

Ok I'm starting to feel like I have writers block so this chapter may be a little short :( I'm sorry but I will try my best to make it interesting I hope you enjoy this story still.


Ethan's POV (2 days later)

I groan as I slowly raise my head and pray to see something different than the last two days.

Nope everything's exactly the same. I let my head fall back down on my arms that were crossed on the bed. For the last two days I have say by Jayden's bed in the packs hospital and watched his sleeping face. The only time I have left was when I beat Daniel unconscious and ordered my dad to ban him from the pack which he happily agreed to do.

I stand up and crack my back loudly before sitting right back down and gently holding Jayden's limp hand. He finally told me he loved me, even if he didn't know he told me, and now he is unconscious. Heck he actually spoke!for the first time in years he spoke and it was about his love for me! I had a bittersweet feeling in my heart that was slowly tightening over my heart till it felt like it might kill me if he never wakes up.

He was in terrible shape. His stomach was torn in several places and he had internal bleeding which the pack doctor managed to stop. But was he in time? His right arm also had several puncture wounds which would have been bad enough but when I tore the rogue off him it had ripped the muscle of his bicep.

If he had been full wolf there would be no doubt that he would be able to use the arm in a month or so, but with him being more human the doctor told me not to be surprised if he never has full use of his arm again. Sadly his injuries don't end there. Since he has went years without talking his throat isn't adapt to the stress of talking yet. When he screamed in pain it had torn something in his throat which could be a good or bad thing in the long run.

When he wakes up he will not be able to speak for 3 weeks, which shouldn't be too hard for him since he has been selectively mute for years and probably wouldn't have even talked if he didn't believe he would have lived. After those three weeks doctors would know if he would be able to speak again or if it had physically muted him for good.

There was one more thing that concerned me. There were scars all over him. The doctor had showed me the ones on his arms and had told me that there were some on his thighs and would probably have had some on his stomach if it hadn't of been torn to pieces at the moment. The cuts had obviously been made by razors.

My mate cut. He self harmed. Why does he do this? How can I stop this? And who has hurt my mate so much?

I felt my eyes burn slightly as I stare at my poor mate covered in bandages with tubes down his throat to help him breath and eat and more tubes in his arms to give him pain medicine and keep him hydrated. He had wires attached to his chest to monitor his heart rate and a clip thing on his index finger of his non injured hand to check his blood pressure or something.

He looked too innocent and vulnerable. All the machines and wires and tubes made him look smaller than he already was. I finally told my mom and the rest of the pack that he was my mate but that he still didn't know yet. They all accepted it for the most part but they expect us to adopt the most promising pup for next alpha once I take over and fully mate him.

This was agreeable of course. There is no way I could not give my pack the best and brightest future. But of course I first have to wait for my mate to wake up. Then I have to find a way to get him to date me. Plus I have to tell him my secret about being a wolf and break it to him that his own mother was a wolf. Dang I have more to do than I thought. This may take forever but I will make him mine.

I snap my head around as I hear a ruckus in the hall.

"STOP! You can't go in there sir! Please he is under excellent care here and he can't be moved! It will kill him!" I hear a nurse shout before there is the sound of a body crashing to the floor. The door flings open and Jayden's dad is standing in the doorway looking extremely pissed off.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SON!" He shouts as he takes a step forward.

"I can't do that sir. Jayden is my mate therefore he is my responsibility." I state as calmly as I can. His face turns even redder if that was possible and I'm sure smoke would be coming out of his ears if he gets anymore mad.

"Like hell he is! He is underage and my son therefore he is under my care and you better get your ass away from him. I already told you I don't want him around any of you mutts or your kind!" He seethes angrily.

"Well too fucking bad! he already is part of OUR kind. If you hadn't noticed his own mother was OUR kind!" I snap back and let out a low growl.

"He is human! He has no part in your society and I am taking him to a normal hospital for humans!" he steps forward and shoves some of the machines effectively knocking them over and pulling Jayden's IVs out of his arm an disconnecting the breathing and feeding tube from the machine. Luckily they did not get pulled out of his throat but now he couldn't breath.

His breath began to shorten and he stated gasping for air as best he could through the tube but his face was starting to turn blue and his heart rate shot up to a rapid pace. I lunge forward and slam Jake against the wall and begin to punch the living hell out of him.

A loud low buzz feels the room and alarms begin going off as Jayden's heart monitor flatlines. I drop his now unconscious father on the floor as I spin around and the blood drains form my face. No this can't be happening. He can't die.

Doctors and nurses swarm the room in seconds. One nurse reattaches the breathing machine but all it does is make his dead body breath useless air. His heart monitor is still flat lined and the nurses take a step back as the doctor shocks Jayden's chest. There was a beep then it flatlined again. Oh no what if they can't bring him back?!

They shocked him again causing his body to arch off the bed from the heightened voltage. Another beep then another. I held my breath as the beeps began regulating and soon became a steady rhythm once again. I let out a gasp of air as I feel a tear slid down my face. I just lost him. He died. But they managed to save him.

What would I have done without him? His own father had practically killed him! I stumbled over to the bed and let myself fall to my knees beside it. I clutch his hand desperately as the nurses put his IVs in once again and clean up the mess that was made. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and take a deep calming breath as I wipe my eyes and glance at my father.

"Come on we have to talk to Jake in my office." He said gently. I stood shakily and noticed that someone had already taken Jake away. I glance desperately at Jayden.

"What if something happens to him?" I ask worriedly.

"Don't worry the doctor is staying with him and I have two guards outside the door now. We will only be a few minutes." He consoles me as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and guides me to his office.

We enter and Jake is sitting in a chair surrounded by three guards who were glaring at him. They obviously heard that he had almost killed their future alphas mate. My dad walks behind his desk while I take a seat at the side of his desk like I would when we meet other packs to negotiate.

"Now Jake I understand that you are Jayden's father and you do not wish for him to know of us yet. But there is no way you will be able to take him to a human hospital. His heart rate is slightly higher than a humans and is more wolf like. And although he heals way slower than us he does heal just slightly faster than you. Now Jayden will have to stay with us because the board will not allow the risk of evidence be exposed to humans. We will not tell him anything about us and he will go home as soon as possible but he will stay here to heal." My dad explains.

"Fine but you better not speak a word about yours kind to him." Jake threatened as he stood and stomped from the office. My father sighs as he looks at me.

"Your free to go now. Be there for him while you can but please eat and sleep properly. You can't protect him if you don't." My dad says sadly.

"Thank you." I whisper as I give him a sad smile in return. I walk back to Jayden's room to watch him sleep and wait for him to wake up, but first I kept my promise and grabbed a quick sandwich and drink before going to Jayden.

I just hope he wakes up soon.


Jayden's POV

I slowly open my eyes to bright white light. Where am I? It's so quiet and peaceful. The light fades and is replaced by beautiful green grass on a hill with a tall tree at the top of the hill. There was a small clear creek at the bottom of the hill that winds as far as the eye can see. I smile a real smile as I walk around and sit beneath the tree. I notice a shadow walking towards me. It looks very familiar.

As it gets closer I can tell it's the shape of a woman. She finally gets close enough and I gasp as I hold tears back. It can't be. She's my mom. Her hair is still a beautiful red blonde and her eyes are blue instead of hazel which means that she is very happy too. They only do that when she feels strong emotion and surly she's not sad or mad.

"Mom? What are you doing here? I miss you soo much!" I cry as I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"You died honey, but don't worry they brought you back. You still have too much life to live to be stuck with me. I will always wait for you." She whispers in my ear.

"Really?" I ask skeptically.

"Of course but I better not have to see you again for a long while! I want you to live a full and happy life first." She assures.

"Thank you I love you so much!" I say as I bury my face in her neck and sob.

"Oh Jay sweety, don't cry. You have grown so much and your so handsome! It's time for you to go back now but please remember to be open minded to what others tell you." She suggests and I want to ask what she means about being open minded but everything fades to white again and then I feel myself slip into the black of unconsciousness.

Well it looks like I will have to figure it out on my own....


Sorry if I'm a little late at updating. Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!