
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 35 Iwagakure and kumogakur Team Up with the Daimyo Mansion, and Konoha is the Target of Everyone!

During this period, the people of Danzo and roots couldn't intervene, so the third Hokage discovered something he never expected.

Many shocking things were dug out from the root, including experimental materials and documented records.

"How dare he!!"

The third Hokage was like an angry lion, Koharu looked at the sky speechlessly when he turned to him, and Danzo really fell down this time.

If these things are not found out, perhaps after stabilizing the daimyo, Danzo can get back the position of Assistant Hokage, and it is not impossible to recover.

But now.....It's completely out of play.

The piles of prohibited information and materials made his scalp feel numb after reading it.

Is this something that humans can do?

What makes Sandaim Hokage furious is that, according to Anbu's investigation, news that Danzo intends to assassinate Daimyo spreads everywhere starting from Daimyo and surrounding areas.

Even people from the Land of Fire knew about the existence of this department.

The news is spreading at the speed of the wind, and there are even signs of spreading outside the Kingdom of Fire. The people in Anbu wanted to block the news, but found that they were powerless.

If it was in Konoha, they could still work harder, but the news started to spread from the Daimyo Mansion...

They can't lock their hearts.

And at this sensitive juncture, even if Anbu had enough manpower, he would not dare to do so.

A large number of Anbu people are active in the Daimyo Mansion, which will definitely stimulate the sensitive nerves of the Daimyo.

Half of Sandayi Hokage's anger was directed at Danzo, and the other half was directed at Daimyo.

Root hides too many things, almost all of which are hidden from light and people, and Daimyo directly shakes out the news.

The news began to spread from the Daimyo Mansion, and the Third Hokage could only pin the suspect's identity on the Daimyo

Not Uchiha.

Daimyo Mansion is already buzzing, which means that the time for other countries and villages to receive the news is very close.

Iwagakure and kumogakure , who are most concerned about Fire Country and Konoha, are the fastest.

With the help of Ninjahawk or some psychic beasts, information and news can be passed on, but it can be done in just a few hours.

Therefore, the information scroll was placed on the desks of Onkoi and Fourth Raikage Ai that afternoon.

Could this be an opportunity?

Looking at the contents of the scroll, Onkoi fell into deep thought.

The end of the third ninja war was muddle-headed, and Onkoi is still not reconciled to this day, wanting to take two bites from the Land of Fire all the time.

Ai is even more exaggerated, let's start with a gleeful laugh.

Similarly, Ai also thinks this is a good opportunity.

Even if you can't take the opportunity to launch a war against the Nation of Fire and gain benefits from the Nation of Fire, at least you must make a name for the Nation of Fire.

It is best to discredit Konoha's reputation and increase the gap between Konoha and the daimyo.

kumogakure directly stood in the name of the fire country daimyo, and directly spoke out for the daimyo, accusing Danzo and the third Hokage.

iwagakure followed closely behind, adding to the fire.

Things got worse and worse. At this time, everyone believed that Danzo really planned to assassinate Daimyo.

This black pot that fell from the sky, Danzo would never be able to pick it off until he died.

The outside world is very lively, and all kinds of voices of accusation are pouring in. Even many small countries have criticized Konoha.

The third Hokage was so busy that he didn't care about Uchiha's affairs at all.

As for Danzo... He has lost even the right to move freely, so he can only retire obediently, at least in a short period of time, don't think about doing anything else.

The burden on the shoulders suddenly became much lighter.

Hiko himself didn't expect that a piece of false information could have such a good effect.

If he throws out other information, the whole ninja world won't boil?

"Captain, are you feeling unwell again?"

Izumi face was full of worry, and she followed him like a follower, and ran in as soon as She had to go to the bathroom, for fear of any accidents.

"It's okay, because you are so talented, so I can't stand it."

Hiko, who was a little pale, shook his head slightly, indicating that he was fine.

He has been using Izumi as a copy object for many days, and finally found that Izumi is a treasure girl.

If it weren't for Indra and ashura Chakra, Hiko would have wished to tie Izumi by his side all the time.

Every day, I can increase a lot of mental power and Sharingan pupil power. Where can I find such a good thing?

"I'm too talented?"

Izumi looked bewildered, unable to figure out what his own talent had to do with Hiko's physical discomfort.

"Yes, your talent is very good, so train hard, practice, and don't let me down the trust and importance I have for you."

"I believe that you, Izumi Uchiha, can definitely become a talented family woman like the patriarch's wife. Believe in yourself, you can do it."

In order to motivate Izumi, Hiko drew her a big cake.

Sitting in the office, Hiko was thinking, what caused him to become idle?

Itachi joined the police department. In order to train his son, Fugaku directly brought Itachi and Shisui's former teammates to Hiko's side, and asked Hiko to take over and lead him.

As for Fugaku's desire to rectify the police department, it still hasn't come to an end.

Because the hardline elders in the family disagreed.

They believed that Fugaku was depriving them of their rights by doing so.

The family can become better and stronger, but the rights in hand cannot be deprived.

Therefore, Fugaku's proposal, after repeated negotiations, still failed to get a proper solution.

"Boom boom boom!"

A knock on the door interrupted Hiko's wild thoughts.

"Come in."

Arranging the documents on the table, Hiko raised his head and shouted.

The door opened, and Itachi, who was even a little shorter than Izumi, walked in.

Walking into the office, Itachi bowed slightly and said hello:

"Captain, there are a lot of strangers with impure purposes in the village. These people have entered Konoha as businessmen, but they are secretly inquiring about various news. Does the police department need to investigate further and arrest these people? ?"

Sigh~ This little girl seems to have changed a lot.

Hiko still remembered that when Izumi first joined the police department, her face would blush when She saw Itachi, her eyes wandered here and there, She was so excited.

As a result, it took less than a month to face it calmly.

He didn't even react much to Itachi's arrival, as if it was just a colleague with an ordinary relationship.

"It's my own opinion."

Itachi replied.

Assassinating the daimyo, this is not a small crime, and if it is spread out, it will cause a big sensation.

More and more villages choose to stand opposite Konoha, speak out for the daimyo, and accuse Konoha.

It was also from this time that more and more people came to Konoha to inquire about news with special purposes.

"Q? Izumi, you go out first."


Izumi raised her small hand and gestured, signaling Hiko to pay attention to his body, not to work too hard, and call her immediately if there is anything wrong, and then She left the office and closed the door thoughtfully.