
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 22

In the original novel, the young genius who possesses the Mangekyo Sharingan at the age of thirteen is no joke.

Izumi status in the family is very low, and almost no one taught her how to use Sharingan correctly. As a result, Izumi has a heigh configuration, but can't exert much strength.


Originally, it was just a normal fusion, but what Hiko didn't expect was that it would have a big impact on him.


The moment the pupils merged, the bulging feeling in Hiko's eyes came again, and it gradually spread along the eyes, as if taking down the brain together.

The sudden change caused Hiko to groan, his body tilted, and a lot of blood oozes from the corner of his eyes.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?"

Izumi, who was helping to wipe and tidy the cabinet, heard the noise behind him, turned his head to look, and frightened himself half to death.

I saw Captain stood up, but bent over, pressing his hands on the table, his body tilted a little, as if he was about to fall if he couldn't stabilize.

What shocked Izumi the most was that Hiko's face was covered with blood, and the veins on his forehead were bulging one by one, like earthworms beating.

"Captain, don't scare me."

Izumi dropped what was in his hand, ran forward, and supported Hiko.

What she didn't expect was that Hiko, whose body was supported, fell down.

Izumi, who was startled, didn't care about anything else, and quickly hugged Hiko.

Supporting Hiko with her small body, She shouted anxiously to the outside.

Unfortunately, the patriarch Fugaku came to the police department with his guards and his son Itachi.

He brought Itachi here today in the hope that Itachi could familiarize himself with the distribution of the police department as soon as possible so that he could take over Shishui's position.

As a result, as soon as he walked up to the second floor, he heard Izumi's call, so he rushed in with someone.

"Patriarch, the captain seems to be sick."

Fugaku ran in with a group of people, and Izumi seemed to see the light of hope.

As for Itachi, she couldn't care about it now.

Izumi is more worried about Hiko's body than Itachi, whom She has a crush on.

"This is...."

Fugaku strode forward, supported Hiko's body, and let him sit back on the chair.

Looking at Hiko whose face was covered with blood, Fuyue couldn't help being taken aback. This scene was the same as his reaction after using the Mangekyo Sharingan and exhausting his pupil power.

Of course, if the Mangekyo Sharingan is used too much, the eyes will also be injured and bleed.

Hiko already has a Mangekyo Sharingan?

Fugaku couldn't help being suspicious, and soon he dismissed the idea, and told Izumi:

"He's fine. He's just using Sharingan, which caused excessive consumption of pupil power. He can recover after a short rest. Go fetch some water."


Hearing what Fugaku said, Izumi's hanging heart finally fell back.


Before Izumi left the office, Fugaku gave her a serious warning, and at the same time warned his guard and son.

"This matter must not be known to anyone, and I will make a relevant announcement later."


Fugaku suddenly changed his face, causing Izumi who was under a lot of pressure facing the patriarch, to tremble twice in fright, and quickly bowed her head in agreement.

Seeing this, the two guards and Itachi also quickly promised: Today's matter will not be revealed.

"Patriarch, I'm fine."

The dignified patriarch can take care of people himself, but Fugaku can still let go of his body when necessary.

When the strong irritation and swelling gradually dissipated, Hiko gradually recovered, and he felt some changes in his eyes.

"Go back and rest first, Izumi will take care of you, and come back to work when you are well."

Patting Hiko on the shoulder, Fugaku said earnestly:

"Externally, I will say that you are on sick leave, you know?"

sick leave?

I don't need to rest, and besides, I didn't become like this because of excessive use of Sharingan, it was caused by the excessive increase of the pupil power of Sharingan.

Just about to explain, Hiko suddenly paused, he seemed to understand Fugaku's intention.

So he nodded, indicating that he understood.

I, Uchiha Hiko, is sick, very sick, and need to rest at home and need someone to take care of me.

Seeing that the patriarch and the team leader had already communicated, Izumi weakly raised her little hand:

"Patriarch, shall I take care of the captain?"


Fugaku nodded with a serious expression, and told Izumi:"Hiko is very important to the family. He is an important member of the family. I hope you can take on this important task. Can you do it?"


After struggling for a while, Izumi could only nod in the end.

The patriarch personally entrusted her with such an important task, and she, Uchiha Izumi, must put in all her efforts to take good care of the captain and live up to the entrustment of the patriarch.

After explaining everything, Fugaku took the people away.

Izumi was a little bit reluctant.

It was hard to meet Itachi, but unfortunately they couldn't even speak a word, and Itachi didn't even look at her more, which made Izumi a little lost and frustrated.

When he came to the minister's office, Fugaku ordered someone to lead Itachi down to familiarize himself with the affairs of the police department, and then issued an announcement to the outside world.

As soon as the announcement was issued, it immediately caused quite a stir.

"Captain Uchiha Hiko is actually sick? Is it serious?"

"It seems to be quite serious. It is said that the blood is all over the face, which scared the newcomers who just joined half to death."

"You said, this shouldn't be a blood-stained disease?"

Sometimes it may not be a good thing to have blood successors envied by countless ninjas. Families with blood successors are often accompanied by blood-stained diseases, even families like Uchiha are no exception.

The Hyuga Clan is also plagued by bloodstain disease.

For the more serious tribesmen, even the eyes have degenerated.

According to word of mouth, the three of them became tigers, obviously because of the announcement of illness and leave, coupled with unstoppable discussions and gossip, passed around, and some even said that Hiko was bedridden with blood stains and sickness, and he was about to die.

"Captain, take a good rest, let me clean up first."

A house where one person lives, even if Hiko usually cleans it up, it is definitely not very clean.

Izumi felt that She should shoulder her due responsibilities, so She rolled up her sleeves and started cleaning.


Lying on the bed, looking at the busy petite figure, Hiko wanted to say that he was fine and there was no need to clean the house.

But looking at Izumi's energetic and serious expression, the words in Hiko's heart got stuck in his throat.

After thinking about it, Hiko simply followed Izumi to toss.

Not long after the patrol ended, the third team rushed to Hiko's house.

The grumpy Oriyan scolded as he walked:

"Uchiha Kaze, this bastard, I knew he was not kind, the captain was sick, so serious, he actually asked for leave to rest."

The cursing Oriyan led others into Hiko's room.

When they saw Hiko who was sitting on the bed reading a book with nothing to do, they couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Didn't it mean that Captain Bloodstain was seriously ill and was about to die?

It's the same as usual.

Hiko slowly raised his head, his sharp eyes swept over Oriyan, Oriyan shrank his neck subconsciously, and wanted to exit immediately.