
Save Uchiha, Start From Flipping the Table

Novel Summary Hiko, a worker, transmigrated in Naruto and become a member of the Uchiha, but the timeline turned out to be three years before the night of the genocide. It coincided with the peak of the village’s suspicion and defense against Uchiha. Factions in the family fight for power, high-level surveillance, and villagers’ misunderstandings, everything is just like the original work. If hiko doesn’t act, the final outcome is that the whole family will be sent to the coffin by the filial son Itachi! Death starts, it is better to ask yourself than to ask others! Yan can only start to save himself! Factional battles? Then cut out the faction! High-level targets? Then change a group of high-level people! If the internal rescue is not enough, then tear the opening from the outside! Uchiha self-help guide begins! Recast the glory of Uchiha! Remember, my name, Uchiha hiko!

Rajpatidar · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 16 Danzo went to the police department to play awe-inspiring but was attacked!

Am I in the wrong place?

its not right.

Taking two steps back and looking at the sign on the door frame, Hiko felt more and more wrong.

A group of thorns, you can make them obedient, but it is much more difficult to make them polite than to suppress them.

Hiko knew who the members of the third team were.

He still remembers what happened when he first became the captain.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that there was one more person in the lounge, and compared to the others, he looked a little petite and pleasant.

"A newcomer here?"

Feeling like you have changed one by one.

Hiko even thought the sun was coming out from the west.

It turned out to be a newcomer, a lovely girl.

It's just... why does this newcomer look familiar?

"team leader."

With a bit of anxiety, izumi hurriedly bowed and said hello.

Although she passed the audit by the personnel department, whether she can stay in the police department in the end depends on Hiko's evaluation.

If Yan's evaluation is not good, Izumi can only quit the police team and apply for another assessment.

This is the same as when students from Ninja School graduate. The teacher who leads the team needs to conduct an assessment first. If they feel that the students' strength and character are not up to standard, then the graduates can be rebuilt and returned to school to repeat the grade.

Looking down at the tense and restrained girl in front of him, Hiko was silent for a few seconds and asked:

"Are you Izumi Uchiha? Auntie Hazuki's child?"

Uchiha Izumi is not considered a native Uchiha, and he can barely be regarded as returning home halfway.

Her mother, Uchiha Hazuki, chose to marry out when she was young. After her husband died, she took izumi back to the family, and izumi changed her name because of this, and began to use Uchiha's surname.

To be precise, the situation of their mother and daughter in Uchiha is not particularly good.


Izumi nodded nervously and said:

"My mother also often mentioned the captain, so after I graduated, she persuaded me to join the police department, so that my mother and I could integrate into the Uchiha more thoroughly."

"I see."

Hiko suddenly realized that he almost thought it was his butterfly wings that affected Izumi, and it turned out to be Uchiha Hazuki's decision.

Because of his mother's relationship, izumi, who had just graduated, did not join the team assigned by the school, but sent an application to the police department for assessment.

Nodding his head, Hiko said: "Since you have chosen to join the police department, then work hard and do things in a down-to-earth manner. I believe the tribe will sincerely accept you and Auntie Hazuki."

"Get ready and start patrolling. Izumi will learn from me first."

It is an old tradition in the police department that the captain leads the izumi just joined, and Hiko, who is the captain, is needed to lead her.


The team members agreed loudly.

After Oriyan walked into the office, Oriyan and the others did not forget to wink at Izumi:

"Izumi, you don't have to worry. The captain is actually a very gentle and nice person. There will be no problem with your assessment."

"I believe I can stay."

Feeling the pressure, Izumi smiled sarcastically, she was a little nervous, even though her mother had said many times, Hiko was not a strict person.

If the Sixth Elder lying in the hospital heard this, he might be so angry that he vomited three liters of blood.

Just when Yan took his men and was about to go out to perform patrol duties, an unexpected visitor came from the police department.

An uninvited guest that made everyone in the police department nervous.

Holding a wooden stick, he walked slowly into the hall of the police department.

"I want to see Uchiha Hiko."

After waiting all night, none of his subordinates came back.

No matter how you say it, Danzo needs to make this trip to give Hiko a badass, and see if he can get him back by the way.

It's a matter of face, so Danzo can't help but ignore it.

"Looking for me?"

Hiko who happened to be walking down the stairs heard this and looked over curiously.

Good guy, did you go out in person?

The entire hall of the police department was quiet, and someone left quietly to inform Fugaku, the patriarch.

It's not a good thing that Danzo is here.

At least for the people of Uchiha, it is not a good thing.

"I don't know why konoha elder wants to meet me?"

Hiko walked down to meet Danzo, and waved to the surroundings:

"What should you do? It's not a ghost to assist the adults. I'll scare you."

"The old man doesn't like sharp-mouthed little ghosts very much."

Danzo's exposed left eye narrowed slightly, and he, who was old and mature, could naturally hear that Hikl was scolding him in a roundabout way.

A gloomy atmosphere permeated Danzo's body, but Hiko was not affected in the slightest.

Hiko lowered his gaze a little, rubbed his face, and said with a smile:"Coincidentally, I don't really like the old man who hides in the dark. This kind of person is like a poisonous snake. It will jump out and bite people at every turn, making people want to beat him to death with a stick. Are you that Hokage assistant ."

What's wrong with scolding you, as long as I don't name names, you Danzo will not come and bite me.

Hiko is not afraid of tearing faces with Danzo, nor is he afraid of making trouble with him, you have sent someone to mess with me, and I still need to be polite to you?

Don't treat me like a water stopper.

At this time, the quieter Hiko is, the more dangerous he is. I believe that if there is a big trouble, there will be pairs of eyes on Danzo, and hiko himself is the safest.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Danzo's hands holding the wooden staff were tightly clenched together.

It can be seen from here that he is not at peace.

It's right to think about it, people like Danzo have long been used to being superior, let alone scolding him face to face, even a little bit disrespectful, he will feel uncomfortable.

"Evil Uchiha kid, you're are done."

With a cold face, Danzo didn't care about the angry and resentful eyes of the Uchiha people around him. He put the evil label on Hiko's head in front of everyone, and he didn't forget to bring the Uchiha three Character.

"Thank you for your compliment,Hokage Assistant, but what can Hokage Assistant do for me?"

Hiko didn't care about Danzo's description of himself, but smiled:

"I still have a task to do. There are too many shady rats and poisonous snakes hiding in the gutters of the village. If I am not careful, these beasts will jump out and bite people. It is related to the security of the village. As the captain of the police department I have to pay attention to it."

Come on, hurt each other, anyway, you dare not do anything to me in an open and honest manner.

Cursing, I, Uchiha Hiko, have never been afraid of anyone.

"Where are the old man's people?"

After scolding Hiko, he was scolded by Hiko. All kinds of mouse, poisonous snake and other descriptions were used on him. Danzo knew that he was not good at these, so he simply proposed his own intention.


Hiko pretends to be confused:

"Who? Why is the person who assists you in the police department? Did you find the wrong place? You should go home and have a look."

As he spoke, Hiko suddenly slapped his forehead.

Apologize quickly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I forgot to help you, and I'm working for the village

"Uchiha Hiko!!"

Danzo, who couldn't bear it anymore, went crazy.