


Jayden's POV

I groan silently before I try to sit up only to be held in place by a heavy weight on my waist. I groggily open my eyes and glance down to see a muscular arm wrapped tightly around me. My eyes follow the arm up until I finally see it's owner, Ethan. I feel a small smile turn my lips up as I notice how cute he looks asleep. He was lightly snoring which would normally be annoying except it was him so I didn't mind. He was also drooling slightly which made me chuckle silently. His lashes looked longer than normal against his high cheek bones. His normal black spiky hair was tussled and soft looking making him seem younger.

My bladder interrupts my daydream as it cramps up. I gasp silently still used to not talking. I shut my legs tight and curl up slightly to try to hold it as I tried to move Ethan's arm. He groans and tightens his arm which makes it worse since his arm was right over my bladder. I squeeze my eyes shut and scrunch up my face as I almost pee myself. Ethan was still asleep and still holding me tight. He moans in his sleep and slightly moves his hips against my butt.

Oh great now I have to pee insanely bad and Ethan is holding me down to the bed while he's having a naughty dream about someone! His hard on was becoming more pronounced as he moans a name but it's too quiet for me to hear. Who is he dreaming of? I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach at the thought of him dreaming about someone else. He grinds against me harder and begins moaning more.

"Jayden..." he moans out as his arm tightens even more around my waist and I feel something warm and wet slowly soaking into the back of my shorts as his grinding slows down. I finally lose the fight with my bladder due to how tight he squeezed my bladder and the wet feeling on the back of my shorts.

A few tears of shame slip past my tightly closed eyes as pee begins to soak through my shorts and then the covers that was thrown over me and Ethan. My bladder was now empty but guilt and shame was eating away at my insides now. I slowly open my eyes and glance down at the dark wet spot that was by my waist. Luckily it stopped before it reached where Ethan's arms still held me tight but I know he must have gotten wet from it since he was pressed tightly against my back and the mattress underneath me was soaked.

He was going to hate me now. I just peed in his bed with him in it after he was kind enough to save me and let me stay here. Ethan began to stir and his arm around me loosens before pulling away from me. I just lay there and curl up in embarrassment as he sits up groggily before glancing down in surprise.

"Wha- why is my bed wet? Oh!" Ethan finally puts two and two together when he notices that I was the reason. I begin to cry more as I bury my face in my pillow.

"Oh Jayden it's ok. It happens sometimes, you don't need to worry about it. Come here." He says soothingly as he tries to pull me into his lap. I resist since my shorts are completely soaked and I don't want to get anymore on him.

"Why won't you talk to me? Come on Jayden tell me what's wrong." He coos to me.

"I'm s-sorry. I d-didn't mean to-o you w-wouldn't let go of-f me and I really h-had to p-pee." I say while crying even more. He looks at me guiltily.

"I'm sorry I didn't know next time you should just tell me to wake up. I'm kind of a deep sleeper. Why won't you let me hold you?" He tries pulling me into his lap again only for me to resist and shake my head no.

"I t-tried to w-wake you up, but I c-couldn't. And my shorts are s-soaked and n-nasty. I d-don't want to get you a-anymore soaked." I sniffle and wipe my eyes with my good hand.

"I don't care about that Jay. I want to hold you and when you are calm we can go wash up while someone cleans the covers and changes the mattress." He assures and I finally give in and allow him to hold me in his lap. I blush at the thought of someone else knowing that I had wet the bed but I soon forgot my worries as Ethan rocks me in his arms and presses soothing kisses to my head.

"How about we go take a shower?" he asks after several minutes of silence. I nod and blush at the thought of us showering together. He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom before setting me on the closed toilet lid while he adjusted the shower. He turns around and helps me take off my shirt before he peels off my wet shorts and boxers. He tosses them in the sink and carefully avoids looking at my lower half while he quickly strips. I notice him blush as he notices that his boxers were wet from something other than my accident. We climb in the shower which was luckily very roomy.

I attempt to pour shampoo in my hand but it is nearly impossible when I still can't use my left arm. Even though changing into a wolf helped to heal most of my wounds it still could not heal my torn up arm. Ethan notices my struggle and smirks at me.

"Want me to help wash you up?" I blush at his bluntness and nod my head slightly. He laughs at my modesty and motions for me to turn around. I do as he says and he begins massaging the shampoo into my hair. I was so focused on the fell of his strong fingers that I forgot to close my eyes when he moved to let the water rinse the shampoo away.

I let out a low cry and my hands fly up to my eyes as shampoo gets in them. Ethan quickly tugs me out from under the water before he jumps out of the shower. He quickly returns with a dry wash cloth.

"Hold still baby. Let me see your eye." He coos as he gently tilts my head toward him so that he could gently wipe the soap away. The burning finally goes away and I can open my eye all the way now.

"Thank you Ethan." I whisper as I offer him a small smile. He returns my smile as he tosses the wash cloth out and kisses my forehead.

"Your welcome. Now let's finish our shower I want to talk to you about something." He says urging me back over to the water and warning me to close my eyes this time even though he puts his hand on my forehead to block most of the water.

We finish washing up without any more incidents even though I caught him staring at my body a few times but I can't say anything since I did sneak a glance at him too. And man did he have a nice toned body!

Once he gets dressed and lets me borrow some boxers, sweats, and an oversized T-shirt we end up sitting on the now clean bed while he cuddles me close.

"Jayden..." he says hesitantly.

"Hmm?" I hum in response as I feel my eyes begin to droop.

"Hadley was here while you were gone and she mentioned something to me. I didn't really think about it at the time since I was too busy worrying about you but now that I have you with me well... I just need to know I it's true." I was now wide awake. How could I forget about Hadley?! Wait! What did they tell Hadley about their.. err.. our kind?! What did she tell Ethan that he's so concerned of?!

"What about Hadley? How is she? I haven't seen her in soo long! Does she know about our kind?" I am happy that I am able to talk mostly normal now that I want crying but I was still not very loud even though I felt like I was shouting.

"Shh Jayden. Slow down. She is fine. She's Luke's mate and he has told her about us, so yes she knows although no one knows that you have changed into your wolf except for me so far. You can see her later today once we finish talking." He says as he laughs at my eagerness.

"Ok! What do we need to talk about?" I say impatiently. His expression sobers up and he looks wary.

"Well she mentioned something about your dad. She said that he would hurt you and it would get so bad that you would have to stay at her place. Is that true? Did your father hit you?" he says and his eyes look desperate begging for me to say no. But I'm sure he knew the real answer so why should I lie?

"Y-yes. It's t-true." I stutter out as his face crumples and he hugs me tight to him. Tears begin to fall down both of our cheeks as we hold on tight to each other.


Ethan's POV

Tears drip down our faces. I'm sure he had a reason to cry but I'm just crying because I wasn't able to help him sooner. I wish that I could have helped him when it first started, but I don't even know how long this has been going on. How long has my angel been hit by his own father? How long has he been hurting without me there?

"How long?" I ask quietly.

"W-what?" he asks sniffling.

"How long has he been hurting you?" I clarify.

"I th-think about a w-week after my m-mom died he first h-hit me for looking a-at a picture of h-her." My heart officially breaks into a million pieces as I hear him say this. I hug him close and kiss his head as we both silently cry. He suddenly gasps and struggles out of my hold before spinning around to look at me.

"W-what about my stuff?! I need to go get s-something!" He says desperately.

"He threw all of your stuff out before he left. We are not sure where he went though." I explain softy.

"No h-he doesn't know where my b-book is! It's still there! I h-hid it!" he exclaims as he stands up and starts for the door.

"Ok Jay. Hold on I will go with you. We can run as wolves." I say as I throw off my shirt and wipe my eyes. I help Jayden out of his shirt since he has trouble with his left arm still.

"Don't worry Jay when we get outside in the woods you will be stripping anyway. There is a stash of shorts near your house for when we get there." I explain as he blushes.

We walk through the house with other people giving us respectful nods as the two future alphas walk by. I'm used to this but Jayden looks a little overwhelmed by all of it. I smile at him gently and grab his hand as we walk outside. We step into the tree line and he glances at me embarrassed.

"I'm not sure how to change into a wolf. It just kind of happened last time." He whispers before looking down.

"It's pretty simple. All you have to do is envision yourself as a wolf and don't fight the change. I know it feels weird to shift at first but you will get used to it." I encourage him.

He nods and I wait until he strips and changes into his beautiful white wolf before I allow myself to change into my black wolf. I notice that even as a wolf he still doesn't have control of his left front leg. I walk up to him and rub my head against his before rubbing my side against his to help put my scent on his wolf. My wolf wanted everyone to know that he was mine and only mine.

I wish I could talk to him but I won't be able to until I complete the mating. I have only marked him but I need to do more before he is completely mine. My wolf begins to take control as he starts rubbing himself against Jayden's wolf teasingly. My wolf nips at Jayden's wolf trying to make him be submissive but the white wolf just nips back refusing to cower at the taller wolfs demand.

My wolf nips a little harder warning the white wolf to obey but he just nips back before taking off. I know that my wolf is trying to test his mate. He wants too see how much it will take to make his mate submit to him. After chasing each other for a while my wolf gives up on the test satisfied that his mate was tough. Jayden's wolf was pretty quick on three legs once he got used to it. Even my wolf was having trouble keeping up.

We allow our wolves to stay in control as they playfully dart at each other barking and running away for the other to chase them. Finally we reach Jayden's old house and I take control of my wolf and wait till I notice Jayden's eye color take the place of his wolfs bright blue eyes. When they change I know that Jayden is in control again.

I shift and grab a pair of shorts from a stash before pulling them on. I turn around and crouch infront of Jayden.

"Ok Jayden just think of yourself as a human and you should be able to shift." I encourage him. He nods his head and closes his eyes after a few minutes Jayden manages to shift back into a human and I hand him a pair of shorts.

"That was awesome! I could see everything that was happening but I didn't do any of that!" Jayden exclaims as I smile spreads across his face.

"You allowed your wolf to have control. You can choose to stay in control or you can let your wolf have control most of the time. This time was kind of like your first time shifting and your wolf wanted to explore and play. It won't always be like that. Your wolf was just excited to be free and my wolf wanted to test yours but then he just joined your wolf when he wanted to play." I explain while I chuckle lightly at his obviousness excitement.

"Oh yeah! I need to get my book!" Jayden exclaims as he takes off toward the house. I follow close behind him and he leads me to the closet in his old room. He was trying to move a piece of board at the back of the closet but couldn't with one hand.

I reach around him and easily pop the board out before reaching inside. I pull my hand out quickly as something cold and sharp pricks my finger. I glance at the blood then carefully put my hand back in. I pull out a notebook and hand it to Jayden who looks worried. I stick my hand back in and feel around until I touch cold metal again. I grab whatever it is and pull it out only to gasp at what I see.

An old razor with dried blood was clinched in my fingers. I set it down on the floor and search again only for the same result. Again and again to pull razors out of the secret hole in the wall and line them up on the floor.






The number of razors kept going up until I finally felt nothing left. There was at least 20 different razors laying infront of me. All with dried blood or and rust on them. I stare at them for a long time before a sobbing noise finally pulls me out of my trance. I glance around until I see Jayden curled up in a corner crying.

"Jayden... Jay please calm down. Don't cry. It's ok. I'm not mad. Just please promise me you won't do it again. No one will ever lay a hand on you again or make you feel useless." I promise as I hold him close to me.

"Ready to head home angel?" I ask.

"I'm t-too tired to run again." He whines as he rests his head against my chest.

"That's ok. I will call someone to come pick us up. Is that ok with you?" I ask as I run my hand through his silky hair.

"Mhmm" he says while nodding and closing his eyes. I smile. He really does look like an angel even with his scars and tear stains.


Ok so I'm thinking this may be the lat chapter in this book except for an epilogue. I'm so sad but it has to come to an end. But for those who want an mpreg with them I am writing a sequel for it I will begin on it after I write the epilogue for this story.

I will also let you know the name of the sequel when I post the epilogue.

And for EVERYONE I will probably write more stories in the future I'm not sure yet but I may reuse the characters names in this story for my other books but they will all have totally different plots I promise!!

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