

Jayden's POV

I'm swimming in a void of peaceful darkness when I begin hearing the sound of a distant voice.

It was a deep soothing voice but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. I strained against the now suffocating blackness and soon I began to feel pain slowly seeping into consciousness and the clearer the voice became the stronger the pain became.

My throat felt incredibly sore and dry but that was nothing compared to the agony in my stomach and arm. I feel something warm and soft press gently against my forehead and it feels like lips. Really soft lips. But they felt kind of masculine too.

I struggle against the pain and finally I manage to crack my eyes open slowly so that the light doesn't cause anymore pain. I feel something wet drip onto my forehead and I turn my gaze slightly to the right and the sight in front of me would have left me speechless if I even wanted to talk.

Ethan was beside my hospital bed with his eyes tightly closed and mumbling so quietly that I couldn't make out what he said. But the shocking thing was that he was crying.

Tears were slowly but steadily dripping down his cheeks and dripping onto his pants leg and some on his hand which I just realized was holding my hand.

I scrunched my brow up in concentration as I tried to get my fingers to twitch. He was holding my hand that was on my hurt arm and I couldn't seem to be able to move my hand at all. I groan in frustration and a strangled sound slipped out of my throat making it burn and hurt more than before.

Ethan's head shot up and tears raced down his face as a smile made it's way onto his beautiful lips.

"Shh, don't try to make any noise. You can't talk again for awhile. You tore your voice box slightly and if it doesn't heal right you won't be able to even choose to speak." He explained calmly. Wait! i can't talk AGAIN?! how does he even know I have talked?

'How do you know I talked?' I sign as quickly as I can with my one good arm not really expecting him to understand.

"Um... I may have heard you?" he says carefully looking very uncomfortable.

'The only time I have spoken recently was right before I was attacked in the woods. And I know no one was there except other wolves.' I sign slowly.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He says simply.

'We are continuing this but first how do you know what I'm saying?'

"Um... I may have.... looked up and studied some sign language books." He says sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck. I am amazed that he would take the time to do that. But then I remember my suspicion on how he knew I talked and what he wouldn't tell me.

'Oh... well thank you. That was actually really nice of you. Now explain how you knew I talked when I was alone in the woods. And I don't care how long it takes or how crazy it sounds.' I signed slowly still struggling with only using my good arm.

"Ok well this will be kind of complicated. Maybe I should just say it. I'm a w-" he was cut off when he noticed me flinch as I try to sit up. The pain was getting worse with every minute that I was awake.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I should have called a nurse the minute you woke up. Hold on I will go get one now!" he quickly jumped up and ran out the door to find a nurse.

Just a few minutes later a young looking nurse came rushing in followed by Ethan. He stood awkwardly to the side as the nurse rushed over to me and checked my vitals before gently peeling back the bandage on my shoulder to check my injury. I clench my eyes shut tightly as the pain tripled causing a slight whine to leave my throat.

I was shocked at the inhuman sound and apparently so was the nurse and Ethan. They shared a meaningful look and I could swear they were having some sort of internal conversation.

"Ok Jayden, it looks like you are healing pretty quick. I am going to give you some pain meds and they will make you a little loopy but you will still be able to understand what is going on. Also it may wear off quicker but I will let Ethan explain to you why you are healing quickly and why the medicine wears off quick." She then inserts a needle into an IV that I was attached to.

"There how is that?" I give a thumbs up sign with my good hand. "Ok now I want you to try to move these fingers a little." I do as she says and am surprised when I manage to wiggle my fingers after a few minutes of intense concentration.

"That's wonderful! you will be better in no time!" with that the nurse gives Ethan a meaningful look before walking out of the room.

Ethan walks over to me and I feel slightly giddy for no apparent reason. This medicine was really working wonders.

"Ok so I have something very important to tell you but you can't tell anyone else and please don't freak out." I nod silently as Ethan walks out of the room only to reappear moments later with a wheelchair.

I tilt my head slightly wondering why he had a wheelchair. He wheels it close to my bed.

"Ok Jay I am going to put you in this wheelchair this way I can take you outside to show you my secret." I nod again while I grin slightly. He slips his arm under my legs and one behind my shoulders before gently lifting me up I let my head fall to the side loosely and it ended up resting on his warm broad shoulder. Ethan was always so warm and sweet.

He sets me in the chair and starts pushing me outside and down a slightly bumpy trail in the woods. We come to a clearing and he locks the breaks so that I don't roll down the slight hill before he stands in front of me and takes a deep calming breath. I hate seeing him stressed but I really want to know what he's hiding.


Ethan's POV

I was so glad that Jayden woke up but I was kind of scared and happy about what the nurse told me. She said that Jayden may actually have a dormant wolf inside him. She assumes that the injuries and fear had brought the wolf closer to the surface.

The wolf blood has been helping heal him quicker than normal and I hope he may be healed sooner. I had just brought him out to the woods so that I can show him my secret.

"Ok here goes nothing..... I'm a werewolf." I say quickly.

'Prove it.' he signs simply with one hand.

"Ok but don't freak out!" I warn as I strip out of my cloths quickly. He blushes and averts his eyes from my lower body. I chuckle slightly before quickly shifting. Jayden's eyes widen as he rakes his eyes over my body which is now in wolf form.

I stand still and keep my head low as I approach him. He hesitantly holds his hand out and shivers as his fingers brunch across my fur.

'So soft.' he signs before going back to petting me. I give a wolfish chuckle which causes him to flinch back in surprise.

'Can you change back?' he signs.

I nod before walking behind a tree where I had hid my clothes. I shift and change before walking back to Jayden.

"So what do you think? are you ok with this?" I ask nervously.

He looks uncertain before he nods slightly.

"But there's also more.... and it involves you.... and your mother." I explain. His eyes widen in shock and I see slight pain in his eyes.

This is going to be more difficult than I thought.....


I'm so sorry it's short but I'm really tired and this chapter probably sucks I don't want to make it any worse.

And I want to thank everyone for waiting for my update!

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