

Ethan's POV

I growl as I jerk away from the window and pace. Who would touch him?! I promise when I find out I will double the pain they have caused my mate. I need to mark him soon so I will know when he is in pain.

How will I be able to mark him though? He doesn't know that werewolves even exist let alone that he will be mated to one. I remember growing up with him and wishing he could know so that we could be friends. I can still hear his childish voice and how his laugh sounded so beautiful. I didn't know what it meant then but now I know that my wolf wanted to bond with him and become close friends during childhood.

I'm sure his voice would be very different now than when he was little. Puberty would have deepened it and taken away the childish tone. I wonder what his laugh would be like now? Would it be deep too or would it still hold the light and carefree notes?

I snap out of my daydream as I hear rustling in the woods behind me. A tan and black colored wolf steps out into my view and I relax immediately and stop the growl that I was about to let out. It was only Luke my best friend and future beta.

'What are you doing here Luke?' I ask through the pack link.

'I was coming to find you, but then my wolf went crazy over a wonderful scent. I think I'm close to my mate.' he responds as he sniffs the air more and walks toward the window behind me.

I growl low in my throat as I watch him approach the window to the room that my mate was in. I shoots me a wary look as he peaks in and inhales deeply one more time.

'It's her. I just know it! What's her name and why are you at my mates house?' he asks as he turns back to me.

'No I don't know her name but that boy in there is MY mate!' I snap at him not liking the fact that he is standing between me and my mate while my mate was injured.

'Wait! Jayden is your mate!! When did you find out and does he know yet?' Luke questions rapidly while his tail wags slightly in anticipation. I let out a wolffish chuckle since he reminds me of a puppy during Christmas.

'I just found out yesterday and no he does not know about anything.' I reply when my laughter dies down.

'Doesn't Jayden hang out with this girl everyday?' he asks and tilts his head to the side.

'Yeah I think so. Why else would he be staying at her house.' I reply.

'You don't think their dating do you?!' he suddenly yells in the mind link and I flinch from the volume.

'No. Jayden doesn't like girls that way I'm sure and if they were why would he sleep in the floor when he's hurt and not with her in the bed.' I explain and growl deep in my throat at the thought of them being in the bed together.

'Oh ok. Your probably right.' He pauses a moment before his head snaps in my direction suddenly. 'Wait what do you mean he's hurt?!' he exclaims as he too growls.

'Look again. I don't know what happened or who hurt him but they are going to pay!' Luke flinches as I let my alpha voice slip out and quickly obeys. When he looks in the window again I hear a louder growl rip from his throat at the thought of someone hurting his future alphas mate.

'What are we going to do?' He asks cautiously while backing away from the window. I step closer and look through the window again just in time to see Jayden tossing his head back and forth like he was having a nightmare before his head came to a rest facing me and letting me see his face as he relaxes and settles back into a comfortable sleep.

'You stay here. I am going to report this to my father and see if he can do something.' I order as I back away slowly and turn toward the forest. He nods before he walks behind a bush next to the window and settles down to keep watch while staying out of sight.

I take off through the woods and soon I arrive at the pack house. I shift and grab a pair of shorts we keep stashed for this exact reason. I jog upstairs and knock on my fathers office door before barging in without waiting for a reply.

"What's so important son?" he asks as he jerks away from his paperwork at my sudden entry.

"We have to do something! Jayden is hurt!" I explain quickly. He sits up suddenly and turns to me.

"Was it rogues? What happened Ethan?" he questions seriously.

"No. It wasn't rogues. I don't know who did it but I saw him at his friends house and he had a huge bruise on his back." I explain while whimpering slightly.

"I'm not sure there's much we can do then. He has no connection to werewolves anymore. Without any special connections his father has all the control over what happens to him. The most we can do is keep scouting the area around him to keep the rogues away." He explains soberly looking torn.

"Please we have to do something! He's not just another human! H-he's my ma-mate." I plead and let my voice drop to a whisper at the end. But he hears me and I see his expression turn pained. He looked at me with tortured eyes as he tried desperately to think of something.

"Does he know?" I shook my head and he sighs. "When do you plan to tell him and mark him?" I shrug.

"I honestly don't know when I'll tell him. He is very reserved and I have to make sure he trusts me first." I say sadly.

"Ok well there's still not much more I can do right now, but I will try to talk to the council and get them to agree for us to let him move in here." He sighs and massages the bridge of his nose as he thinks.

"How long will that take?"

"At least 3 or so months."

"WHAT?!" I jump out of the seat I had just settled in and it flips on it's side with a loud clatter.


Jayden's POV

I roll over and silently groan as my bruised body cries out in pain at the unwanted movement. I crawl up and run to the bathroom as a wave of nausea sweeps through me. After I'm finally finished retching over the toilet I flush it and lean against the wall next to it.

I almost fall asleep right there till I feel a cool hand brush my hair from my sweaty forehead. I lean against the cool skin and pry my eyelids open to see who the heavenly hand belonged to. I see Hadley's mom standing over me with a worried expression and Hadley right behind her with an identical look.

"Hi Jayden how are you feeling?" I shake my head slowly and make a thumbs down sign. Even though Hadley had taught her mom sign language I just really didn't feel like using most of the complicated hand movements when I felt sick and weak like this.

"Had honey, when did he get here last night?"

"He got here around 11 or so." Hadley replies as she grabs a cool wet rag. She lays it on my forehead and I let my eyes slide close at the soothing feeling it brings.

"Oh my word! It was pouring rain last night! How long were you out in the rain Jay?" I shrug my shoulders and barely stop myself from wincing at the pain.

They help me stand up and walk me to the couch where someone had spread covers out. After I'm settled they put the washcloth back on my head and stick a thermometer under my tongue.

I hear a tired sigh from Kate (Hadley's mom) as she takes the thermometer out and see my temperature.

"Ok sweetie you have a bit of a fever why don't you sleep awhile and I will make you some soup and tea?" I nod in agreement. Soup would be wonderful and I knew she would add a bit of honey to the tea like she always does when someone's sick. Maybe the honey will help sooth my sore throat from trying to talk again.

My throat was killing me but honestly if I did manage to talk again then it will be worth it to see Ethan's expression as I thanked him for buying me lunch and just basically for being there with me when no one else would.

I feel my lips twist in a slight smile as I remember my dream last night. It started off as a usual nightmare but then Ethan showed up and stopped everything bad. And I could talk pain free and clearly. The dream ended with him kissing me softly and lovingly.

What am I going to do about this stupid crush on Ethan. There was no way he would ever like me that way.

Or could he.
