

I'm so glad for all of the support from my readers you all inspire me to keep writing!! the winner for the ship name is still Edan. But Jaythan was really close too. Anyway onto the story and I apologize for everything I have to put Jayden through. It makes me so sad knowing what he has to go through but I must put it for the story to continue.

Warning: mentions of rape


Ethan's POV

It has been almost a week since Jayden has disappeared and it looks like his father had left too. The house was practically empty but I was going to check it for any clues as to where Jayden was taken. I know he's alive I can feel it in our connection.

Right now I am sitting in my room where my dad told me to sleep since I barely sleep anymore I am too busy searching the woods for signs of Ethan. I have checked every inch of our territory and have gotten permission from surrounding packs to check theirs. I haven't slept at all since he left unless I literally passed out from exhaustion.

I was too worried to sleep, or eat really. My mom keeps forcing me to eat at least once or twice a day if she can. The only reason I'm in my room now is I've run out of ideas of where to look. My head jerks up at the sound of a knock on my door. Slight hope that someone knows where he is rises in me without my permission. And I call for whoever's there to enter.

Luke opens the door but I can see that it's not what I want from him by his sympathetic expression. My heart drops and tears prick my eyes as realize that I may never be able to see or hear or touch my sweet Jayden again.

"Hey Ethan I know you must be really upset right now but I finally told Hadley about our kind and she has been freaking out about Jayden. She hasn't seen him since before the rogue attack. All I've told her before now was that he was in an accident and at the hospital but wasn't allowed visitors. I can't get her to stop crying now that she knows what happened to him and she's starting to blame you. I want you to talk to her so that she realizes that it's not your fault." Luke explains quickly. I just nod slightly and he waves someone in before he comes and sits next to me with his arm around my shoulder comfortingly.

"This is all your fault Ethan! You shouldn't have let him go back to his abusive fucking father in the first place! Do you know that almost twice a week he has to sneak over to my place after his dad beats the shit out of him?! Last time he came over he was fucking drunk! Drunk! That's how bad it was! I was the only one who took care of him! He had a major crush on you! And when he told me that you actually liked him too I knew I should've told him not to trust you! But no, I just had to let him believe that you could actually love him! Now look, you have let him be taken away somewhere! He may be dead by now!" She screams at me before she draws her hand back and slaps me hard across the face.

"I know it's my fault. It's all my fault! It should have been me." I whisper as I begin crying again. A broken sob escapes me as Luke drags Hadley to the hall and begins to whisper/yell at her. I could have heard what he was saying but I was too focused on cradling my red, stinging cheek and trying to hold back my sobs. I keep mumbling 'it's my fault' over and over again as guilt washes over me.

It feels like my insides are all twisted up with the guilt I feel and my chest keeps tightening letting the occasional sob out against my wishes. I know I need to be strong. I'm going to be the freaking alpha of this pack soon but I can't seem to control my grief.

Like and Hadley come back in the room and each take a seat on either side of me. They both hug me tightly as Hadley whispers how sorry she is and begins crying with me.

"It's ok Ethan. You don't have to try to stop crying. Even the strongest alphas need to cry. It doesn't make you any weaker. It's ok just let it out. We're here for you." Luke soothes as he begins rocking us slightly and whispering encouraging words to me.

That's how we sat until I finally cried myself to sleep. All three of us hugging each other. Luke whispering soothing things and me and Hadley sobbing over Jayden.

Tomorrow I was going to search even harder for my lost mate and Hadley's lost friend.


Jayden's POV

I have lost count of how long I have been trapped here but the mysterious Chris had shown up last night. A day after I had been here Daniel had finally taken me down from my chains and allowed me to roam the small room. Of course I was too sore and hurt to do more than pull myself to the thin lumpy mattress.

I spent most of my time curled up on the mattress sleeping the days away, eating the little food they gave me, and receiving the occasional punch or kick. There was a bucket on the other side of the room for when I had to use the bathroom, but it was starting to get full and it caused my room to stink really bad but they refused to empty it. I haven't spoken a word since I left Ethan either. Whenever I have the energy to spare I try to do the exercises that the doctor had shown me for my arm. At first I couldn't do anything because my shoulder had been dislocated from hanging by those chains.

I finally popped it back into place and began trying to strengthen it. It hasn't got much better but it hasn't gotten any worse. I can almost lift it shoulder hight and I can half unclench my hand. Everything was going as good as can be expected until last night.

I was doing my exercises when I heard the heavy steps coming toward my room. I sat there wondering if they were going to beat me again since I had already ate today. But no. A guy I have never seen before stepped through the door and walked over to me. I can only assume this was Chris.

"So you are the famous white wolf that will bring power to it's holder. Well I am going to have some fun with you and then I am going to improve you." Chris said as he approached me. He has a horrible smirk on his face that I would never forget. He had ripped my clothes off and began to touch me he kept kissing my body and neck.

I was too weak to try to fight him off so I stared at the roof with tears in my eyes as he marked my body with his disgusting love bites and claw marks. When he tried to kiss my mouth I sucked in my lips and bit down on them. He may be taking my virginity and innocence but I am strong enough to keep one part of my body untouched for if I ever see Ethan again.

He was the only one allowed to kiss my lips. I should have been strong enough to stop what was happening though. All I could do was bit down on my lips as pain tore through my entire lower half from Chris's size and lack of any prep. Nothing about my first time was what I imagined. Not the person or the pain. There was no pleaser at all. Even when he grabbed my length in his hand and tried to force me to cum I didn't feel anything. I am happy knowing that he couldn't even make me halfway hard.

The worse part though was when he was finished inside me. I could feel the uncomfortable warmth of his seed spilling deep inside me mixing with my blood. When he reached his high his eyes had glowed red and his teeth had grown in length. He had bit my neck on the opposite side of Ethan's mark. I had passed out after that.

This morning I woke up and my body was tingling and burning uncomfortably. I felt too hot and I was sweating and shaking. I felt very sick and my bones were starting to hurt. It was unimaginable pain battling inside my body.

I am currently laying on the lumpy mattress withering in pain. I feel something moving inside me and my stomach begins cramping. My bones feel like their trying to move under my skin and I'm itching everywhere. I look at my good hand and it actually looks like something is crawling under my skin. I feel my breathing pick up as I continue to stare at my good arm.

My hand starts curling up and all the bones in my body begin breaking and moving. Pain is shooting through me and I am so confused. I manage not to scream as the pain doubles and pure white fur rips through my overly sensitive skin. I curl up and squeeze my eyes shut through the pain and finally it ends. I carefully take a deep breath through my nose only to end up almost getting sick.

The smell inside the small room seemed to have tripled in strength. I try to cover my nose with my hand but something heavy falls over nose, or should I say muzzle. My eyes widen as I look down at myself. I was a wolf! A freaking pure white wolf! I had paws and ears that twitch when I move them!

How is this freaking possible?! Ethan is a wolf but I'm not supposed to be! If anything I should be a vampire I mean really! Chris fucking but me last night and it doesn't take much to figure out he's a vampire.

I try standing up but I end up collapsing again as my left front leg refuses to hold me. Well I guess some things just can't be fixed. I try to stand again but this time I acareful and I bring my left front leg up as far as I can toward my chest. There this isn't too bad. I try to walk forward but end up stumbling. Damn! How do you walk on three legs?

I finally figured out how to limp around on three legs after what felt like an hour or more and falling several times. I finally sit on the floor and begin to think of a plan to escape. It sounds like there's only one other person in the house right now and I should be feed sometime soon. I limp up to the door and crouch down in the corner.

After a long time I finally hear someone walking down the stairs then the door opens. I pounce on the person who I now see is Daniel. He falls down with me landing on his chest and the bread and glass of water falls to the floor. He quickly recovers from his shock and shifts into his dusty colored wolf. He growls at me and flashes his teeth. I copy him and I scare myself a little at the sound that comes out of my mouth.

While I'm distracted Daniel lunges at me and I feel his claws rake down my side. I yelp and twist around sinking my teeth into his hind leg. He yelps an growls at me snapping at my muzzle with his teeth. I release his leg as his teeth scrap my sensitive nose. I leap away from him only stumbling a little bit. I noticed with satisfaction that he was also limping now.

We continue exchanging blows to each other and I was starting to pant for air. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out. I was weak in the first place and I was so out of breath now. All I can do is try to dodge his attacks. He is barely even panting and it seems like he is just toying with me now. He lunges to the right and then switches to the left and I try to shift my weight to my left to counterattack but I forgot about my injured leg.

I yelp as I fall over and he leaps on me pinning me down and bitting down on my neck till I am gasping for breath. Right as I'm about to pass out a familiar wolf runs through the door and clamps down on the back of Daniels neck. The rest of the battle was unknown to me.


Ethan's POV (before Jayden shifts)

I groan as I hear rapid talking outside my room. I crack my eyes open to see that Hadley and Luke must have already left. Rapid knocks on my door had me shooting up out of bed and calling for whoever to enter. Luke and a guard opens the door and drags Ryan in. Ryan looks frantic an his eyes keep darting from side to side.

"We found him in our territory and he has Jayden's scent on him and he said he had to speak to you." Luke says. I inhale deeply and I can faintly smell Jayden's scent.

"Where is he?! Tell me where my mate is!" I demand as Ryan flinches.

"That's what I wanted to tell you! A vampire named Chris is coming to try to turn Jayden tonight. He thinks that if he can overpower the white wolf and turn him vampire then it will bring him immense power over all the packs of wolves and all the clans of vampires. I will tell you the address of where Jayden is being kept. He is in the basement of the house." Ryan rambles. He tells me the address and I shove past him. It will take me all night to reach him! I just hope that he isn't changed into a vampire.

Of course I will still love him if he is a vampire but it will be extremely hard to earn other packs trusts with a vampire as one of its alphas.

(Time skip. Ethan is now outside of the house that Jayden's being kept in.)

I slide to a stop in front of an old house that is falling apart. I pause as I hear a yelp from inside the house and then a thump. An uncomfortable feeling settles in my gut and I know that the yelp came from him. I break the door down by slamming into it a few times and then I run through the house following the scent of blood. I practically leap down the stairs and a horrific sight meets me.

A pure white wolf with blood matting it's fur was pinned by the neck by a dusty colored wolf with some blood matting it's fur also. I knew the dusty one was Daniel and I'm positive the white one is Jayden. And Jayden isn't looking too good even though I can tell his wolf would be beautiful normally.

I leap on Daniel and clamp my teeth down on the back of his neck forcing him to release Jayden. Jayden falls to the ground and shifts back to his human form when he passes out.

I clamp my teeth as much as I can and I finally hear a loud crack as Daniel's neck snapped. I drop the body and immediately shift to kneel next to Jayden. Horror washes over me as I look at his pale thin body.

I could see every bone and he was covered in bruises and cuts. His left hand was still in it's curled position meaning that even though he finally shifted it wasn't enough to repair the damage. I carefully pick him up and cradle his limp body close as I run toward the nearest stash of clothes.

After running for what seemed like forever I cross into our territory and find two pairs of shorts. I slip mine on before I gently put a pair on Jayden. By now it was almost sun down and Jayden was just starting to stir.

He blinks his eyes open slowly and glances around aimlessly before they focus on me. A small smile makes it's way onto his lips as he looks at me.

"Hey. Can you talk for me Jay? Please I love listening to you talk. Your voice is so beautiful." I whisper to him and he takes a deep breath.

"H-hi, and m-my voice is t-terrible." He whispers back. I smile and shake my head before pulling him close to me.

"No Jay. Your voice is the best I've ever heard. It makes me so happy to hear you talk. It's the reason I wake up in the morning and why I can't go to sleep at night. I love listening to you even if you were telling me I was the ugliest person you've ever seen I would listen to you and love your voice." I brush my hand through his tangled messy hair as he smiles up at me.

"Y-your so c-cheesy, you know t-that?" he whispers before giggling quietly. I smile happily at his amusement.

"I may have been told that a time or two. But you know what I really want to do?" I ask teasingly.


"Kiss you." I say huskily before leaning in to catch his lips. I kept the kiss slow but deep. Pouring all of my love and grief into it forgetting where I am and what has happened this past week. He kissed back with just as much love and I feel a tear escape my eye. Jayden pulls back and lifts his hand to where my tear landed on his cheek gently touching it before looking into my watery eyes.

"W-what's wrong? I'm s-sorry I didn't m-mean to make y-you upset." He says as tears begin to trail down his face too.

"No, no you did nothing. I'm just so happy to be with you again. I'm just crying because I'm really relieved." I reassure him as I wipe his tears away. He hesitantly wipes at my tears and gives me a small smile before he leans back up and kisses me once again.

"Let's get back home ok? You need some food and rest." He nods as I pick him back up and he rests his head on my chest before he drifts back off to sleep.


Ok my rant is over and again I'm sorry if this chapter wasn't that great.

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