
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 33 It's Danzo's Turn Today

As for who made the proposal, it is meaningless to say these now.

The most important thing right now is to keep your name stable.

"So the Uchiha people also know about this?" Koharu grasped the point.

The Third Hokage knew what she wanted to express, and sighed heavily:

"I wanted to test Uchiha Hiko, and brought him into the palace to meet the daimyo, so...he knows everything."

Turning to Koharu: "..."

Homura thumped her chest angrily:

"Confused, you Hiruzan, how can you take him with you?

What are you waiting for?

Immediately send people to seal off the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha people are not allowed to leave without authorization, so as not to spread the news, where is Konoha's face? "

"The old man has already notified the people in Anbu."

The third Hokage said with a headache:

"As long as there is any relevant news in the village, block it immediately.

"Root won't disband, and the old man won't accept it either..."

Root finally developed to today, and suddenly disbanded, what else is left in his group?

Maybe even he has to go home to take care of himself and be an idler.

This result is unacceptable to Danzo.

"Danzo, I am Hokage, and I have the right to disband any department of Konoha, including Root."

The rights I gave you, I want to take them back, and you can't stop me.

Discussion is to give you face and leave room for you. If you don't cooperate, you won't be able to keep anything.

It's time for silence.

Danzo remained silent with a gloomy face, and Koharu and Homura were also speechless.

Because they know that the third Hokage has made up their minds to disband Root, at least until the daimyo is stabilized, Root cannot continue to exist.

As for Danzo, let alone retaining the root department, he may not even be able to keep his position as a Hokage assistant.

Danzo is in big trouble.

The Third Hokage had a gloomy face and kept smoking. Every time they saw this scene, Koharu and Homura knew that the Third Hokage was making a choice.

In other words, his inner decision will come out soon.

"Danzo, everything I do is for the sake of the village, let's disband Root."

If not, the verdict came from the moment Sandaim Hokage put down his pipe.

After all, the third Hokage gave up Danzo, and also gave up the roots.

He chose to side with the daimyo, because it was related to the development and tranquility of the village and the country of fire, and he couldn't tolerate the hesitation and hesitation of the third Hokage.

Danzo is very important in his heart, otherwise Danzo would have done so many unconscionable things and would have been killed in other villages long ago.

But with the protection of the third Hokage, Danzo can live well, and even thrive.

It's just that when Danzo is compared with the entire Konoha and even the Kingdom of Fire, it is not so important.

At least third Hokage would choose to give up their partner and choose the village.

Everything I do is for the village.

Danzo never dreamed that what he liked to use to fool others and argue for himself in the past has now become the reason for the third Hokage to convince himself.

These words are harsh.

It was like sharp thorns piercing deeply into Danzo's heart.

At this moment, the two consultant elders, Koharu and Homura, did not dare to say anything.

The two of them chose to remain silent, because they knew that nothing they said could shake Sandaim Hokage's determination.

"The root will be disbanded, and I allow you to keep a small number of people as subordinates.

In addition, you need to go home to take care of yourselves for a while, and I will still reserve the position of Assistant Hokage for you. "

Not to mention the dissolution, the third Hokage will also give up Danzo's position.

Let him go back and retire obediently.

It's all in one step, and the arrangements for Danzo are clear.

The Hokage office building is busy, but Hiko can't see this wonderful show. At this time, he just arrives at Shishui's house.

"Wow! Wow!!"

As soon as Hiko approached, the ear-piercing screams spread, especially ear-piercing in the dark night.

Looking at the crows in the yard, Hiko couldn't help complaining:


What's wrong with raising a black crow!

Waking up from his sleep, Shishui put on his clothes and jumped onto the window sill.

Looking at Hiko who was chasing crows standing in the yard, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

"Call me a hammer, and then I'll roast you."

The crow used to be an auspicious bird, but after years of changes, and crows appeared in places where there were dead people, more and more people did not like crows.

Coupled with the harsh and sharp cry, it was even more unacceptable.

Of course, roasting the crows was just a threat to scare these crows with high IQs.

It is impossible for Hiko to really roast these crows. In the world of Naruto, where people die every day, ghosts are willing to eat birds like crows.

You don't even know if its last meal was settled on a dead body.

"Hiko, you came here in the middle of the night, isn't it just to scare my crow?"

"Let's raise less crows!"

After making complaints, Hiko jumped to the window sill and sat down:

"I have something to ask you, it's about Konoha and Uchiha, it's very important."

"you say."

Shishui's speechless expression quickly became serious, and he waved his hand to let the crows around him disperse and go to rest.

These crows with high IQ got orders from their masters, quickly dispersed, flew into the night sky and disappeared.

Entering Shishui's home, Hiko sat on the sofa and said to Shishui that was pouring water:

"I followed Hokage-sama to the Daimyo's mansion to do business. We met with the daimyo. The daimyo received some information. Our Hokage assistant the lord danzt. He wanted to assassinate the daimyo and support others to rise to power."


Shishui shook his hand, the glass shattered, and the shards of glass scattered all over the floor.

"How can this be!!"

His eyes were wide open, and Shishui turned his head dumbfounded. He thought Hiko was joking with himself, or was slandering Danzo.

I knew you would have such an expression.

Among the top management, the person Shishui trusts the most, apart from the Third Hokage, is Danzo.

Hiko curled his lips and leaned back:

"I'm not joking with you. This matter is true. The daimyo was very angry and directly deducted the development funds that would have been allocated to Konoha. It is precisely for this matter that Hokage-sama went to the daimyo mansion."

"Daimyo doesn't even want to believe our Konoha people. He wants to seek protection from iwagakure Village kumogakure village, fearing that he will be assassinated by Danzo."

"In order to stabilize the daimyo, I recommended you to him, and you go to the daimyo mansion to protect the daimyo.

We must ensure his safety. Only by stabilizing the daimyo can we properly handle this matter.

Otherwise, if the news spreads, Danzo, and even Konoha, will become the laughing stock of the entire ninja world. "

Under Hiko's alarmist words, the seriousness of the situation directly rose several levels.