
Chapter 17

Annabelle Dennis

“Yes” I say, my phone between my ear and shoulder. I was at the Gale Hall, checking up on everything, just making sure that everything is going smoothly.

“Ma’am” I heard someone say from behind me so I turned to look at him then told the person I was on call with that I would call them later “There’s some kind of issue” he said and I frowned.

“What could that be?” I asked him.

“Err… err… the guys that were going to bring the decorations had a little accident and…” I gasped as I looked at him in panic.

“Oh my GOD, when did it happen?” I asked “Are they okay?” I could feel my heart race and my limbs shake from the scare… I am really hoping that it’s not a terrible one.

“Earlier this morning and they will be fine. It’s a minor injury and they will be fine soon” he replied and I let out a breath of relief, at least I know that it’s not too serious.

“Thank GOD” I put my hand on my chest and thank GOD internally.