

IMPORTANT!! I'm giving two options for the name of the sequel or you can suggest a new name. This will be the only time you can vote since this will be the last chapter. And your options are:

Saving Us

My Savior


Ethan's POV

I wake up and reach out to pull Jayden closer only to frown when I feel cold sheets next to me. I crack an eye to see the empty rumpled sheets next to me. I groan and sit up rubbing a hand down my face before glancing around my room. Still no sign of Jayden.

My heart begins to speed up as I look around frantically and inhale deeply. His scent is starting to fade which means he's been gone for hours! I look at the clock and see that it's only 8 in the morning so he would have had to leave the room around 5. I jump up and drag some sweat pants on before practically running from the room.

Several pack members jump out of my way and stare at me in shock as I race down the halls. As I turn the corner to go down stairs an arm wraps around my waist to forcefully drag me into a room. I spin toward the person with a loud growl only to freeze. Oh it was only Luke.

"Dude chill! Your little boy toy is down in the kitchen catching up with Hadley." He says while patting me on the back.

"He's not my boy toy!" I growl out as I shake his hand off.

"Suuuure that's why he was walking funny and smelling like you this morning." He says smirking and cocking an eyebrow.

"Shut up!" I blushed deeply.

"Sooo when is he going to be initiated into the pack?" I pause as I think about this. It has to be soon. He was technically already part of the pack but since his wolf never showed he didn't get to do the traditional hunt that every wolf does when they come of age. And of course he's going to be the luna of the pack.

"We will have it in 3 days." I finally decide with a nod. I'm going to have to talk to my dad about this today.

"Awesome! I can't wait for the party! Oh this will be the perfect chance to propose to Hadley! Wait what if she says no? We just graduated high school! Is it too early to get married?" Luke worried as he paced around. Oh yeah that was another thing we had all graduated a week ago. None of us attended it though since we were focused on saving Jayden and the school said that Jayden would have to take a few online classes from all the time he missed.

"Calm down man. She's your mate it's never too early to get married in our world and she couldn't say no to you. Even though she's human I can see the connection she feels to you in her eyes." I reassure him as he breaths out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks. Now let's go get some breakfast and see your boy toy!" Luke ducks as I go to cuff him around his head and darts out of the room with me following close on his tail. I can easily catch him but it was much more fun watching him try to dodge people and things in his way. I chase him into the living room and he tried to swerve around a pack member only to slam into a small coffee table sending him and the table tumbling to the ground.

I begin laughing as I see his baffled expression when he glances at the table. Hadley and Jayden appear in the doorway and they both start laughing once they understand what happened. Luke looks up quickly when he hears Hadley laughing and he blushes deeply before finally chuckling himself.

Soon we are all breathless from laughing and we all walk into the kitchen for breakfast. I notice Jayden struggling to cut his pancake with one hand and I can tell he's getting really frustrated.

"Here let me babe." I offer as I try to reach for his plate. He frowns and shakes his head still trying to do it on his own.

"No I can get it." He says stubbornly. He continues his struggles and I can see a few tears glistening in his eyes from frustration. His movements become angry when his plate tries to slide around on the table. He lets out a frustrated groan as he tries even harder but his plate slides off the side off the table.

Syrupy pancakes land on his shirt and in his lap before the plate falls and shatters on the floor. He lets out a small cry as tears start to fall down his face. I feel my heart break at the sight of my mate looking so defeated.

"Shhh it's ok angel. Here let me carry you. I don't want you to step in glass." I whisper soothingly as I pick Jayden up bridal style and carry him out of the kitchen where everyone else is frozen. Jayden just cries on my shoulder as I walk pass curious pack members.

'Luke ask a cook to make Jayden more food and cut it up for him please. I'm going to get him cleaned up and calm him down.' I say through our mind link.

"Jayden baby, why didn't you let me help you?" I ask gently as I take him to my bathroom and set him on the sink.

"I want to do stuff myself. I don't want to be useless anymore. I'm just a burden. I can't even feed myself." He whispered while sniffling. I wipe his tears away before I kiss him gently. I make sure to keep the kiss soothing and filled with my love before I break the kiss and rest my forehead on his.

"Listen to me. You are not useless. You are not a burden. You are everything to me. My breath, my heart, my hope, my soul, my entire existence. Without you I am nothing but an empty shell of a person. I only wake up to see you. I can only go to sleep with you next to me. And even in my sleep you are all I see in my dreams. I love you Jayden. Nothing would change that. As long as your breathing and next to me then that's all I need. Now please don't cry anymore. I want to see your beautiful smile." He sniffles and smiles slightly. I grin back at him and his smile gets bigger as he stares at me.

"Do you really mean that?" I nod and he smiles his biggest smile yet before leaning forward to kiss me quickly yet sweetly. "I love you too Ethan. Forever."

"Forever." I agree simply before kissing him again. After we kiss I strip him down to his boxers and chunk his syrupy cloths in the dirty laundry basket before helping him into new cloths.

Once he's dressed I take his good hand and we walk back to the kitchen. The rest of the day was spent chatting with Luke and Hadley while cuddling on a sofa. Jayden practiced exercising his arm for a little while now determined that he will gain use of it eventually. I explained some of the advantages of being a wolf and a mate like mind link. He was really excited about everything.

After supper we went to my dad's office to talk about Jayden's official initiation into the pack.


Jayden's POV

I feel nervous as we stand outside of Ethan's fathers office. I mean not only was he the alpha but I was dating his son. What if he didn't like me? Would he tell Ethan to stop being with me?

"Enter!" Ethan pushes the door open and gently leads me to a chair infront of a big desk. His father looked almost exactly like Ethan except he had light brown hair instead of black. Huh his mom must have black hair then.

"Hey dad." Ethan greeted happily.

"Hello sir." I whisper quietly and he smiles at me gently.

"Please call me Caleb. You don't have to be so formal since your now part of the family." Caleb smiles at me and I can't help but smile back since his smile even looks like Ethan's. There is no doubt that these two are related.

"Thank you si- I mean Caleb." I say slightly louder than before.

"So what did you boys need?" Caleb asks.

"Well I wanted to say that I would like to have Jayden officially initiated in a few days. But first I wanted to make sure that it was safe. I don't want his father interfering or the rogues attacking." Ethan explains.

"Ah Ethan. I've been meaning to tell you. We found Jake. He took the money and tried to leave the state but it seems like the vampires caught him first. They took the money back and drained Jake. So there is no way he can cause trouble in the future and as for the rogue problem it seems that they have been fighting amongst themselves the are only a few rogues left that are willing to cause trouble but I know they will keep their distance for awhile. As for the vampires they are too smart to strike again so soon. They love to have everything planned. I think it will be safe to have the ceremony in a few days time."

"Wait why did the vampires kill Jake after he helped them get Jayden. That makes no sense!" Ethan exclaimed. I was so confused and happy at the same time. But I did feel sad too.

My dad was dead. I was happy that he would never hurt me again but then again I felt sad because he used to be ok. I mean when I was little he would always play with me and take me places with him. I used to look up to him and hope that I could be exactly like him when I grew up. But then mom died and he just completely changed. He wouldn't be dead if he never changed. I wouldn't be as scared and broken either.

Anger flares as I realize that it's all his fault that I'm like this. His fault that I'm so broken inside. His fault that my arm is permanently damaged. He deserved to die.

"The vampires are very cleaver. They tricked Jake into giving them Jayden then they killed him to get the money back and guarantee that he can't tell anyone of their existence." Caleb explained to Ethan. Ethan nods slowly as he lets it sink in.

"Ok well then how about we plan a party for Jayden's initiation?" he suggests as he pulls me to sit in his lap so he could rub my back soothingly. I shake thoughts of my father out of my head and try to focus on what I will be expected to do at my party.

(3days later)

It's finally time! I am so excited to finally be part of the pack! All I have to do is prove my skills as a wolf by catching and killing a rabbit or something simple while in wolf form. After that we will roast the animal over a fire the alpha will officially welcome me to the pack then I just enjoy the party and meet other members. It's pretty simple sounding to me. So why was I so nervous?

I stood at the edge of the clearing with the whole pack gathered in the yard watching. Ethan wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head quickly.

"Just go behind a tree and shift then walk out to show everyone your wolf. After that all you have to do is go find something to kill for the feast." He reassures me quietly. I give a slight nod and then do as he told me.

Once in my wolf form I limp out to the clearing for the others to see my wolf. There was several gasps and many looked at me in awe when they saw my pure white coat gleaming in the sunlight. The only flaw about my wolf was the front left paw. Like in my human form it has scars which were only slightly noticeable through my thick coat of fur and the obvious fact that I can't walk on it.

My disability doesn't seem to affect the awe that most people had for me though. After a few minutes I turn away and dart quickly back into the woods despite my limp. I hear fading whispers of "the white wolf is real" and "it's not a myth". I run through the forest as fast as any normal wolves could and soon I smell the scent of a rabbit.

I had been out here for about 20 or more minutes when I finally spot the rabbit slowly hopping around stopping occasionally to nibble on grass. I sneak to the other side of the rabbit where the wind wouldn't give me away before crouching carefully and edging closer to my prey.

I finally got close enough and leaped at the rabbit sinking my teeth into it's neck. I bite down harder and hear a sickening crack before the rabbit falls still and hangs loosely from my jaws. I enter the yard proudly carrying the rabbit as everyone watched. I drop it gently next to the fire to have someone clean and skin it for the feast.

I walk inside still in my wolf form and go upstairs before nudging our bedroom door open so that I can change. I shift and get dressed before going into the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth. I go back out and Caleb officially welcomes me to the pack.

Now time for the nervous part again. Meeting members of the pack.

I awkwardly introduce myself to a few people and talk for awhile before I fell a small tug on my sleeve. I look down to see a small girl smiling up at me.

"Hi! I'm Hazel and I'm 6." She announced happily. I smile at her enthusiasm.

"Hi Hazel. I'm Jayden."

"I know! Your the white wolf! Your wolf looks so pretty! I wish mine was white but mine is an ugly brown." She says pouting. I chuckle at her cuteness.

"Now I'm sure your wolf is beautiful just like you!" I say as I tap her nose making her scrunch it up and laugh.

'Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought.' I think as Ethan comes over and wraps me up in a hug while we watch Hazel run off with other kids and Hadley begin to cry when Luke got down on one knee. I couldn't hear what was said but I saw Hadley nod frantically and then kiss Luke deeply.

Looks like my best friend is getting married. I smile and turn in Ethan's arms to kiss him. He pulls back after a few minutes to smile at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I reply happily. This is everything I have ever wanted. Nothing can ruin this.


Ok so this was the last chapter of save me! I'm going to put it as completed now and I will post an A/N when I post the sequel!!

Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!!!