
Save My Baby

Dolly and Joe teenagers fall in love. Dolly is faced with being homeless teenage pregnant girl while Joe is in prison. Their baby is kidnapped from the Hospital and sold in the Black Market. Joe is released from prison and searches to save his baby. While searching for his baby, he discovers a Human Trafficking Organization.

Sylvia_Russell · Sports, voyage et activités
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Chapter Four

Dolly had a high school diploma. She knew how to take care of Tommy. The second Chance Home was looking for a house parent. Dolly applied for the job. She was hired as a resident. Dolly wanted to show other mothers the love she received at home. This would allow Dolly to share her experiences with other teenage mothers. Dolly has found a new life with a new family. One that accepted her and Tommy.

The phone rang. It was Joe who wanted to know how Tommy was doing. Amy had sent him a letter and a picture of Tommy. Amy was upset Joe was in prison. Joe had no means to help her with Tommy. Joe didn't try to contact them because before the abort ion was planned. She was glad Joe talked to her about abortion. Tommy filled a gap that Dolly felt inside. Tommy was now her family. Dolly vowed never to let Joe get between her.

Dolly had a home health aide come twice a week to check Tommy's development. Dolly couldn't find clothes that suited him. She bought doll dresses and dressed Tommy. She took care of his mood. It was entirely dedicated to Tommy. As Tommy grew, he needed exceptional care to help him develop. Dolly had to do physiotherapy with Tommy twice a day. The Home Health Aide taught Dolly how to do exercises with Tommy.

In December, Dolly prepared everything for Tommy's first Christmas. She knew Tommy would never understand what was going on. But Dolly did and wanted to make it special for him. Dolly put up a small Christmas tree in her room. Tommy sat in his swing and watched the lights flash. She went to the store and bought a special ornament Tommye's first Christmas and put it on the tree. At night, she sang Christmas carols to Tommy when she put him to bed. It was to be a wonderful Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Tommy had to be taken to the hospital.

Tommy had difficulty breathing his lips had turned purple. The nurse called EMS and Tommy was taken to the hospital. Tommy was hospitalized and placed in an N-oxygen tent. Dolly stayed in the hospital with Tommy and never left his side. In the middle of the night, Dolly was woken up by nurses and doctors who ran into the room. Tommy had stopped breathing and was put on a ventilator. Dolly became emotional and started crying. The doctor insisted that she take a sedative to help her sleep. Dolly was afraid to go to sleep. She wanted nothing to do with Tommy.

Dolly was sedated with the medication the doctor had prescribed for her. She slept all night and never woke up. When she got up that morning, Tommy was gone. She outsourced the nurse. The nurse entered the room with a shot. Another sedative for Dolly. She didn't want a sedative. She wanted to know where Tommy was. The nurse told her that Tommy had disappeared that night. Dolly to scream that you think my baby is better. How were you able to make this happen? What kind of hospital do you run them? Someone took Tommy and now you can't find him. Tommy had been kidnapped. Dolly to cry and pray: Lord, please save my Tommy and bring him home safely.

Joe sat in the prison's dayroom and watched a show. Dolly begged the kidnapper to please return Tommy. Tommy was sick and needed medication. Posters were put up all over the city asking for information to support the investigator. Investigator Russell questioned everyone at the hospital, and no one gave any information. Russell asked to talk to the nurse on duty Gloria who was taking care of the baby. Gloria left and did not return to work the next day.

Russell asked to view the employee records for Gloria. The human resources department denied him access to the information. Russell arranged a meeting with the district attorney to obtain a search warrant. Attorney County told the Russell that he did not have enough evidence to obtain a search warrant. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects Humans' right to be safe in their persons, homes, papers, and effects against inappropriate searches and seizures. Police must obtain a search warrant from a judge, although courts have found exceptions to this rule, such as emergency situations and items that are clearly visible to police officers.

The fourth amendment itself lays down the criteria for obtaining a lawful search warrant. A police officer or other officer applying for an arrest warrant must prove a probable reason to the satisfaction of a judge, take an oath or confirmation of the truth of the matters supporting the probable cause, and describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. A search warrant is invalid if it covers an area that is too wide or does not name certain objects or persons. The suspicion or belief of an officer alone is not enough to figure out a probable cause.

Russell couldn't get an arrest warrant just because he thought Gloria might have been involved in the kidnapping of Tommy. The fact that she didn't come forward to work the next day isn't enough proof. Russell was unable to obtain Gloria's employee records. The records with have supplied personal information to aid Russell in finding her. Russell would have her address and emergency contact information. Russell was now faced with finding out if anyone knew where she lived. Everyone Russell had information about Gloria. She had only been employed in the hospital a few months. She had no friends at work. Russell was discouraged because he is now standing in front of a wall.

Joe to count down the days until his release. He wanted to do everything he could to find Tommy. Joe felt that Tommy wouldn't have been kidnapped if he had been there. Joe started going to the library and researching the hospital. Joe contacted his classification officer and asked for a special phone call. He wanted to call investigator Russell and talk to him. Joe was not allowed to call anyone who was not on his approved phone list. To use a telephone service for occupants, occupants must register and provide a list of names and numbers for the people they wish to communicate with. Call restrictions vary depending on the institution, and most phone calls are limited to 15 minutes. Joe asked to talk to the investigator as a legal call. Inmates can receive legal calls from their lawyer or court official in classification. These calls are not subject to recording or monitoring. Joe's request for a legal call to Russell did not fulfill the qualifications. Russell did not work on his personal case.

Joe knew he had to find a way to talk to someone about the investigation. Joe desperately wanted to know if Russell had any leads. Did he have any idea who could have kidnapped Tommy? Joe knew when he was released from prison that he would never give up until he found Tommy. The person who took Tommy would have paid. Joe knew Tommy was sick and worried that he wasn't getting the medical care he needed. Joe called Amy and asked her to see Dolly. Joe desperately needed to talk to Dolly to find out what was being done to find Tommy.

Amy visited Dolly at home. Dolly was devastated and hadn't slept for a whole night after Tommy was kidnapped. Dolly would have nightmares if something happened to Tommy. She would wake up at night and hear Tommy cry. She went over to the bed Tommy sleep in search of him. But he was never there. Dolly would get down on her knees and pray. Mr. please save Tommy. Don't let anyone hurt my baby. Please bring him home. I love him so much. Why did this happen to my baby? Why didn't they hurt me instead of taking my baby? I would like to be my life for. Please help me. Dolly was afraid to go to sleep at night. Because in her dreams she would experience this night repeatedly. Sometimes she would wake up and shout, "Please don't take my baby."

Amy had arranged for Joe to call at 5:00 p.m. to talk to Dolly. The phone rang and Dolly didn't want to talk to Joe. She was afraid that Joe would blame her for everything that happened. Joe only tried to contact her when things were going badly. Amy asked Dolly to talk to Joe. Dolly finally wanted to talk to him for a minute. Joe wanted to know what was going on with the case. He also wanted to know if she had received a call from the kidnapper. Dolly was surprised that he asked the question about the phone call. Only rich children are kidnapped for ransom. Joe told Dolly that when he got out, he wo. find Tommy. Dolly was upset by the ransom comment and hung up the phone.

It was Tommy's first birthday and he had not been found. Russell was still looking for him. Russell would never give up on finding the baby. When he heard that a baby had been kidnapped in the state, he called the investigator, hoping to find Tommy. Russell would compare the evidence in Tommy's case to the kidnapped baby. If he could find a connection between the two. He might find Tommy. Joe was released from prison.

Joe contacted Russell and asked for help with the investigation. Russell had told Joe that he had been at a dead end. Tommy was kidnapped from the hospital, and no one would give him any information to find Tommy. Joe asked Russell to find my baby. While Joe was looking for a job, he saw a janitorial job in the hospital. Joe knew that if he could get a job at the hospital, he could find out information. No one knew him. You wouldn't know that he was Tommy's father. Joe completed the application and interviewed for the job. Joe prayed that he would get work. If he befriended working-class workers in the hospital, perhaps one of them would talk to him about kidnapping the baby.

Joe received a call from the hospital. He was hired. This was the beginning of the search for Tommy. He would gain the trust of hospital staff for months. Joe knew he had to go to the human resources office. If he could be commissioned to clean the office. He was able to get the information about Gloria. Joe waited until he was finally assigned to clean the human resources office. Russell agreed to help Joe to find Tommy. Joe found the address for Gloria 2158 Hill Top Circle. This was the first guided tour in the search for Gloria. Perhaps she would give information about the events when Tommy was kidnapped.