
Chapter 459

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


Some time had passed and the fight still hadn't ended, and the four students who were against me hadn't stopped casting spells at me at any point.

In fact, they seemed even more determined to defeat me than when the fight started.

And I think that determination came because now they had hope that they could defeat me, seeing that I was just on the defensive while they were attacking me.

But beyond that I also noticed that while their attack became stronger, more aggressive and faster, their attention to their surroundings became weaker and more sloppy.

And it seemed like their confidence and the fact that they were completely focused on attacking made them leave some of their defense aside, and seeing this I frowned.

'I know that keeping the enemy cornered with an aggressive attack is a good strategy, but they should already know that in a fight the most important thing is defense' I thought, creating a wall of ice to defend myself from Ron's explosive spell.

Of course, I could tell that they weren't completely oblivious to a possible counterattack from me, as they still had a certain amount of caution when approaching me.

And that was good, because they knew that in addition to fighting using magic I was also very good at martial arts, and that if they didn't get close to me I wouldn't be able to use physical strength to defeat them.

'Well, another thing to teach them... How to fight physically' I mentally noted.

And I had to get out of my thoughts because the golden trio decided to jointly cast the spell [Ventus], which was a simple spell but became very powerful with the union of the three.

And seeing the rotating jet of wind coming towards me I took a step forward, keeping my feet firmly on the floor while holding my wand with both hands in front of me vertically.

The jet of wind then hit my wand, cutting it into two parts as it passed by my sides without hitting me.

And I kept holding my wand while the golden trio kept pointing their wands at me, adding more force to the spell trying to destabilize me and push me out of the ring.

And to make the situation more difficult, Fleur also joined them, casting [Ventus] on me as well.

And now the rotating jet of wind felt more like a hurricane, and I began to feel the pressure of this spell that slowly began to push me towards the edge of the ring.

'Now I know how Avatar Aang's enemies felt fighting him' I thought, looking back and seeing that my foot had almost reached the red line that marked the limit of the circle where we were.

And realizing that they were actually close to winning the fight I decided to stop playing around.

'Okay, that's enough' I thought, narrowing my eyes.

And then with a little effort I began to walk forward, advancing against the powerful wind.

And with every step I took, the four teenagers who were against me found it harder to maintain the spell.

And I could feel it in the wind that started to get more volatile and out of control.

"Guys, stay strong and keep casting the spell!" Hermione shouted to her companions, gripping her wand tightly.

"I'm trying!" Ron replied, grunting with the effort he was making.

And I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying, since I continued to advance towards them.

And after a few more steps I managed to get closer to them, being less than 6 meters away from them.

I then began to gather my magic into the tip of my wand, which began to glow with a cyan light.

And with each passing second the intensity of this light increased, and when I felt that my spell was ready I used wandless magic to create a simple shield that protected me from the wind jet for a moment.

And in this short moment that I no longer had to worry about Fleur and the golden trio's spells, I raised my wand high, before kneeling down and tapping the tip of it on the floor.

And as soon as my wand made contact with the floor my spell activated, and a boom sounded before the floor shook, with a shockwave emerging with me as the center.

And that shockwave was fast and strong, hitting the four teenagers and pushing them back, knocking them to the floor and making them cancel their spell.

"Well, that was fun," I commented, standing up as I looked around at the mess the room was in after my spell.

I then turned my gaze to Fleur, Harry, Ron and Hermione, seeing that they were lying on the floor a little disoriented.

And luckily for them I didn't put too much power into my spell, and so it didn't take long for them to start recovering.

"Damn, we almost made it," Ron grumbled, slowly standing up as he looked at me in frustration.

"Yes, but he's very persistent." Hermione pursed her lips.

"Well, he's the one training us for a reason," Fleur said, holding her arm with a pained expression.

"Don't get discouraged guys," Harry started to say, "We managed to corner him once, so I'm sure we can do it again."

And saying that the green-eyed boy looked at me determinedly, holding his wand tightly.

And the other three who heard what he said felt their confidence and determination return, and nodding they turned to me, raising their wands preparing to start the fight again.

"Good, good," I nodded, looking at them in satisfaction, "You didn't give up easily, and I can feel your determination."

"We will not give up, we will defeat you!" Fleur proclaimed.

"Yes, and that's the conviction I want to see from you," I said with a smile, "And you know, you're showing an incredible performance in this fight, and I can see how much you four have improved since the beginning of your training."

And upon hearing my praise, the four teenagers were happy.

However, they were still alert and cautious as they looked at me, knowing that I might just be saying this to make them lower their guard.

And seeing this I again nodded in satisfaction.

"However," I continued, getting their attention again, "This is still a fight, and that's why I hope you've realized something very important," and they looked at me in confusion, not knowing what I was talking about.

And seeing their confusion I decided to explain, "Since the beginning of this fight I only responded to your attacks by defending myself and dodging your spells, and I did that because I wanted to see how good you guys were at being the ones attacking"

And upon hearing this, Fleur and the golden trio blinked, and remembering everything that had happened in the fight so far they realized that I hadn't really attacked them at any point and that I was just defending myself.

"But it's time for that to change," I continued to say, "Now I'm not just going to defend myself… Now I want to see how you guys do being on the defensive with me attacking." I smiled dangerously.

And as soon as those words left my mouth the four teenagers immediately froze.

And then they began to feel a terrifying and wild aura coming from me, and my smile made them tense and nervous.

''''We're screwed'''' was the only thing they could think.

And without giving them time to try to think of a strategy, I began my offensive.

"[Diffindo] [Petrificus Totalus] [Ebublio]" I said, casting a sequence of spells at Harry.

And then quickly after I cast a [Confringo] on Fleur, before casting a [Diffindo] and an [Immobulus] on Ron.

And when they saw the attacks coming in their direction, the four teenagers came out of their frozen states, with Fleur creating a shield to protect herself while Harry and Ron dodged the spells I cast at them.

And Hermione, who hadn't been attacked by me, took advantage of this moment to try to cast a spell on me.

"[Incarceghu--]!! Ghhe--!" and before she could even finish saying the incantation of her spell I cast the [Langlock] spell on her, making her tongue lock onto the roof of her mouth.

"[Incendio]!" I heard Fleur exclaim, and turning I saw a fireball coming towards me.

"[Glacius]" and before the fireball got too close to me I froze it.

I then looked at the Veela, noticing her fierce and defiant gaze.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that if you play with fire you might get burned, Fleur?" I smiled mischievously at her.

And the blonde girl was confused when I said that, but then she saw me pointing my wand at her.

"[Incendio Tria]" I said, and from my wand a fireball bigger and hotter than Fleur's headed towards her.

And upon seeing the large ball of fire heading towards her, Fleur blinked in surprise, but the heat from the spell's flames snapped her out of her stupor, and she quickly jumped to the side, throwing herself to the floor and narrowly avoiding being hit by my spell.

"Come on guys, I thought you would last longer," I said, mocking my precious students.

"You guys aren't going to give up now that things are getting interesting, are you?" I asked as I smiled, looking at Fleur who was getting up from the floor, at Harry and Ron who were staring at me intently, and at Hermione who had managed to free herself from my spell.

And hearing my mockery angered them, and I could see on all their faces their fighting spirit being rekindled, along with the desire to win this fight.

'Heh, now the real fight is about to begin' I thought, feeling myself start to get excited.

