

Jayden's POV

I stumble down the side of the narrow road heading toward town. My mind feels foggy and I can't seem to feel my legs cause I keep stumbling and falling. I feel myself falling sideways again and try to catch myself before I hit the ground. A sharp pain shoots up my wrist and before I can silently scream the pain fades away like before.

I have managed to not break the bottle of liquor and I've only spilled a little of it. When I manage to stand up again I take another swig and I love the burn it leaves in my throat. No wonder my dad loves this stuff. It is bliss.

I silently laugh as it begins pouring rain and I quickly finish off the bottle but I still hold on to it like it would keep me grounded. I finally reach town and my buzz is running out.

It is no longer fun when I stumble and the rain is freezing cold. A headache makes itself known and I wince at every throb that goes through my head. I can see Hadley's house when the nausea sweeps through my stomach and I double over from being violently sick. When I finally stop I stand up and take deep breaths to calm my breathing. I start to walk but stumble and trip.

The bottle falls from my grasp and shatters on the hard sidewalk. The glass sticks in my hands when I fall and my pants get covered in mud.

I pick the big pieces of glass out and bite my lip to keep from crying. Hadley's house was so close and I see her bedroom light turn off. That means she's about to go to sleep and that girl is hard to wake up without someone screaming at her which is basically impossible in my situation.

I get up quickly and half stumble half run to her window and use the back of my hand to knock gently on her window praying she hadn't fell asleep. I was lucky and her lamp turned on before she pulled her curtain back only for her to gasp at my appearance.

I know I must be a sight to see. Even though she couldn't see what my dad had done my eyes were probably blood shot and wild looking. I had blood and glass on my hands and I was soaking wet and shivering.

She throws the window open and climbs out to help me in. Once we are both in she shuts the window and pulls the curtain closed again. She spins around toward me and gives me a disappointed look. I shrug trying to say sorry and she grabs two towels wrapping one around my shoulders and quickly drying herself off.

"What have you done this time Jay? Let me see your hands." She grabs my hand gently and flips it over wincing when she saw the glass stuck there.

"Hold on I'm going to get some stuff I'll be right back till then you sit her and don't move!" She orders sternly as she leads me to a chair. I stumble along and let her push me down into the chair before she walked out into her bathroom. I always tell her she should be a nurse. I have taught her sign language and she is pretty good at reading lips too. Which will be good now because my hand hurt a lot.

She walks back in with her all too familiar first aid box. She gathers up everything she needs and then uses tweezers to pluck the glass out. At times like these I'm glad I'm mute so she doesn't hear my silent screams of pain. But I'm pretty sure she can hear how harsh and uneven my breathing was.

After she got all the glass out she pulls out the dreaded peroxide. This crap burns when you put it on deep cuts but not as bad as rubbing alcohol.

"I'm sorry I know this is going to burn but I don't want it infected." She says sadly.

'I know, it's ok.' I mouthed to calm her down. She still looks sad but quickly pours the liquid over my hands and into my cuts. I grit my teeth and resist the urge to clench my fists against the pain. The pain fades and I feel the tingly sensation as it turns white and boils out all the dirt. After a few minutes Hadley gently wipes my hands clean and dries them. She grabs the anti bacterial cream, gauze, and medical tape before bandaging my hands.

'Thank you' I mouth and she nods as she stands up.

"Your welcome Jay, but you need to get help. I can't stand to see you hurt." she says in a worried and sad tone. I nod soberly.

"Ok now go change out of those wet clothes. Your going to make yourself sick." She quickly switches back to her usual stern voice. I stand up to go to her closet where I leave a few outfits just for this purpose but I end up stumbling before I had taken many steps.

"Have you been drinking?!" she almost yells as she pulls my face around and smells my breath. She scrunches her nose up and she gets and angry expression. "You were drinking! Why?! that's not good for you! And your breath really stinks use the new tooth brush in my bathroom and brush your teeth please!" she exclaims as she helps me get my clothes and walks me to the bathroom.

When we get there she leaves me to change and I quickly strip out of my wet muddy clothes dropping them in the laundry basket and put on a new pair of boxers. Before I could finish getting dressed I had to rush to the toilet before I got sick. Hadley hears me being sick and rushes in only to gasp when she sees me in nothing but my boxers.

I know she's not gasping over my lack of clothing because she has seen me plenty of times in only my boxers. My dad must have done a good number on me to make her gasp like that tough. She quickly gets over her shock and comes up behind to rub my back until the heaving stopped.

I'm so glad she doesn't mind being with me when I'm sick but there is no way I could do this for her. If she were the one sick I would be as far away as I could get covering my ears. I can't stand the sight, smell, or sound of someone being sick. It would make me sicker than them.

Finally I was through and I went to the sink to rinse my mouth and brush my teeth.

"Now do you think drinking was such a good idea?" she asks sarcastically as she watches me scrub my teeth violently with the toothbrush. I shook my head and finally deemed my mouth clean enough now. I wash the foam out of my mouth and scrub my face with cold water. Hadley walks back to her room and I finish getting dressed before heading to her room with her.

I grab the spare blankets and make a pallet in the floor before settling down on it.

"Jay? will you promise me that you won't drink again?" I give her a small nod as she lays down facing me. "Good and will you please tell someone what happening to you so they can help?" I quickly shook my head no. I couldn't tell anyone! He would kill me!

'No, I can't.' I mouth silently. She frown but says nothing more since she probably expected my answer.

"Good night Jay."

'Night' I mouth back before she turns her lamp off. My mind drifts off and I begin thinking about why Ethan would come over to my house. Did my dad know his dad? Oh no! Ethan knows where I live now! What does he think about my house? My house looks terrible and he saw it.

Now he will never want to talk to me. Why did he want to talk to me in the first place? I sigh quietly as I give into the sleep dragging me under.


Ethan's POV

I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling after I left my mates house. Once we made it back to the pack house and finished business I quickly shifted into my wolf and ran back to his house.

When I arrived I knew he wasn't there anymore. I smelled a little of his scent that hadn't been washed away and followed his trail as best I could. Every once in a while I would smell alcohol mixed with his scent.

Finally I found a place close to town where there was shattered glass and my mates blood on them. I look up and follow his scent to a window of a house.

I carefully crouch down as I peek in through a gap in the curtain and see a familiar girl sleeping on a bed. I gland at the floor and see my beautiful mate laying in a pile of covers on the floor.

He rolls over in his sleep and I notice a dark colored bruise on his back where his shirt had rode up. Where did he get bruises? How did he get them? I will kill whoever put them there!


Ok chapter over please VOTE & COMMENT!!!! I love hearing your opinions and if anyone needs to talk you can message or inbox me I would be more than willing to listen to you and try to help you.