
Save Me,

Meet Roman, a young boy in a time to be different was a crime, or label of insanity. Forced into asylum young, he was forced to undergo correctional treatments to 'fix' the sexuality society could not accept. Now as he fights against his traumas, he finds himself rehomed with his aunt, finding his way through self-acceptance and finding love as he takes his second chance to heart.

Beau_Jackal · Politique et sciences sociales
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1 Chs

1; Home


From outside came the sound of the drip, drip, drip of water falling from the leaky roof, the sound fills the room and makes sleep hard to come by. The large building creaked in every corner, with rows of cells, an individual locked inside each one. The cells each had very limited amenities. The cot was a thin, cheap, and worn mattress with a thin layer of foam and a dozen springs. The pillow; a bare piece of foam. The floor, a modest stone slab, cracked and covered in mud was frozen stone with small pellets of glass sprinkled throughout it, the shock of cold creeping up the bare feet of the victims who walked upon it.

-The thin layer of foam on the cot and the thin and torn clothes they had offered no protection from the chill. The basic concrete mix walls, cracked and covered in mold. The dark and dripping room glistens with the wetness of leaky pipes and blood. The air was consistently cold, being so near the ground level and lacking any windows to let in the sunlight. Darkness makes the corners of the room seem to grow in number with the shapes of troll dolls, gargoyles, and goblins. An old, rusted fan hangs from the ceiling, slowly whirling and creaking as it turns.

Opened upon the creaky and moldy little desk was a bent and torn journal, revealing writings of the torture and pain that had been inflicted upon the boy, the blood that had once drenched the pages with entries, writings of the torture that had been given to a bruised and broken young boy who had been locked away by the very people he thought to trust.

They keep giving me pills…

It hurts… The shock in my brain…

I can't speak, I'm scared…

I hate me… I hate me…

There's more guards… They're surrounding me… help me…

The boy had become an adult, having been forced into the asylum known as Cloudy Heights Psychiatric Institution by his very own parents, he was only 16 and still learning. He was 19, now, yet he couldn't even recognize himself. The only thing he remembered was his name; Roman Foster. Inside the Asylum, names didn't exist. He was just a patient, an insane grotesque one, much less a human being. Upon the list of admission reasons for Asylums, such as head trauma, impotence, nymphomania, severe wounds, and abuse, such reasons also listed absurdities; Seduction, feeble intellect, asthma, desertion of partner, and as Roman had been listed in for, Sexual Derangement. In other terms, homosexuality. In 1967, Asylums could no longer hold patients involuntarily. However, as only a young boy, his parents still had the choice to force him into the asylum. How could a young boy know of his rights, when no one dared tell him? By 1971, Asylums were under severe restrictions, and a new act of health started opening alternatives for the mentally ill, and freeing those kept locked up who never deserved to be.

As asylums were being investigated, many were saved from the torturous place. Including the young boy, Roman. In his confusion he fought, but his weakened bare boned body was less than a struggle for the men who dragged him away from the horrid place that would continue to haunt him.

The male was awoken by strong blinding lights, unable to move their limbs, they thrashed what they could of their body, but exhaustion had too soon consumed him again. It was a good amount of time before they awoke again. It wasn't the same place he knew. Instead of the usual rocky crumbling walls, and cold cracked floors, the walls were white, the floors were a smooth marble. The boy was in a bed two feet off the floor, lying almost flat in a square room. Their eyes watered, struggling to adjust to the harsh bright lighting they were no longer accustomed to.

As time continued ticking by, they could barely count the seconds, still feeling dazed, confused and vulnerable. When their head finally stopped spinning, their head lifted, seeming to set something off. When they turned their head, the patient noticed what caused the commotion. A nurse; an older woman, was calling out something by the door. She had likely been waiting for them to wake up and was now calling for others.

It wasn't long their eyes were held open and a light was shining against their pupils. His eyes watered, reacting to the harshness. "Hey buddy, are you in there?" One person asked, certainly not the woman this time but an older gentleman.

The only thing that escaped the patient was a groan, it was all they could muster but the nurse or doctor, whatever he was, seemed pleased. "Hey, welcome back to us" They greeted. The young male grimaced, holding up his arms against the light, but movement was the biggest relief. Afterall, they worried the boy would remain a vegetable, having seen how lifeless he'd been when they found him. He had been asleep for a few days, but it gave them enough time to find Roman's Patient records, family history and track down a relative willing to take him in.

To the relief of Roman, he had gotten to shower, scrubbing his body of the scum he had lived in for so long. He was fed a meal, though eating wasn't a priority, his worry fell on where he would go. As far as he knew, no one wanted him. He was given fresh clothes by a nurse, having none of his own. Once washed up, wearing jeans and a long sleeve multi color shirt, he was led out into the waiting area of the clinic. Roman walked slowly, hesitant to go anywhere, and worried they would throw him out to the streets. So it was a shock when they stopped before a woman he had no recollection of. A stranger in his mind.

"Mrs. Symons," The nurse greeted the woman politely. Said woman was a middle aged but beautiful woman with long black hair over her shoulders. She had light brown eyes and wore a knee length red dress with a matching red belt tight around her waist, and a triangular opening at the front with a collar. The skirt was flowy and open, so it moved with her. With a soft smile, the woman shook the nurse's hand before pulling her attention to the boy that reminded her much of his father, her brother. Seeing Roman with his shaggy length black locks and stunning crystal blue eyes. The boy was thin, and stood with a crouched posture.

"Hi, Roman. You might not remember me, I haven't seen you since you were itty bitty" She chuckled. "I am your aunty Lisette. I'm gonna take you home, get you on your feet, how's that sound?" She asked sweetly.

With Roman's silence, she worriedly gazed up to the nurse, which Roman still didn't know the name of. The nurse sighed. "Mrs. Symons, we worry that, Roman here, might need some… special help, adjusting. He hasn't spoken since we recovered him. His file from Cloudy Heights Psychiatric Institution, says this mutism started within his first year in the ward, so we can't be sure he'll… recover and speak again" She warned.

The mute boy caught his 'self acclaimed Aunt's' gaze meekly. She only smiled in understanding, sympathy. Roman couldn't read it, but hoped it was a good thing. With papers signed, Roman walked out with the stranger, knowing they were being naive but they hadn't any choice. They would just have to pretend he was… 'fixed,' so he wouldn't have to go through it again.

The car ride was quiet, the dark haired male curled up in his seat leaning into the belt. He was quite tall at only 17, lanky, but he made himself fit into a ball in the seat even so. When they arrived, he was shocked by the scene ahead. Blue and brown eyes both gazed at the picket fence houses, along the neighborhood. Lizette had parked in front of a two story house painted baby blue with a little garden posted out front with an American flag on the pole, and a rock trail. The front porch had a little swinging bench and a small round table with an ashtray. She walked Roman up to the door, and brought out a ring of keys, unlocking the door before stepping inside with Roman following her inside.

The house had a homey feel and aesthetic. The walk in had a hat stand and coat closet, The floors were wood throughout the home, except for the kitchen which was tile. The Living room had a large soft blue rug beneath a circular glass coffee table. Amongst it was a few sofa chairs and a lounge sofa with little intricately designed pillows. There was a fireplace connected into the wall. A large rectangular box shaped table stood in the corner with a vase holding a tall plant, and the lighting hung from the ceiling. A window was at the side of the living room bringing in natural light while the blinds were pulled open. The kitchen was nice, with a stove and coffee pot, a window in front of the sink, a tall white fridge and the dining table with a chandelier above. The house was beautiful, but Roman most loved his bedroom. It was previously the guest room Lisette had transformed for him. He had a soft and real bed, firm when he pushed on it. In the corner, he had a circular globe chair with the red inner cushion and large rug over the cooler hardwood. He had a closet for clothes and two nightstands on opposite ends of his bed. Both nightstands had round lantern-like lamps and a small desk and chair. The perfect little room for him.

"Well dear, you get settled in, tomorrow we will find some new clothes and shoes for you," She told Roman gently. "Dinner will be in just a few hours" She headed out from the room to let the young adult get used to the new surroundings.

It was after 6 the call was made for dinner. Rowan was hesitant to go down, sitting on the bed that felt so foreign to him. He noticed the call went silent after the second time, and he eased, only to hear footsteps and felt nervous, standing quickly to head out from his room, catching Lisette at the stairs.

"There you are. Did you hear me call?" The beautiful older woman pulled her hair from her shoulders to fall behind them instead. She eyes Roman, who rubbed his arms, silent and unable to meet her gaze.

"Roman?" She sighed and using the handrail, sat herself on the step, patting a spot beside her. "I know, this is a difficult time for you. It was awful what your parents did, I wish I knew. But I do now, and that is why I am here. I want to help you get back on your feet."

Roman slowly faced her, his gaze was terrified. What if they hadn't fixed him? What if she found out he was unfixable? He felt sick to his stomach with the fear pounding in his heart gripping him in his silence.

"If you're hungry, you are welcome to join me for dinner, or take a plate up to your room. If you don't want to eat now, feel free to come down anytime you like." She offered kindly, and stood up to head back down, leaving Rowan sitting with a decision and festering anxiety about what would happen to him while he was there, and when he'd have to leave.

When he did make a decision, he went back to the room he now considered his safe grounds, lying on the comfortable bed, something he had not had in a long time. Sleep still didn't come easy, but it was the best he'd had in a while too.

When he made an appearance the next morning, he was startled to notice there were two girls, rather than one. Swallowing, the mute gave a subtle wave.

Lisette, the older but still very good looking woman was standing over the stove with a delicious smell coming from whatever she was cooking. The girl at the table was an almost exact copy of Lisette, only younger with hazel eyes rather than brown. It took a moment for Lisette to realize Roman was there, but swiftly turned to face him with a smile, a spatula in her hand.

"Well good morning Roman. How did you sleep?" She asked politely. Roman shrugged for an answer. It was okay, so he was trying to gesture.

"Oh, yes, Roman, you haven't met my daughter, Mirena." She introduced, which Roman turned to the girl to wave.

"Mirena, I was hoping you could show Roman around today?" She glanced at her daughter before glancing back at her cooking, tossing a stack of pancakes, eggs and bacon to the table for Roman.

Mirena sighed. "Do I have to?"

"I was asking to be polite. And you will treat Roman kindly" Lisette's tone got tougher.

Mirena huffed. "Fine," She groaned.

After breakfast, Lisette gave Mirena money to get Roman some nice clothes. "Now, remember, Roman isn't comfortable talking yet. So please take it slow with him."

"Whatever you say" She sighed. She finished breakfast and went to get herself ready. Roman could tell easily. She didn't like him, did she?

Roman left with Mirena right after breakfast. They headed to the shops to get Roman a few outfits to last him a little while. Roman got a few slacks, sweaters, button ups, a jacket, and a vest. Roman mostly let Mirena choose out the item, he just pointed to a color. Most clothing were blues and blacks, with some intricate patterns on some of his shirts. As they left the store, Roman smiled shyly at her, rubbing his neck. He wanted to speak up, but something made it impossible to speak.

Mirena however just rolled her eyes. "Stop looking at me like that" She huffed. "We're stopping at the diner for lunch later. But first we need to do something about that" She gestured to his hair before heading to a salon. His hair had become overgrown, matted. If Roman had to be around her, he had to at least look normal. Roman couldn't exactly sit still in the salon. He was a nervous wreck, sitting there. He rubbed his hands against each other to fidget with something, before he was called into the chair.

"Hey bud. Oh, are we cutting all this?" The barber asked. He was an older man with white freckled hair and thicker beard. Mirena sighed. "He doesn't speak. But yes, whatever you gotta do" She answered for Roman, who looked at her worried.

"Relax, dork." She snorted. She was younger than Roman but only by a year. It only meant he'd be 20 before she was.

With new clothes and haircut, he felt like an entirely new person. He felt a lot better. Not fixed per say. But a lot better now, getting this chance. They went to the diner around 2, after all that shopping, getting the haircut, time had been lost. Especially with the hour Mirena took to shop for herself as well. When they headed in, Mirena seemed to be known by everyone. She gestured to Roman to follow her into a booth on her favorite side of the diner.

As they sat into the booth of the diner, Roman took in the decorum of the diner. It was red, blue and white, with black and white tiled floors, a jukebox in the corner and the bar stools at the counter up front. A server came out from seemingly nowhere. He greeted Mirena by name. So everyone knew her here? "Whos' this?" The server asked. Roman finally seemed to face the other, rubbing his arm.

The server was gorgeous, at least to Roman. His warm, chocolate brown eyes seemed like pools of mystery. His short, shaggy hair was pulled over to one side with gel, and it appeared darker nestled into his hat. He wore a white button up shirt with a red and white striped vest that caught more than a few glances from the ladies of the diner. He even wore the delicate gold necklace with a cross. Roman blinked, watching the male before gazing quickly at the menu, mentally preparing for shocks, and pain. Dreadful pain. When it didn't come, he opened his clenched eyes, noticing they were staring at him.

"Weirdo" Mirena scoffed. "He's my cousin. He won't speak." She rolled her eyes. "What do you want, idiot?"

Roman swallowed, quickly gazing to the menu. He found something he thought sounded good and just pointed to it. The server leaned in to take a look. "Ah, that's my favorite," The server chimed. The name tag the server wore read "Jae" which Roman assumed was his name. It was a nice name.

Roman nodded slowly, glancing awkwardly back down to the menu. "I didn't know you had a cousin, Mirena." He commented.

"I didn't either. My mother found him in the trash bin, and decided to bring him home" She snorted.

Roman rubbed his neck, gazing away, but was saved by a familiar voice. "Ah, Jae. I see you have met my nephew Roman"

Icy blue eyes gazed up towards the familiar woman, relief flooding them before looking around with realization suddenly that his aunt was at the diner too.

"Lisette, you never told me you had a nephew," Jae said with a smile, though Roman could see the confusion in his expression.

"It's a long story," Lisette replied with a sigh, taking a seat next to Roman. "But let's just say he needed a place to stay and I couldn't turn him away."

Jae nodded understandingly before turning to Roman. "Well, welcome to the diner, Roman. I hope you enjoy your meal. And if you need anything, just let me know."

Roman gave a small nod in response before turning his attention back to the menu. He couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort knowing his aunt was there. It was the first time he had seen a family member since the incident that led to him being on the streets.

The meal passed relatively smoothly after that. Mirena was still as cold as ever, but Roman found himself feeling more at ease around Jae, who continued to check on him throughout their meal.

Hope you guys enjoy, I look forward to any and all feedback!

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