
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 17 VIP? The Police Department doesn’t have one, why don’t you go to Konoha Prison?

Hiko beat around the bush and scolded him in front of so many people, but he even satirized him as a widow with no children or wives, not to mention how pitiful he was.

No one can accept this kind of words.

"Uchiha Hiko."

There was an angry shout, and Fugaku who was notified rushed over, and shouted:

"What are you doing? Why are you saying such rude things to the Hokage assistant?

Don't go on patrol yet, have you forgotten your duties and tasks? "

Well done.

Yan really wanted to give Fuyue a thumbs up, and he finally got tough after cowarding the patriarch.

Smiling silently Hiko, Danzo shrugged his shoulders, gave him a helpless expression, and waved his hands.

"Then I won't bother the patriarch and the assistant adults."

"The third team, come with me, don't influence the elderly here, after all, the elderly without family members have a bad temper, so be careful before scolding them."


The team members bowed their heads and followed silently one by one, not daring to show their anger, or holding back their laughter.

For example, Oriyan, a big man, lowered his head and moved his shoulders. He knew it was hard work to hold back a smile.

It can be said that in Uchiha, Hiko directly set a precedent.

People in Uchiha, as long as they know Danzo and what Danzo does, they all hate this old thing.

However, the situation cannot be controlled by others, and everyone can only hide their anger and hatred in their hearts.

Fortunately, Hiko, in front of countless people, directly scolded him.

You call me a brat, I call you an old thing, a weird old thing.

You call me an evil Uchiha kid, and I call you a mouse and a poisonous snake hiding in the gutter.

Anyway, I didn't name them.

If you definitely think that the person I scolded was you, then I apologize to you.

To other tribesmen, Danzo is a big man in the village, but to Hiko, he is a bullshit.

As long as Danzo doesn't play dirty, Hiko will not take him with him at all.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Danzo wants to play dirty,

As the patriarch, Fugaku will also find a way to keep Hiko down.

If something happened to Hiko, I am afraid countless people in the family would lose confidence in him as the patriarch.

As Hiko's shield, Uchiha Fugaku was not happy, and could only bear it with his nose.

That's why he rushed over as soon as he got the notice and asked Hiko to go to perform his task. It seemed that he was scolding, but he was actually protecting Hiko.

"Chief Fugaku, your Uchiha clan are really lawless!"

Hiko left, swaggering away, Danzo, who was full of anger, could only spread this anger on Fugaku's head.

"Please don't be angry, my lord. Hiko is still a child. I will educate him. I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again."

Uchiha Fugaku is also a bachelor, the matter has come to this point, he can only admit it, and bear with being criticized, in short, let this matter be perfunctory first.

"Hmph." Danzo snorted coldly:

"There will be no next time, bring my people out."

The threat is self-evident, as long as Danzo finds a chance, he doesn't mind killing Hiko in minutes to relieve his anger.

Sure enough, he came to ask for someone.

Uchiha Fugaku had already guessed that there would be this result. Fortunately, when the police department arrested people last night, he thought of his words:

"My lord, there are no people from you in the police department, but two unidentified people attacked Hiko last night and were arrested by the police department. Now they have been sent to the prison. Why don't you go and have a look?"


Is someone caught by me, or someone unknown?

What Danzo couldn't accept the most was that his people were sent to prison.

"You are done, this matter, the old man wrote it down!"

As a high-ranking village official and not good at swearing, Danzo can't directly spray like Hiko

No matter how angry he is, he can only endure it first, and this account will be settled slowly in the future.

Everyone has been caught in prison, and Sandaim Hokage must have received the news. Thinking that he will be ashamed in front of Sandaim Hokage, Danzo has the heart to kill.

Danzo glanced at Fugaku viciously, and Danzo turned and left with his wooden stick.

I'm numb, Izumi's whole body is numb, I thought I could join the job smoothly today, but what happened? what did she see.

The captain actually scolded the village's high-level officials, Mr. Hokage Assistant.

Izumi has a feeling that the road of life is dark.

At this time, she could only walk behind Hiko numbly, and she couldn't even remember the boundaries of the area that the third team needed to patrol.

"What, are you scared?"

Stopping at the door of a small shop, Hiko bought a few bunches of meatballs and handed them to Izumi.

"Thank you Captain."

He took the ball in a daze, and it took several seconds for Izumi to realize it, and quickly bowed to thank him.

Holding the meatball in her hand, Izumi was very tangled in her heart. She was hesitating whether to eat it by herself or not.

In the end, Izumi still couldn't resist the temptation of the meatballs, so She took small bites.

After eating two strings of meatballs, the little girl's temper gradually recovered, and she was no longer as frightened as before.

It seems that eating sweets can change people's mood.

"People seem to be terrified of us."

Only then did Izumi notice that she and Hiko were walking on the street, and many people saw them and hurried to the side of the road, and some even cast angry and resentful glances at them.


Now that he has entered the police department, he is a member of the police department and will face such a situation every day in the future. As the captain, Hiko feels that it is necessary for him to let Izumi know that the world is dangerous.

"People who are afraid of us are caused by the bad reputation of the police department. After all, in order to maintain law and order, most of the incidents handled by the police department are not pleasing. Over time, this situation has formed. Some people say that they are afraid of us. Uchiha, that's not true."

Hiko shook his head regretfully and said:

"These villagers are not afraid of Uchiha, but the police department."

"Of course, this also has something to do with our Uchiha's behavior style. They are always family members and will not be popular wherever they go. Maybe you have already felt that Uchiha people are easily targeted and encountered in the ninja school. Roll your eyes."

Izumi didn't know about the police department, but Izumi felt the same way with Hiko's example, because she had encountered it before.

Children from commoner families will avoid her because she is a Uchiha ninja, and family children will avoid her because she is from Uchiha.

"As for those who look at us with anger and resentment, most of them have the experience of being arrested by the police department, or have family members and friends who have been arrested before."

"Many people will complain, saying that our Uchiha law enforcement is very violent and deliberately targets civilians. In fact, most of these complaints come from villagers or ninjas who are dissatisfied with their arrest."

"They can't retaliate against us, so they can only choose to complain to disgust people."

Maintaining law and order means solving a lot of troublesome things, and dealing with these things is easy to offend people. After a long time, it is strange that Uchiha can be seen by others.

The most important thing is that the village will not publicize the good side of Uchiha.

As for Uchiha's poor performance, the higher-ups will stare at him.

In this way, it is strange that Uchiha's reputation can be good.

Look at the Hyuga Clan, how they treat civilians, the Hyuga Clan is even more arrogant than the Uchiha, how many people in the village blame the Hyuga Clan?

Very little, or even none.