


Jayden's POV

I breath slowly through my nose and try to stay calm. I have been thrown around inside the trunk because of my dad's crazy driving and I was beginning to feel dizzy. Can you run out of air in a car trunk?

Right as I am convinced that I'm going to suffocate the car suddenly stops causing me to slam against the side of the trunk. I look around wildly but the stupid blindfold was too thick to see through.

I take a deep breath as I feel cold air rush over me. A hand grips my hair and yanks me up and out of the trunk. I can tell that it's my father because of how he grips my hair. He always loves to drag me around by my hair he told me once that he hopes he pulls it all out one day because I don't deserve to have the same colored hair as my mom.

"Is this the boy?" a deep voice asks and I swing my head back and forth panic making my senses sharpen. I can hear at least 3 other people besides my dad. My breathing speeds up and I desperately want to gasp for breath but this gag is making it seem impossible to breath correctly.

"Yeah this is him. Now where is my money?" my dad asks. Money? What does that have to do with me? Why am I here?

"Your money is right here now hand over the boy." The same deep voice from earlier says. Wait! I know this voice! Where have I heard this voice before?

"Here take it. It made a mess in my fucking car anyway." My dad says as he shoves me forward. I fall forward and since my hands are tied I can't stop my fall. My head connects with the floor with a sickening crack sound. I'm sure if I could see everything would be spinning right now.

I hear rustling and footsteps walking out the door as I lay there stunned. What just happened? Who left? I am jerked out of my thoughts as a hand wraps around my left arm, right where the wolf tore into it. Pain shoots through me as whoever it is lifts me up by that arm. I scream in pain as I feel something tear in my shoulder. The gag muffles my scream as I hear chuckles.

"Look, the poor baby is in pain." this was yet another familiar voice. Why can't I remember who these voices belong to?

"Aw it looks confused! maybe we should take the blindfold off and have some fun before Chris gets here." A third voice suggests. Man I really know these voices but my head is so fuzzy that I can't remember where. And who is Chris? I don't know any Chris.

"No let's take him to his room first and get him comfortable then we will have some fun." The first voice says. From the tone of his voice I can tell that there's no way I will be comfortable.

I was proven correct as I was dragged down some steps and a musky smell takes over and cold damp air attacks any exposed skin. I feel them untie my arms and then cold metal wrap around each wrist. I hear the sound of chains moving and my hands are lifted up with the chain until I almost have to stand on my tiptoes. I feel like sobbing at the pain in my torn shoulder. It was just pure agony shooting through my entire arm and I'm pretty sure I will never be able to use that arm again.

I feel a hand grab the blindfold and forcefully rip it off my face. I blink into the darkness and finally my eyes adjust to the small amount of light. I was in a small concrete room which I imagine is some sort of basement. Ironic right? I'm being held hostage and they put me in the most predictable place ever!

There was one small window that was filthy and let a small amount of light filter through. In one corner there was a bucket and on the other side of the small room there was a bare mattress pressed against the wall. The set up sort of reminded me of my room except slightly smaller and colder and there was mold on the walls and random puddles of murky looking water in the floor. But other than that they were almost the same.

I finally look to my captors and immediately regret it. I knew that I recognized their voices. It was Daniel and his two friends Logan and Ryan.

"Well it's nice to see you again fag! Ready to have some catching up time? You know your the reason I got exiled out of my own pack. I think it's time I get some pay back." Daniel growls at me, his face twisted in rage. I frantically shake my head and try to squirm out of my restraints but this renews the agony in my shoulder and I feel a few tears slip down my cheeks.

"Aw look the babies crying and we haven't even started yet! just wait until Chris gets here you little cocksucker. He has big plans for that pretty mouth of yours." Logan said.

"Well come on! Lets get him broken in for Chris." Ryan adds. A shrill ring sounds from Daniels pocket as he holds his and up to his friends.

"It's Chris. Hang on guys." Daniel says as he answers his phone and turns away from me.

"Hey what's up Chris?..... yeah no problem..... sure we can wait that long... ok we will just get him broken in for you... Of course we won't do that! We will leave that just for you. I know you like them pure." Daniel hangs up and turns to me with an evil smirk.

"Well boys, looks like we have the fag to ourselves for a while. Chris's will not be able to get here till next week. We can break him in but we have to leave him pure for Chris and he said that we should only give him one glass of water a day and one piece of bread a day." Daniel orders. His goons grin evilly as they all walked closer to me. This won't be a very fun week for me I thought as the first few punches were thrown. I was actually very happy that I had a gag because there was no way I would have been able to stop my screams of pain.


Ethan's POV

It's been a several hours since Jayden left and over time I began to get this sick feeling in my stomach. At first I thought nothing of it then I wondered if I caught something from when Jayden was sick but that's almost impossible. Werewolves don't get sick easily plus it was only because of his infection that he was sick. That isn't even contagious. The feeling keeps getting worse and my wolf is getting restless but I just let him out for a run!

Maybe I should ask my dad about it.

He should know why I feel this way. With that thought in mind I get up from my bed and walk to his office knocking before I just walk on in.

"Ethan! What do you need son?" My dad greets me cheerfully.

"I just wanted to ask you about something." I reply as I sit down and he turns his full attention to me. He nods his head as a sign for me to continue.

"Well ever since Jayden left I've had this uneasy feeling." My dad's face turns slightly concerned.

"Describe this feeling please. I have an idea what it may be but then again it may just be because you miss him. Have you marked him yet?" my dad asks.

"Yes I marked him yesterday on accident. And it's just this sick feeling in my stomach like if I'm really nervous or something and my wolf won't be calm even though I just let him out for a run." I say frustrated. I run my hand through my hair as my dad begins to look really worried.

"Son you need to stay calm, but I think I know what's wrong with you." My dad reassures.

"What is it?" I ask eager to know what's causing this feeling.

"Well when your mated you can always tell when your mate is in trouble. This sounds like the feeling that warns you that your mate is injured. And badly. But don't worry! lets have a few scouts check his house and see if he's ok before you panic." My dad pushes me back into my seat as he calls a few scouts in.

"Yes alpha?" Luke, my best friend and future beta, asks. I forgot that it was his week to be on scouting duty. At least I have someone I really trust going to check on my mate.

"I want you to go to Jayden's house and make sure he's there and not injured. Please report back as soon as you know something. Dismissed!" my dad commands. Luke and the three other scouts spin on their heels and march out of the room.

"Now we can only wait." My dad says as I sit there feeling my stomach twist and turn.


Luke's POV (surprise!!!)

I ran in my wolf form towards Jayden's house with the other scouts flanking me. Jayden's house came into view and I could see the car in the driveway which meant he should be home by now.

'Go check in all the windows on the lower floors. I will shift and climb the tree to check in his window.' I command the scouts before I shift and slip on some shorts.

I climbs meds the tree easily and peak I to the window with a good sized whole in it. Why does his window have a whole in it? I know this must be his room because his scent is everywhere. There was a mattress on the floor with a few blankets and a flat pillow. I could see a door that was open and I could see the small bathroom inside and the other door must be a closet. His room looked undisturbed and pretty empty.

I heard footsteps coming up stairs and down the hall as I shrink back into the tree to avoid being spotted. James, his father, walks into the room and glances around.

"Little piece of shit. I'm glad he's gone now I have to get rid of all his crap." James muttered as he flung the closet open and began tossing clothes out along with Jayden's shoes and backpack. Once the closet was emptied out he went to the bathroom and grabbed an almost empty tube of toothpaste and a worn out looking toothbrush. He threw them on the small pile of clothes then walked to the window and opened it.

He grabbed handfuls of clothing and began tossing them out the window. He then took the draws out of the small dresser and emptied them too before finally throwing the pillow and blankets out and slamming the window shut.

Well this is not looking promising at all. I've seen no sign of Jayden his dad said he's glad that he's finally gone and he has thrown all of Jayden's stuff outside. I think it may be time to let Ethan panic.... if this was Hadley who was missing I would be going absolutely insane! I feel really terrible about the fact that my best friend may lose his mate and we have no clue where he could be.

'Um... alpha we may have a bit of a problem...' I mind link Caleb, Ethan's father and our alpha.

'I know... the vampires and rogues sent us a little note. And it was written in Jayden's blood also....' alpha said sadly.

'Oh no... how is Ethan?'

'He's.. well I guess it's what to be expected. He kind of went crazy and tried to leave on his own to try and find them. The pack doctor sedated him and it should have completely wore off by now so I believe he is in shock. All he has been doing is staring blankly at a wall and hugging a pillow from Jayden's old hospital bed.'

'Damn that sounds bad. Jayden's father just threw all Jayden's things out the window. Do you want me to bring some things for Ethan to hold on to?'

'Yeah. Yeah I think that's a good idea. I think his scent helps calm Ethan's wolf a little.'

'Ok I will be there soon. I want to see the note when I get there too.'

'Ok, just... hurry please.' Alpha whimpered. He must be so worried about Ethan and his mate. It is never pretty when you lose your mate.


Ok I updated like I promised!!! there will be a few more chapters left in this book and then I will be making a sequel for the readers who enjoy mpreg. I will give you more info about it later.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. please VOTE & COMMENT!!!