
Save Them All

Mason Clarke was forced powerlessly to watch his friends, loved ones... and soulmate die. Years have passed and in pursuit of strength, he has somehow become the strongest being supernatural or otherwise. After decades of fighting his last 'hope' proves to be false. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. Slaughtering all of his enemies, having them die by his hand. Killing them does not however provide him with any satisfaction. Screaming into the dead of the night, he decides to reunite with those he lost, ending his life by his own terms. Fate, intervenes. And doesn't allow for his story to end just yet. Instead, he awoke moments later to find that he had reincarnated into his past-self. Armed with his experience and knowledge of future events, he sets out to live his life anew. And this time he will SAVE THEM ALL.

CountSpankula · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

For Now

First things first. I need to prioritise.

Dealing with Laura's body or half thereof is going to have to be on the back burner. Whose


She's the body in the woods. Ryan's sister and Drake's niece.

I plan on digging it up later as I know where it's buried (at least the one half) and then I will have to create some kind of false evidence trail which will link Laura's death to Kate Artem.

But that can wait, for now.

The first thing that needs to be addressed is the nurse and Drake.

Hmm, I need to get the nurse out the way as permanently as I can and I also need to keep

control of Drake.

I need him to not complicate things by killing Kate's accomplices.

I need time to find them all and have them turn on her, so that I can build an air tight case against


Urgh, I'm getting a feeling that this won't be as easy as I initially thought.

In the past we screwed up so much that it exploded in our faces. Never stood a chance.

But now, I DO.

And I'm not going to waste it.

Going upstairs, I change into an all black adidas tracksuit putting it on I check my refection.

This really doesn't compare to what I had while working for the CIA.

Back then I had high end melee fabrics, infused with special liquid metal that would halt most projectiles, with light weight shock absorption Armor woven into them.

I could move without restriction and stay as safe as possible. For now, this will have to do.

For now I need some added protection, I may have to pay Deaton a visit, the resident

veterinarian of Mystic Hill's, Matt's boss, the mysterious druid.

Where else am I going to find wolfsbane and mountain ash in this town?

Sure those things are harmful to supernatural creatures, and you'd think they would be something I avoided.

Luckily though my supernatural form doesn't have traditional weakness. There is one but its metaphysical and can change depending on my mood, so for now having people not know what I am, will serve as an advantage.

Not that them finding out will do them any good. As Castiel used to say, in his annoyingly regal accent "With absolute power, comes absolute certainty."

Opening my window, I step into the roof before I drop down to the ground.

Yeah, I could totally get used to this part of being young again. While my body was still in the prime, even at a young 250, nothing beats being 16 again.

Running through the woods, I overshoot my stopping position because this body is still not

used to moving so fast as the world around me slows down.

I may even do a few backflips and running jumps just because I CAN.

My 16 year old self's impulsiveness is seriously coming out right now.

Swinging around the town, I track down where that damn nurse lives and then execute the

most perfect leap into a tree that gives me an excellent view of her house.

Twisting my head, I tune my ears in and sure enough there's a heartbeat coming from her tiny little house.

Setting in to a comfortable position, I lay out my scheme and prepare the spells I'll need to

pull this off.

Stuck up here I practice getting re-acclimated with my enhanced senses.

The faster I get used to my abilities, the faster I can wrap this entire crazy thing up. I focus, as I stretch my senses to it's utmost limit, paying attention to all conversations, scents and movements within the nearby surroundings, both human and animal.

In the night breeze, I can hear the distant rumbling of thunder.

It seems to be forewarning the rain that is about to come.

The rain that will distract Hope so she loses focus and hits thedog, the dog that will lead her to Matt.

Goodluck, grabbing your happiness buddy. I can't help but smile.

My ears then perk up as I here the nurse grab her keys walking outside.

'Hi, there .. Jennifer.' I smile as I look at her blissfully unaware of what is to come,

I have to successfully get her out of the way, but not kill her. I need to know what she's been

doing to other patients so that she can legally be punished.

By removing her, I'll weaken Drake, leaving him to me more reliant on me for help. I'll have more leverage over him and that means control.

Control gives me the power to do this thing right.

As she makes her way to her car. The path is made up of well laid cobblestone begins to shift

under her feet at my command.

Due to this she missteps and falls to the ground. A sickenly loud crack of bound is audible. My best guess is that she's suffered Tibia shaft fracture.

How do I know you ask? Because she's literally screaming while holding her shinbone.

You know, in a way I'm doing her a favour. Since I'm stopping her now, she won't get killed

by Drake in the future. This go round, the crazy bitch gets to live. Albeit in prison.

I can hear her heart beating rapidly as she begs to a diety to save her.

The adrenaline then kicks in as she reaches for her bag, fumbling for her phone as she tries to call for an ambulance.

Step one done, she'll be out of the way for a couple of weeks now, more than enough time to get

the proof needed to have her arrested for all the horrible things she's done.

Not caring for her wellbeing, I jump out from the tree, and head to Mystic Hill's Long term

care facility which houses Drake.