

I just want to make sure that you all know that each of you are important and the future is always bright if your willing to look for it. <3

Ok so now onto the story and don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!!!


Ethan's POV

I followed my dad up to the worn down house. I remember when this house used to look beautiful with perfectly trimmed hedges and bright colored flowers around the porch. Now the yard was overgrown, the bushes dead, and not a flower in sight. It's like everything beautiful was dead and scared to grow anywhere near this old house.

The steps creaked as we walked onto the porch. With my sensitive hearing I could hear muffled coughing from upstairs and grumbling from somewhere down stairs. I stood back respectively as my dad stepped forward to knock on the door.

The sound echoed around inside and then I heard loud steps coming from the back of the house. They paused halfway to the door.

"Get your ass down here!"a deep voice yelled trying to keep us from hearing. And if we were normal we probably would have only heard a muffled voice. Now light steps were heard coming down the stairs. The heavy steps continued on their trip to the door and soon the door swung open on creaky hinges.

"Come in!" a man invited while stepping back. He was tall but not as tall as me and he had a bit of a big gut. He had black hair the exact opposite of Jayden and hazel eyes that looked similar to Jayden's but less bright and colder. He stunk of alcohol even though I can tell it's been a few days since he had drunk.

My dad had warned him last week that we would be coming for a visit to talk about important business. He was planning on convincing Jake Parker, Jayden's dad, to move him and his son to the pack house while the rouges were loose in the surrounding areas. I really hope that he will agree especially since Jayden turned out to be my mate. I'm still not sure how to tell my dad though.

The man, who I assume is Jake, leads us to the living room where Jayden is already perched precariously on the edge of an armchair. My dad and I sit on the only couch while Jake sits in the armchair across from us.

"Welcome Mr. Davis. This is my son Jayden." He greets us politely as he gestures to Jayden who politely nods his head. "I apologize for Jayden's reluctance to welcome you. He hasn't talked a day since my wife was killed." As his father was saying this Jayden slumps lower in his seat and a very brief flash of hurt shines in his eyes before he puts on an carefully guarded expression.

"Well that's quite understandable. It must have been hard on him to loose his own mother." My dad replies in a sympathetic tone. "This is my son Ethan. He wished to accompany me to explain our situation to you."

"Ah yes. Jayden, why don't you go to your room and watch some tv while we talk about some important matters I will come get you to say goodbye when we are finished." Jake suggests but I can detect a warning in his voice as he gestures for Jayden to go upstairs. Jayden nods his head slightly and quickly stands. Once he's out of the room Jake turns back to us.

"I assume this has something to do with your kind now doesn't it?" his voice now has an annoyed tone to it and his eyes had a menacing look to them. I could tell something was up and also even though I could hear Jayden in his room there was no sound of a tv playing. My dad's eyes turn cold to show how serious he is.

"I'm sure you remember how your wife was killed, correct?" at Jake's sharp nod my dad continues. " well the problem with rouges has arose again and I would highly advise you and your son to come live in the pack house."

"No. Absolutely not. We have no connection to your kind and we never will again. Me and Jayden are perfectly fine how we are. If we interact with you then we will be targets again. I refuse to be killed because of your kind!" Jake's voice raises toward the end and I catch myself flinching from the volume of it.

"You don't seem to understand Mr. Parker, Jayden is already in danger because of having our genes in him even if he does not show the signs. He is already a target for rouges and it is in his best interest that you move very soon." My dad stresses. Jake looks more annoyed than concerned for his own son.

"No, you don't seem to understand. Me and my son are not going anywhere! We have no interest in you or your kind. You only bring destruction and death wherever you go! NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Jake says in a barely controlled voice that slips into a yell by the end of his speech.

"Fine, we'll leave now but it's on your conscious when you stay and get your own son killed the same way you got your mate killed." My dad says bluntly as we stand. I cringe when he mentions Jayden being killed. I have to find a way to get Jayden to move into the pack house before it's too late.

"I said OUT!" he yells as he points to the door. We walk out and I hear my dad let out a tired sigh. As we drive away I get a bad feeling in my gut. Why won't he just move in where they are safe. He doesn't understand how dangerous it is.

A heavy silence fills the car. This is going to be one long weekend. I feel my heart sink even more. As I think of not seeing Jayden for two whole days.

"What are we going to do now? We can't let Jayden be killed just because his dad doesn't want anything to do with us." I ask as my dad sighs again and massages the bridge of his nose like he always does when he gets a headache.

"I don't know honestly. We can up the patrols around that area but we can't spare too many fighters so far away from the pack house. We have to make sure the pack comes first. We don't even have solid proof that he will even be targeted. You can barely smell the wolf in him." He replies in a strained voice. Of course I understand what he means but my wolf still whines at the small chance of our mate being harmed. He is right though. The pack is always first priority.

"I understand. I just hope that we don't loose him like we lost Isabelle. He looks exactly like she did. And even though he's mute he's still cool to hang around." And he's beautiful and he smells good and I think I may love him. Of course I don't say the last part out loud but it's true.

The rest of the ride is silent and we are both lost in thought.


Jayden's POV

I sat in my room listening to my dad yell at Ethan and his father but I don't pay attention to what they are saying. I am in the middle of drawing my mother again when I hear my dad yelling even louder.

"NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I cringe as I hear him raise his voice. I hear the sound of Ethan's father's voice but I can't make out any words. It was followed by my dad yelling out! once again and the front door shutting. Several minutes go by before I hear the dreaded footstep on the stairs.

My dad comes into my room with an unopened bottle of some type of liquor. It was a big bottle too. He drops it but it doesn't bust then he makes his way towards me threateningly.

"This is all your fault you know? Your the reason your mom was killed. It was all your fault." He sneers at me. His eyes drop to my drawing and I am too late to hide it from his calculating gaze. Anger flashes on his face before a sick grin twists his lips upward.

"Wel, well, well look what the little freak drew." He snatches the paper from my hand and holds it tauntingly in front of my eyes. "You know what I should do to you for this?" he asks as he slowly rips the page into small pieces. He drops the pieces to the floor then lands the first punch.

As the beating commences I know that this will be the worst in a while. He was sober and could calculate where to hit without it being visible plus he had better aim and more energy. He finally gives up and lets me crumple to the floor in a heap of agony. He walks out if the room to most likely get drunk.

I turn my head slightly and see a scrap of my drawing. It was a piece with her eye drawn on it. I was ashamed that she had to watch me being beat. Then something else catches my eye.

The bottle of liquor.

He left it.

I gently flip the scrap of paper over so that mom won't have to see the shameful act I was about to commit. I crawl over to the bottle and painfully uncork it. Bringing the bottle up to my lips I tilt it up quickly taking a gulp of its foul contents.

I gag as it burns it's way down my throat. But I continue to drink it. When it was halfway gone all the pain felt like it was gone and I felt light and free. I stand up still holding the precious bottle and sneak out of the house. I know I can't stay. Surely Hadley wouldn't mind letting me stay over.


Ok I'm going to stop here thanks for voting and commenting I really love reading your comments! please VOTE & COMMENT!!!
