
Chapter 253

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After talking some more, we decided that Andromeda would be the one to represent Sirius as his defense lawyer before the Wizengamot should he be brought to a real trial, as we wanted.

And with that part being decided we then moved on to talk about the other phases of the plan, where I explained to them that we already had two friends working to pressure the ministry.

We also talked about how we planned to ask Amelia Bones for help, and after a few minutes of consideration Ted and Andromeda agreed that it was a good choice, and that was mainly because Tonks had already said so many good things about her future boss to her parents.

With our conversation over, we realized that it was almost time for lunch, and so my mom invited the Tonks to join us for lunch, and as Andromeda didn't want to be separated from Sirius yet they happily agreed.


-Kitchen – Lunch-

"Have some more meatballs Dora" my mom said with a gentle smile as she put more food on Tonks' plate, who looked at her confused.

"Dora?" she asked.

"Huh yeah, isn't that your name?" my mom asked cocking her head in confusion, remembering that was what Sirius had called her.

"Oh no, Dora is just a nickname, her name is actually Nymphadora" Andromeda was the one who replied, ignoring her daughter's indignant look.

"Mom, don't call me that!" Tonks said, and seeing my parents' questioning look she explained, "I don't like that name, which is why I prefer people to call me Tonks, or a nickname like Nym or Dora"

"But why? Nymphadora is such a beautiful name" my mom said confused.

"See! Someone agrees with me" Andromeda said triumphantly, and then turned to my mom, "And thank you Mrs. Night"

"Oh, call me Sarah, I guess we don't need to be formal with each other anymore" my mom said with an amused smile.

"Well, in that case call me Andy, usually only my family calls me that, but as you are the family helping to exonerate Sirius I think you have the right to call me that" Andromeda, or Andy, said smiling at us.

"In that case, then I'll be very happy to call you Andy" my mom said.

I was watching this interaction, but then I heard someone sniffle next to me, and turning around I saw Sirius trying to wipe away some tears.

"It's so lovely to see my two foster families talking so amicably," he said dramatically, and I rolled my eyes.

"And watching you act like that I begin to understand why your mother wanted to disown you," I said.

"Hey!" Sirius exclaimed indignantly, and I just ignored him in favor of enjoying my delicious lunch.


-At Night-

After lunch the Tonks left, promising to return at another time to see Sirius and to look into his case.

After that my family, Sirius and I chatted until the Flamels arrived, giving us an update on how their part of the plan was going.

Their progress could not be described as fast or slow, as they were not yet using their influence and connections to get responses from the ministry.

For now they were just probing the environment, and from what they said next week they would already start looking inside the Ministry for more evidence that could help Sirius' case.

And with all this talk, night finally came, and after dinner each one went to their room, with the intention of sleeping because tomorrow would be a busy day.

I went to my room, and when I lay down and thought about getting a book to read, I felt a sudden tiredness hit me, and then I could only feel my body being pulled into darkness as I passed out.

But as soon as my eyes closed I opened them again, only to notice that I was no longer in my room, and when I looked around I noticed that I was in a dark forest, and that immediately made me realize that I was in one of my weird dreams again.

I could feel my body tense up as I knew that whenever I had these dreams, in the end I would end up facing that scary creature that seemed to have a huge hatred for me, for whatever reason.

Knowing I couldn't avoid the inevitable, I sat down on the floor with a weary sigh.

But I also knew that these dreams must have a deeper meaning, and could even be a vision or something like that, and that's why, even frustrated, I still started to analyze the forest around me.

In addition to the forest, I also noticed the small differences in my body, differences that were always present in this world of dreams and illusions, like the fact that my skills were weaker and my magic was troubled.

Knowing that standing still wouldn't help I got up and started walking through the forest, but after 30 minutes of walking I realized that the forest was bigger than I expected.

Tired of walking, I sat on the ground leaning against a tree cross-legged, waiting for the moment when the creature would appear.

As I waited I could feel the cool night breeze hitting my face, bringing with it the scent of earth and wood.

I also managed to see some harmless magical and non-magical creatures roaming the forest.

"If the situation wasn't so stressful I could enjoy these sensations" I said to myself.

I then heard the sound of a branch breaking beside me, and turning alertly towards the direction of the sound I sighed in relief to see that it was only a white rabbit.

The little bunny looked at me with his big bright eyes, and after a few seconds he started jumping towards me.

"Hey little one" I said, moving my hand closer to the rabbit, who sniffed her before rubbing her head against my fingers.

Smiling at this I caught the rabbit in my hands, which happily accepted.

With the rabbit now in my lap I started petting him, smiling at his cute sounds of satisfaction.

'You know, aside from the whole fact that my last few visits to these dreams didn't turn out so well, I could get used to this,' I thought with an amused smile.

I continued to pet the rabbit until I felt my eyes grow heavy, and then I closed them, feeling a lull wash over me, no longer worrying about the mysterious creature and whether or not it would appear.

I then felt my senses return to full capacity, and I opened my eyes, seeing the familiar ceiling of my room.

"That was...unexpected," I mumbled, blinking in confusion.

After all the dreams I've had I wasn't expecting to have a calm and peaceful dream, and now because of this dream many questions came to my mind.

'Sigh... Now I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep' I thought.


-In the morning – Kitchen, Breakfast-

It was morning, and my parents, Cele, Sirius and the Flamels were having breakfast, but Penny saw that one chair was empty and noticed my absence.

"Where's Ethan?" she asked.

"I stopped by his room earlier and he was reading some books" Sirius said with a mouth full of bacon. He then gulped down his food and turned to Penny, "I thought about calling him but I don't want him to jinx me again for interfering with his study time" he said, shuddering at the memory.

"Usually when he's focused on something he tends to lose track of time" my dad said.

"Oh, but he can't miss breakfast, that's the most important meal of the day, especially for him who is a growing young man" Penny said, and she then got up from her chair, "I'll get him"

And finishing saying that she turned and went towards the stairs that led to the upstairs rooms.

Sirius seeing this put his hands together in prayer and closed his eyes.

"May this kind lady's soul rest in peace" he prayed, with my parents rolling their eyes already getting used to his antics and Nick snorting in amusement.

I was reading one of the fifth year Divination books while sitting on my bed, and around me could be seen many other Divination and Prediction books.

I was concentrated looking for some answer to the meaning of my dream, and I thought that maybe the answer was in some book of Divination, since a part of me considered my dreams to be some kind of vision.

As I read the last chapter of the book I heard someone arrive in front of my door, and by the sound of footsteps and the magic I knew it was Penny.

"Come in" I said, and the door opened.

"Ethan, come have breakfast with us," she said, but then noticed the books piled and thrown around me, "What are you doing?" she asked.

Sighing in frustration I placed the book I had in my hand on my lap, "I was looking for an answer in these books to a problem I'm having" I said.

"And what problem would that be?" she asked me.

I debated whether to tell her about the dreams or not, but then I realized that I trusted her enough to talk about them, and that if I told Penny she might be able to help me somehow.

"What do you know about dreams and visions?" I asked, and that piqued Penny's interest.

"Well, not much really, but I had a friend who studied the meaning of wizards' dreams and their involvement in magic" she replied rubbing her chin in thought.

"And you still keep in touch with this friend of yours?" I asked, and Penny upon hearing my question earned a sad smile.

"I met her in the 1700s... And even with all my studies in the various branches of magic, I still haven't figured out how to talk to the dead," she said, and I got a guilty look.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of that," I said, and Penny smiled slightly at me.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it" she said, but that sentence only made me feel worse, as it made me realize how much the Flamels must suffer for being immortal.

Noticing my sad look Penny clapped her hands to get my attention.

"But back to the point, I may not be as good as she was at the study of dreams and visions, and I may not be a psychic, but I think I might know a thing or two about it," she said.

"So can you help me?" I asked excited and a little relieved, as I was already starting to get stressed from all these studies, mainly because I'm not the biggest fan of Divination.

"Yes, I can help you....but only after breakfast" she said, smiling at me.

"Well I guess that's a good deal" I joked.

"Perfect" Penny said, "So shall we go?" she nodded towards the door, and smiling I got up from the bed, spreading the books I had around me even more.

"Let's go" I said, and with that we both went downstairs to go to the kitchen to have breakfast with the rest of my big weird "family".



(End AN: This AN will just be a few questions:

Are you currently reading any novels? If yes, which one?

And fanfiction? Is there anything you're reading these last few days that you'd recommend?

And another question I've always wanted to ask... Have any of you ever written a story?)