the villagers' respective mission departments issue missions, and ask ninjas to find them."

You heard that right, it is to catch cats and dogs.