
Chapter 69

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"You are a very beautiful creature you know?" I asked the foal who was rubbing his face against mine.

"So girl…" here I paused and looked at the little unicorn's 'area', "Boy… where are your parents?" I asked, puzzled by the fact that a baby unicorn was walking alone in the woods without the company of its parents, and it's well known that unicorns are very protective of their families.

"Neigh!" the little foal whinnied, thumping his hooves on the ground.

"I…I guess I…didn't understand you very well," I said slowly. But the foal in front of me continued to whinny and snort, looking at me as if that way I could understand him better.

"Look little one, I can be really smart, but…" anything else I was going to say ended up getting caught in my throat as I heard breathing behind me and warm air on the back of my neck.

I then started to mechanically turn around, and as soon as I finished turning around, I saw vivid blue eyes like a diamond staring back at me wildly, with a luminous pure white horn almost touching my forehead.

'How did he approach me!?' I questioned myself scared.

While on the inside I was panicking, on the outside I forced myself to remain calm, "Hi?" I said smartly.

"Neigh!" the adult unicorn snorted in my face and started stamping its hooves, looking at me menacingly.

And I, who didn't want to be attacked, started using my connection to calm the fully mature unicorn in front of me, which seemed to partially work. And before I could use the connection any further, a small whinny came from behind me.

The little foal I was playing with just now pulled away from my back and started to advance forward, whinnying and snorting at the larger unicorn, who seemed to be paying full attention to the foal.

From the feelings of both, I could feel that the little one was happy, confused and excited; while the older one was just confused, cautious and relieved.

After a while, the two unicorns, who I now suspected were mother and son, finished talking, and the bigger one turned to me and started staring at me, looking into my eyes.

I then rose from the floor where I was sitting and stand firm, ready to pull my wand, looking back into the unicorn mother's eyes unafraid, but using the connection to show that I meant no harm.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, the unicorn mother finally looked away and let out a small huff. And through the connection I could feel that she was satisfied and happy.

The little foal that had been sideways this time, started trotting towards me, and I smiled reaching out to pet him, which the little colt came up against. The unicorn mother saw this calmly, with feelings of pride and happiness.

I then held my other hand out to her, to which I received a confused look. The unicorn mom then imitated her son and started approaching my hand. And when she got in front of me, I just placed the palm of my hand on her head and started stroking. And she, who was being caressed by me, closed her eyes in satisfaction and leaned her head closer to my hand, enjoying the feeling.

And so the minutes passed. With me stroking a unicorn in each hand, until mommy unicorn pulled back and looked up at the sky, and I realized it was because it was getting late, and it sure as hell would be dangerous for her to walk through the woods alone without her herd.

The mother unicorn then neighed, catching the little foal's attention. The foal then began to convey feelings of sadness, not wanting to leave, but his mother was firm.

And seeing how sad the little one was, I knelt down to his height, "Don't worry little one. I'll come see you again another day" I said patting him on the head, and he immediately snorted happily.

I then got up and addressed his mother, "Thank you for letting me pet you, and for letting me play with your son" I said, and then I bowed a little to her.

The unicorn mommy then gave a soft huff, and when I stood up, she walked over to me and rubbed her face against mine. So I reached out my hands to stroke her mane.

We heard a snort beside us, and when we turned around we saw a disgruntled little foal trying to get our attention, which obviously amused mommy unicorn.

"Calm down boy, I haven't forgotten about you," I said with a smile, getting a snort in response.

The little foal then turned its head and pulled a few strands of hair from its tail with its teeth. Finished, he turned to me and pressed his nose into my hand, and understanding what he wanted, I opened my hand palm up and he dropped the strands of golden hair into it.

I then started looking at the strands in my hand in shock and surprise.

'Hair strands of a unicorn less than two years old gladly given!' They are even rarer and purer than the hair of a fully mature unicorn!' I thought amazed and happy.

I then turned to mom unicorn and she nodded at me, indicating it was okay for me to accept the strings.

Looking at the strands in my hand, I let a huge smile spread across my face, and I immediately hugged the little foal thanking him for the gift.

After much thanks and promises that I would visit them again in the future, I saw the two unicorns, a pure gold foal and a pure white adult, trotting towards the clearing exit and back into the forest.

After they left, I stood in the middle of the clearing alone, holding the strands of hair in a tight fist.

After a few minutes enjoying the view of the clearing, I tucked the strands of hair into a glass jar I had in my bag and started back towards the castle.


When I was almost reaching the edge of the Forbidden Forest, I heard the noise of branches breaking beside me. And pulling my wand from its holster I immediately turned in the direction of the sound, my wand pointed in place with a spell on the tip of my tongue.

But as soon as I turned around, I saw a terrifying and incredible creature watching me.

The creature was a ghastly and sinister winged horse. He was somber and black, with a skeletal body that hid no bones, with translucent, glowing skin. He had a reptilian dragon-like face, with large white eyes devoid of emotion. It also had large, wide leather bat-like wings. All in all, this creature had an appearance that could give anyone nightmares.

But I didn't feel scared and I didn't feel any kind of negative emotion towards the creature, as I knew exactly what it was.

This was one of the most mysterious creatures in the wizarding world... The Thestral, which were only visible to those who had witnessed death.



(End AN: Yes Yes. I know these chapters are overdue and that probably some of you may have thought I dropped this fic (especially new readers who don't know my messy schedule), but don't worry, I've just been busy with some room cleaning.

Hope you like these chapters!)