

Ethan's POV

I groan quietly as I wake up and stretch slightly. I rub the sleep out of my eyes before I turn my head slightly and look at Jayden. He is sleeping peacefully but he has a slight pout on his face. He looks so cute pouting I just want to kiss the pout away. I decide against the idea as he breaths softly and sighs before snuggling closer to my side. I smile and notice my mark where his neck meets his shoulder. This shows everything that he is mine and I will be able to tell if he's in extreme pain.

When a wolf marks their mates they are able to tell when their mates are in pain. They won't necessarily feel the pain but they will just know. It's very difficult to explain but every wolf that has mated can tell you the exact same thing. I feel better knowing that I will know if anything happens to my precious Jayden now.

I frown as I wrap an arm around him and notice that he is shivering slightly. I pull the blanket higher and pull him closer to try to warm him up. After a few minutes of listening to him silently snore he stirs and cracks his eyes open.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" I greet him cheerfully. A small smile appears on his lips as he looks at me sleepily.

"Good morning." He replies quietly. I fight to keep a frown off my face as I notice that his voice is quieter than it has been and it was slightly scratchy sounding. He notices my change in mood and frowns while looking away from me.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask gently.

"You are s-sad and I don't l-like it." He pouts. I smile at how cute he is as I pull him closer.

"Well don't worry I am happy now. And you know what will make me happier?" I ask cheekily.

"What?" he asks while tilting his head in that cute way he always does.

"A good morning kiss." I reply as he blushes crimson. I lean in and he follows my lead until our lips are pressed together and moving in sync. Sparks shoot through me as I pull him closer and tangle my fingers in his hair. His right hand makes it's way to the back of my neck to keep my lips on his.

Finally we break apart for breath and I lean my forehead against his before jerking away from him and laying the back of my hand against his forehead. He looks at me in confusion and I notice that his eyes are slightly unfocused. And sadly it wasn't from our amazing kiss.

He was burning up with a fever! I slid out of bed and he lets out a slight whimper thinking that I'm leaving him.

"Don't worry. You have a fever and I am going to get the doctor to take a quick check ok?" I ask as I pull the covers up around him and push his fringe off of his forehead gently. He nods slightly as he closes his eyes.

I mind link the pack doctor as I grab a blanket out of the closet to cover him up with.

"What do you need Ethan? is everything ok?" the doctor questions.

"I'm not really sure. Jayden has a fever and I'm worried about him." I say quietly so that Jayden doesn't hear me. I don't need him to be upset knowing that I'm worried.

"Ok I will check on him real quick." He says before turning to Jayden. "Ok Jayden can you please sit up for me?" Jayden opens his eyes groggily and nods slightly before weakly shoving the covers aside with his good hand and then slowly swinging his legs over the side of the bed and sitting up.

"Ok Jayden, are you feeling lightheaded or dizzy?" Jayden nods slightly. "Ok Jayden I'm going to need you to talk and tell me how you feel."

"Well I a-am a little dizzy and I f-feel slightly sick to my stomach." Jayden says slowly. My heart breaks at how small his voice sounds and knowing that my baby is sick. I am overly worried about him since it is rare for a werewolf to be sick but then again he is more human.

"Ok well I'm going to lift your shirt and check if your stomach wounds are infected and then I will check your arm ok?" Jayden just nods again as he slowly moves his left arm off his stomach and lets it hang useless by his side. The doctor lifts his shirt and looks at the still bright pink scars covering his pale stomach. He lightly presses in a few spots before boding to himself and lowering the shirt back down.

"Ok your stomach looks like it's almost completely healed except for letting the scaring fade and no infection so I need to check your arm now." Jayden lifts his left arm back in front of him without the help of his good arm and the doctor rolls his sleeve up to see all of the wounds.

Jayden's arm looks about the same as his stomach. Bright pink raised lines showing where the old wounds were. The doctor presses in a few places like he did on his stomach before he looks slightly confused.

"Well your arm is not infected either, which is a good thing, but I'm still not sure what's causing your fever. Do you have anymore cuts anywhere that may have gotten infected?" Jayden shifts uncomfortably and uses his right hand to play with his curled fingers on his left hand. He bits his lip and glances at his right thigh guiltily. Worry and disappointment shoots through me as I realize what he has done.

"Um doc. can you please step out real quick? I want to ask Jayden something." The doctor nods and walks out of the room wordlessly.

"Jayden.... please tell me you didn't do that again?" I beg him quietly. A small sob escapes him as he looks down and nods. My heart breaks at the sight of tears dripping off his cheeks and onto his clenched hands.

"Where Jayden? Show me please..." I ask sadly he takes a deep breath and stands up to slid the sweatpants and his boxers slightly down to show about 3 cuts on his hip. I sigh quietly as he silently cries in regret. None of these looked infected from what I could tell and Jayden was still fidgeting slightly.

"Jay... are there anymore? Please I need to know. If any of them are infected they need to be treated." I encourage him. I know being angry and yelling at him for cutting wouldn't help him get better. It may make it worse.

"Y-yes I'm s-sorry! I d-didn't mean too! Please d-don't h-ha-hate me!" Jayden says while sobbing uncontrollably. He kept mumbling 'I'm sorry' quietly over and over again.

"Shhh, it's ok. I know it's hard but you have to talk to me instead of cutting yourself. I don't like seeing your hurt. Why didn't you talk to me instead and when did you do this babe?" I ask gently.

"L-last night. I d-didn't want to w-wake you u-up and i-it just hurt s-so bad inside!" Jayden says his sobbing has subsided a little and he was gasping and hiccuping loudly. His nose was running and I handed him a few tissues for him to wipe his face off with. I rub tears out from under his eyes and frown as new ones silently take their place.

"Baby can you please show me the other cuts? I need to check if their infected." I ask as I gently pull him back to his feet. He nods and slides his sweatpants off leaving his boxers on and sitting back down. He rolls the right leg up as high as it would go and I gasp as I feel tears prick my eyes.

His right thigh had red fresh cuts crisscrossing up and down it. There was at least 7 to 10 cuts. One in particular caught my attention. It was redder than all the others and the skin around it looked badly discolored. I could tell it was infected even if I knew nothing about medical stuff. It was the longest and deepest cut too. I let out a shaky sigh as I gently touch it and feel him jump at the slight brush of my fingers.

"Ok Jay, I'm going to get the doctor and let him take a look at this. Please just stay here and wait just a minute. He will be able to help with your fever now." I explain quietly. He nods and I walk to the door and wave the doctor back in. He looks sadly at Jayden's exposed thigh and lightly presses on the infected cut once he put some gloves on. Some yellowish pus seeps out of the cut and Jayden looks slightly sick at the sight.

"I-I think I'm g-gonna be s-" Jayden was cut off as he clamps his right hand over his mouth and quickly struggles to stand up. The doctor was quick to realize what he was about to do and runs to the door to grab the bin for him but he was too late.

Jayden got sick all over the floor and his hand as he tried desperately to prevent it. The doctor shoves the bin under his chin right before Jayden gets sick again. I hold the bin steady with one hand as I rub his back soothingly with the other while he continues to heave into the bin. It was just dry heaving now but his gagging and sobs tore my heart apart.

The doctor called someone in to clean up the mess in the floor while he grabbed a wet rag to clean Jayden up with.


Jayden's POV

I sob as my stomach violently clenches again and forces me to dry heave. My stomach had felt funny ever since I woke up this morning but seeing that stuff come out of my cut plus all of the crying before finally made me sick to my stomach.

"Shhh, it's ok. Your ok. Take deep breaths and let it pass. That's it. Your fine. Just breath. There you go. Are you ok now?" Ethan asks he has been rubbing my back and holding the bin the whole time I've been sick and crying. I weakly nod as my stomach relaxes and I'm sure I won't be sick again. He sits the bin down and pulls me into his lap as he takes a wet rag from the doctor.

He gently wipes my mouth and chin off before he kisses my forehead. He them wipes my hand down and makes sure it's all off before the doctor takes throws the rag away. Ethan the grabs a bottle of germ-x next to us and puts a small drop in my hand before he rubs it in for me. I notice that my mess is cleaned up from the floor an that the bin has already been replaced and the new one set next to me.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't m-mean to." I apologize quietly. I felt so bad for getting sick in the floor. At home my dad would have beat me for it and made me clean it up, then scrub the floor with my own tooth brush. Lets just say I have only been sick in the floor once since my mom passed, this making my second time, and I quickly learned to stay near a bin or toilet when I felt sick.

"It's on Jay. You don't need to apologize. We know you couldn't help it. Here let's lay you down so that he can help your leg and get you some medicine." Ethan said soothingly and I allowed him to lay me down and I stared up at him while I felt the doctor squeeze the cut again the rid it of some infection. Then I felt something cold brush over it to probably clean it. He did this a few times before I felt him rub a cream over all of my cuts and wrap them up.

"Ok all done Jayden. Now I'm going to give you some antibiotics and something for your fever. You need to take your antibiotics twice a day until you run out and only take the fever one when you have a fever like you do now ok?" I nod ad mumble a silent thank you as he walked out and returned with my medicine.

He also brought an empty cup and a cup of water. I used the water to swish around in my mouth to get rid of the foul taste and spit it into the empty cup he offered me. I repeated this a few times before I used the last of the water swallow my pills. The doctor then left us alone but warned us that he would be back very soon with food for us since I needed to eat something with this medicine.

"Are y-you mad at me?" I ask Ethan quietly. He was laying next to me and holding me close while playing with my hair.

"No I'm not mad. I can never be mad at you. I'm just disappointed that you didn't trust me enough to wake me up and instead you risked your health. I would die if something happened to you." He explains quietly. My heart breaks as I hear the sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I w-will talk to you next time. I really do want to stop. I swear. It's just hard sometimes." I say as I pull harshly at a lock of my hair. He gently slaps my hand away from my hair and massages my scalp where the hair was pulled.

"Don't do that to your hair! It's too beautiful for you to pull it all out!" Ethan scolds me gently. Just then the doctor comes back with our food. He hands it to Ethan and then sighs.

"Jayden, your father just called and said he would be here at 9 to pick you up. That means you have almost an hour to eat and get ready. Don't worry I will have all of your medicine ready for you before you leave." With that the doctor walks back out of the room. If I was hungry before I sure wasn't anymore. My stomach began twisting slightly but I knew I wouldn't be sick anymore I was just nervous and scared to go home with him.

"Here let's start with something light on your stomach ok?" Ethan asks as he tears off a piece of toast for me. I nod and munch on the toast while he begins to eat a few pieces of bacon and sausage. He makes sure to save me some bacon though. Once I finished a whole piece of toast he feeds me a few bites of eggs and eats some himself while I chew.

After he feeds me some bacon he offers me some sausage. But I was feeling full and my stomach was churning slightly. Plus I don't really like sausage all that much.

"I'm ok. I don't want any sausage. It's too spicy for me." I explain quietly and he fakes shock as he covers his mouth dramatically.

"How dare you not like sausage! that is unconstitutional! I never want to see you again!" he declares as he takes a big bite of it and chew indignantly. I giggle quietly and love the smile that spreads across his face.

"Why don't you want to see me anymore? what if I gave you a kiss?" I ask with a fake pout. He looks like he's contemplating it for a few moments before a small smirk appears on his lips.

"Well I guess I will let you see me again if you give me a kiss." He finally agrees. He puckers his lips and closes his eyes and I smile deviously before I quickly peck his lips and pull away before he can respond. He opens his eyes and pouts cutely.

"What was that? I didn't get my kiss!" he whines like a child who didn't get a new toy.

"That was a kiss! Our lips touched! it counts!" I argue.

"That was not a kiss! I will show you a proper kiss and then you will try again." He says smugly before claiming my lips with his. I immediately responded and kissed him back for a while until he licked my lip for entrance which I immediately granted. I finally break away breathless and he smirks at me as I pant for breath.

"See now that's a proper kiss! now that I have taught you why don't you test it out?" he says cheekily.

I smirk slightly before I lean in and copy his previous actions this time taking dominance of the kiss. We broke apart after while and just laid there in each other's arms. Finally I was forced to get up and Ethan handed me clothes to change into. I went reluctantly to the bathroom to change and took my time which took extra long considering that I only had one hand.

I blush when I realize that I can't button my pants and that he had given me a button up shirt too. I could see how the shirt was easier for my arm but I still couldn't use my left hand that well. I slowly walk out of the bathroom with my shirt and pants unbuttoned and the pants riding dangerously low on my hips.

Ethan looks up from the bed and his eyes widen comically before he smirks and looks smug.

"Well I love the new look babe but I would never let you out of the house in that. I would have to keep you all to myself." He says as he walks up to me while scanning me up and down.

"C-can you just p-please button these up f-for me? I can't get them by myself." I mumble while blushing. He chuckles but begins to button my shirt up. Once he has my shirt done up he drops his hands to my pants button. The door swings open and Ethan pauses with his hands still on my pants button. There in the door stood the worst person possible.

My father.

He glanced down at Ethan's hands and I could see anger in his eyes.

"What are you doing to my son? Get your hands off of him!" My dad commands as he steps farther into the room. Ethan quickly buttons my jeans and steps back hesitantly. I blush even more as I realized what it must have looked like to him but my blush quickly disappeared when he grabbed my right elbow and began pulling me away.

I turn around and mouth 'goodbye' to Ethan as my father drags me out of the room. He silently says it back as he looks upset and slightly angry. I could tell he wasn't mad at me at least I hoped he wasn't.

My dad only stopped long enough to snatch my medicine before he practically threw me into the back seat of the car. We drove for what felt like hours and I was beginning to feel very sick. I normally didn't stay in a car this long and we kept going down twisty bumpy roads.

I curl into myself holding my stomach as tight as possible while squeezing my eyes shut and swallowing constantly. I began feeling the acid burn my throat and I swallow desperately but it just seems to make it worse. Soon I have to hold my hand over my mouth for the second time today and try to fight the urge to vomit. My mouth is now filled with the foul acid and I know I won't be able to stop myself in a minute.

The taste alone was making me feel even worse. So when we went over a big hill and the car went airborne for a second and with my mouth already full, my hand trying to keep it in, and my stomach twisting violently I was finally thrown over the edge.

My stomach gave a painful heave and i was forced to open my mouth so that I didn't chock on my own vomit. I was violently sick and most of it ended up in the floorboard but some of it got in the seat and even a little on me. I was barely aware of the car screeching to a stop until my dad yanked my door open and dragged me out backwards by my hair. He let me go when I reached the edge of the seat and I fell out backwards onto the hard pavement. I groan in pain silently.

He kicks me hard in my stomach which causes me to be sick again but at least I'm outside now.

"You disgusting piece of shit! Look what you have done to my car! You are going to clean this up with your bare hands, and a few paper towels. When we get to a gas station you are going to wet some paper towels down and finish scrubbing it. This better not leave a stain either!" he warned me as he threw a small wad of paper towels at me.

The next several minutes were of me cleaning up my mess with mostly my hand like he warned me. If I had anything in my stomach I'm sure I would have been sick again as it is my stomach just twisted painfully several times. If I was too slow cleaning it or I I tried to take a break for fresh air he would kick or hit me and soon he took his belt off to whip me.

He was finally satisfied and we began heading to the nearest gas station. I huddled in the clean spot and kept my eyes squeezed shut while taking shallow breaths so I wouldn't smell it. When we got to the gas station I wetted down some paper towels and scrubbed at the seats. I managed to get it all out and I threw everything away before trying my best to clean my hand up.

We drove a little ways out before he pulled over again and he pulled out a piece of paper. He walked towards me with some rope and a rag. He ties my hands together as tight as possible and does the same for my feet. He stuffs the rag in my mouth even though it would have been pointless a few months ago. But he doesn't need to know that I have started talking.

Lastly he ties a cloth over my eyes and all I can see is blackness. He throws me into the trunk and I feel the car begin to move once again.

What does he plan?! Is he finally going to kill me after I finally found something to live for?

I don't want to die anymore! Please god or fate, whoever is controlling this life, please do not take me away from Ethan when I've just found a reason to live. You have never answered my prayers for death before so please answer my prayer for life.


I will try to update again tomorrow if possible please VOTE & COMMENT!!!