
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 5 The prestige of Hiko in clan has risen sharply, and the third Hokage still wants to play football!

"I am who I am, and I have nothing to do with any faction. Everything I do is purely for Uchiha, and for the people who work in the police department."

Anbu has been monitoring him for half a year, so what if he stepped up a little bit?

In the short term, as long as Hiko doesn't jump on the top of the high-level and step on a few feet, even if Danzo wants to deal with him, Sandaim Hokage will not allow it.

Because he was worried that this move would cause Uchiha's backlash.

Besides, it is not so easy to assassinate a Jonin in Uchiha's territory.

Hiko's life and work are very regular, either in the family, or with his subordinates on patrol.

Even if Danzo is daring, he can't find a good opportunity to make a move.

Danzo is so good that he can kill whoever he wants to kill, so he doesn't need to do small tricks in the dark, just drive the third Hokage down, and he will be Hokage and he will be done.

"If it's because of the tribe, for the family, that I'm in danger, then I will admit it."

After speaking, Hiko opened the door and then closed it, leaving Shishui alone outside.


After standing in the dark for a long time, Shishui sighed and left quietly.

He did not return home to rest, but went straight to Hokage's office building. He had to report to the third Hokage what happened at the clan meeting today.

This is what double agents need to do.

As for how much Shishui is willing to report some important information about the village to Fugaku, I am afraid only he knows.

In Hiko's view, rather than saying that Shishui is a double agent, it is more appropriate to say that he is a spy of the village's high-level officials.

His heart is not on Uchiha's side at all, and has already fallen to the village side like his predecessor Uchiha Kagami.

After learning about this, the third Hokage canceled their plan to go home and rest, and stayed in Hokage's office, frowning and thinking about how to deal with Fugaku tomorrow.

The next day, what happened at the clan meeting gradually spread, and many Uchiha people applauded for a while.

It is enough to see how much Uchiha has suffered in these years.

The ridiculous thing is that the patriarchs and elders knew it clearly, but no one wanted to change in the past, and they didn't even try to fight for it.

The patriarch counseled again and again, and the elders were busy wooing people and strengthening the faction.


"Good morning, hahaha, you did a great job last night."

"Boldly say, uncle, I support you."

The ninja school is closed today, so Hiko doesn't need to go to the ninja school.

During the time when it is not easy to guard Sasuke and Naruto, Hiko will immediately use the once-a-day copy opportunity on other people, such as Shishui, and the patriarch Fugaku.

While copying them, it's hard to get crit bonuses.

But get something better than others too.

As the news spread, many more people took the initiative to greet Hiko.

It is foreseeable that after the news is completely spread, Hiko's family's prestige will be greatly improved.

Coincidentally, this is what Hiko needs.

The greater his reputation, the less Danzo and Sandaim Hokage dared to touch him.

If you want to change Uchiha, you must first have enough achievements and a convincing reputation.

An unknown person who jumped out and shouted to change the family scene and lead Uchiha forward would definitely be regarded as a lunatic, a lunatic who was overconfident and full of nonsense.

Looks like there's no need to bother.

Hiko, who was about to go to the police department, unexpectedly ran into Sasuke who was following behind his brother on the way.

It seems that Itachi intends to take Sasuke out for training while he has time and Sasuke does not go to school.

Now that you hit it, you can't waste it.

Hiko decisively used copy on Sasuke.

"Copy successfully, get part of the pupil power of Sharingan, is it fused?"


If it is not stimulated, or if the mood swings are not big, then with the mental power and writing Sharingan eye pupil power constantly increasing, can the Sharingan evolve smoothly and become a Mangekyo Sharingan?

Hiko's guess has not been confirmed.

After half a year, he absorbed and fused a lot of Sharingan pupil power and spiritual power.

Even Indra and Asura Chakra have merged a lot.

Perhaps pupil power, mental power, and chakra have not reached a limit point, so the changes brought about are not obvious.

The accumulation of a little makes a lot, Hiko believes that sooner or later, it will bring about a qualitative change, and even give himself a surprise.

Although it was very likely that the trip would be in vain, Fugaku came to the Hokage office building decisively.

Whether the problem can be solved is the result of negotiation.

But whether to come or not is his problem with Uchiha Fugaku.

Once the tribe finds out that he, as the patriarch, promises with his mouth but fails to act, it may bring him a lot of negative impact.

In Hokage's office, Fugaku didn't have too many scruples, and mentioned this matter straight to the point,

He believed that the Third Hokage was ready, and had even figured out how to convince himself.

After all, Shishui will report the news as soon as possible.

Regarding Uchiha's continuous complaints, after Shishui reported last night, Sandaim Hokage thought carefully.

Shishui doesn't need to clarify, Sandaim Hokage knows that in recent years, the Uchiha clan has a lot of resentment in their hearts.

It's just that no one has brought it up before.

Well now, someone turned the table and put the matter on the bright side, and Sandaim Hokage had to deal with it.

It used to be possible to play dumb, but not now.

"Fugaku, I can see the current situation of Uchiha, but you also know that since that incident, the village has been out of service, and there are too few people available. Regarding the matter of handling complaints, the old man is also powerless."

Processing belongs to processing, but how to deal with it is worth talking about.

Still the old rules, kick the ball.

I agreed to deal with it, but there are not enough people, and there are not many people available, so you Uchiha still feel wronged.

It's not that I don't want to be Hokage, there is really no one available.

Speaking of the night of the nine tails, Fugaku's face became ugly.

This is the worst time Uchiha has been hacked since Konoha established it, but Uchiha has no way to refute.

After all, Uchiha's suspicion is too great. The masked man controlled Kyuubi with Sharingan and killed Kushina.

It even indirectly killed the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

Uchiha didn't recognize this pot, and couldn't shake it off.

It was obvious to evade, but Fugaku had nothing to do. Before he came, he expected this would be like this.

This is still a relatively good result.

If Danzo was here, he would definitely scold Uchiha for not knowing good and bad, and say a bunch of ugly things.

Having said that, Fugaku couldn't just give up like this.