
Chapter 162

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Hey Ladies and Gentlemen! Here's the new chapter!


-Professor McGonagall's Office-

[POV - Third Person]

*Knock! Knock!*

"Teacher?" Hermione called after knocking on the door.

"Come in, Miss Granger" Professor McGonagall's voice came from inside the room.

"You said you'd like to see me"

"Yes, have a seat" Professor McGonagall said after Hermione entered the room and closed the door, pointing to the seat opposite her desk.

As soon as Hermione sat down, Professor McGonagall began to speak.

"So Miss Granger, I called you here because I'd like to talk about your electives"

"My electives?" Hermione asked confused.

"Yes" Professor McGonagall nodded, "Since you were so kind to hand me your form with the subjects you chose so far in advance, I could see that you chose... A few more subjects than the request"

As soon as Professor McGonagall finished speaking, Hermione's confused expression changed to one of expectation.

"Yes! I didn't know which one to choose, and all these subjects seem to be so interesting and fun! I've even started studying some of them in the library" Hermione said all this in one breath, her eyes shining.

Professor McGonagall seeing this could only smile wryly inside, but on the outside she sighed helplessly.

"Miss Granger, I'd like to warn you in advance that some of these electives will have their classes overlapping each other, and we cannot change your timetable to fit more classes, so it's unlikely you'll be able to attend all these classes," Professor McGonagall said, and she could see the shine in Hermione's eyes starting to fade.

"Really? There's no way I can see all the classes? You can even take my lunch break" Hermione said, and the Professor McGonagall resisting the urge to massage her temples and laugh at that last sentence.

She then looked at Hermione who had a pitiful look on her face.

'Sigh... Why are my smartest lions always the ones that cause me the most problems?' she pondered. Professor McGonagall then looked back at Hermione and let a small smile play on her lips, 'But luckily I already knew that you would insist on studying all the electives... Well, you remind me a lot of myself when I was your age and I had to choose my electives, not least because I tried to do the same as you choosing so many classes'

"Miss Granger, I can't promise you anything, but I'll try to find a way for you to see at least some of these classes, but like I said before, I can't promise you with 100% certainty," she said.

"Really?! Thank you teacher! I won't let you down, I'll study every book I find in the library! And I won't let my grade be lower than an O" Hermione said excitedly. She then looked at Professor McGonagall's bookshelf, "Do you have any books to recommend for me? I want an opinion from someone experienced to...."

Just as Hermione was about to continue her animated chatter, she noticed a few specific books that were neatly tucked away in a unique part of the bookshelf.

"Do you read the Inheritance Cycle and Percy Jackson books?!" Hermione exclaimed in surprise and a little excited.

"Hmm, do you know these books?" Professor McGonagall asked a little excitedly internally too, forgetting that she was still working and that she was supposed to act professionally, especially in front of a student.

"Do I know these books? I'm a big fan of them!" Hermione replied, "I bought the Eragon book the same month it came out, and I've been a huge fan of the saga ever since."

"Well, I came across these books last year...Actually, I received them as a Christmas present" Professor McGonagall said, looking at the books with fondness and pride.

"Really? I didn't know you liked these kinds of books" Hermione said surprised, but she received a raised eyebrow from Professor McGonagall in return, "Err... I mean I didn't know you liked muggle books" Hermione said after noticing her poorly worded sentence.

"Miss Granger, I'm a Half-Blood" Professor McGonagall said, "And even if I wasn't, a book is still a book, whether a wizard wrote it or not."

"Oh yes, I forgot," Hermione said a little embarrassed, and when she received a questioning look from Professor McGonagall she was quick to explain, "I read about you being Half-Blood in one of the books that talked about the current teachers at Hogwarts"

"Hmm, I forgot this book existed," she muttered.

"Well... So does that mean you wouldn't autograph my book if I asked you to?" Hermione asked shyly, "It's just that in all my books I try to get an autograph from the author or whoever is being quoted in the book," she said, looking at Professor McGonagall with puppy eyes.

"Sigh... Alright, I'll autograph your book. But you can't tell anyone that I autographed your book, do you understand miss?"

"Yes Professor McGonagall" Hermione quickly agreed.

"Well, so are your Inheritance Cycle and Percy Jackson books already autographed?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"No, and I think it's going to be hard for me to get an autograph from him…or her," Hermione commented, crestfallen.

"What do you mean? Don't you know who the author of these books is?" Professor McGonagall asked with a curious look.

"Well, nobody knows who the author is, he remains anonymous and the only thing we know about him is his alias 'Night', and that doesn't tell us much" Hermione replied, and then she saw Professor McGonagall look at her. with a strange look.

'But 'Night' is not a alias of the author' Professor McGonagall thought.

Hermione then started looking at Professor McGonagall with narrowed eyes, as if she was analyzing something.

"Wait a minute... Do you know who the author is?" Hermione asked, and she saw Professor McGonagall's eyes widen slightly, "Aha! You know who the author is!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Professor McGonagall said, keeping a stiff, serious look.

"How old is he? Is he a wizard? Is he a she?" Hermione began her barrage of questions, looking at Professor McGonagall as if she were a police officer interrogating a suspect.

"You won't be able to get any more information from me, Ms. Granger.," Professor McGonagall said, staring back at Hermione.

"So does that mean I've already managed to get any information out of you? Heh, so you really know who the author is," Hermione said with a victorious smile.

"You're too smart for your own good," Professor McGonagall said, her right eye twitching, "Now please, if you'll excuse me, I have some essays to correct," she said, shooing Hermione away as she waved her hand towards the door.

Hermione then stood up with the smile still on her face and turned to leave the room. She then opened the door and as she was about to leave she turned to Professor McGonagall.

"What color is his hair?"

"Get out of my office, Miss Granger!" Professor McGonagall said, and Hermione quickly closed the door, and only after she heard Hermione's hurried footsteps disappearing did she relax in her chair.

"Sigh... With each passing day these lions of mine cause me more and more problems" she said rubbing her temples, but with an amused smile on her face.

Professor McGonagall then turned to the Inheritance Cycle books on her bookshelf.

"Why didn't you reveal yourself as the author of the books?" she wondered, but then she shrugged, "Well, whatever your reason for remaining anonymous, you should have your reasons."

That said, she looked back at the scrolls on her desk, and among those scrolls was a letter that was addressed to the ministry, and one word that stood out in that letter was Time-Turner.



(End AN: My dad asked me what color I'd like to paint my room, and I replied black and purple... Now they think I'm some kind of emo.

What will they think when they find out I cried watching Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast...

But well... Tinker Bell >>>> Any Action and Drama Movie)