
Chapter 135

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"Harry, glad you're okay!" Mr. Weasley said as he approached Potter, inspecting him.

"Where did you end up?" Ronald asked.

"He ended up in Knockturn Alley" Hagrid said with a frown, causing Mr. Weasley to look at Harry with concern, and meanwhile the twins and Ronald looked at him in wonder and jealousy.

"They never let us go there" Ronald commented with envy.

I cut myself off from the rest of the conversation as I had just seen out of the corner of my eye Draco and his father leaving Knockturn Alley and heading towards the Quidditch shop.

I also used my Magic Vision and I could see that Mr. Malfoy was in possession of something that contained a great deal of dark magic.

'Hmm, how am I going to get this diary?' I wondered.

I then turned my attention back to the conversation as soon as I felt Mrs. Weasley arrive.

"Oh Harry dear, I'm glad you're safe, you could have been sent anywhere" Mrs. Weasley said worriedly and relieved as she brushed off Harry's soot.

While Mrs. Weasley was checking that Harry had no injuries I took the opportunity to greet Hagrid.

"Hi Hagrid," I said, causing the half-giant to look at me.

"Oh hi Ethan, how are you?" he asked me.

"Good, and you?"

"Oh, just a little busy," Hagrid said, and then glanced at a pocket watch he took out of the pocket of his moleskin coat, "And speaking of busy I still have some business to attend to," he said.

Hagrid then said goodbye to us as he dismissed Mrs. Weasley's thanks for finding Potter.

Hagrid walked down the bank steps while waving at us, and in a moment he was gone down the alley, leaving only the Weasleys, Granger, Potter and me in front of the bank.

Mrs. Weasley turned to look at me and Granger curiously, while Potter and Granger also turned to look at me, with Potter looking at me curiously while Granger looked at me a little annoyed, for whatever reason.

Ignoring Potter and Granger I held out my hand to Mrs. Weasley.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley, I'm Ethan Night, a friend of the twins" I said with a polite smile on my face.

"Oh dear, nice to meet you" she said with a gentle smile on her face, ignoring my outstretched hand and giving me a typical mother hug.

She then pulled away and looked at the twins.

"I hope my kids aren't causing you too much trouble," she said, earning a scandalized look from the twins.

"Don't worry, they're very good friends, and I know how to keep them in line," I said, ignoring the looks of the golden trio and the twins, who looked at me with disdain and disbelief.

"Thanks, you're a good boy" she said happily. Mrs. Weasley then turned and greeted Granger, who felt awkward not being used to someone so cheerful and affectionate.

After the greetings we all walked into the bank, where we saw Granger's parents exchanging some muggle money for wizard money.

Potter also talked about seeing Malfoy and his father at Borgin and Burkes, and I started to wonder if I should pay a visit to this shop someday.

After greeting Granger's parents, the Weasleys and Potter went to their vaults, and I didn't accompany them because I didn't need to go to my vault as I could get my money straight from my bank bag, and I also thought it was better let them go to their vaults alone, as I know the Weasleys aren't comfortable showing their financial status to others.

After a few minutes they arrived, and with that we all split up planning to meet at the bookstore in an hour, with me following the twins who spotted Lee, but I still kept watching for Ginny or any sign of Lucius Malfoy and the diary.


-One hour later-

After an hour of shopping, in which the twins, Lee and I visited some prank shops, and where I managed to convince the twins to let me buy some things for them, we headed to Flourish and Blotts.

Arriving at the bookstore we saw a crowd of people, most of which were housewife witches, and I immediately started to feel a headache coming on.

"Lockhart is signing his books. Mom is probably crazy with happiness right now" Fred commented, approaching the golden trio and his mother who was standing in line with an excited gleam in her eyes.

"Wait a minute kids, we'll be next in a minute" Mrs. Weasley said, fixing her hair and clothes to make herself more presentable.

"Is it just me or does your mother seem a little too excited to meet Lockhart?" I asked the twins sarcastically.

"Oh, it's just you," Fred replied dryly.

"Damn" I heard George mutter beside me, and looking at him I saw him looking at the prices of Lockhart's books, "Those books aren't expensive, they're super expensive!"

"But they were written by Lockhart, so obviously they would be expensive," Granger said in her fangirl mode, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"But still... They're too expensive" Ronald muttered loud enough for us to hear.

"Don't worry kids, we'll be able to buy them" Mrs. Weasley said, but I could feel the worry coming from her as she looked at the prices and bit her lip.

"You don't have to worry too much about prices, I have the VIP card for this bookstore" I said pulling a black and silver card out of my pocket.

"Does this bookstore have VIP cards? What do they—"

"How did you get a VIP card?! I've been trying to get one since last year!" Granger exclaimed, cutting Ronald.

"Simple, I got it because I met the requirements," I said with a shrug.

"But the requirements to get this card is very difficult!" she exclaimed in surprise.

"Not so much" I said.

"Not so much?! The requirements to get this specific card are to have bought more than 1000 books, have a safe in Gringotts, and have a monthly income of 1,000 Galleons!" Granger spoke looking at me with a shocked look, and I just shrugged my shoulders again.

As soon as Granger finished speaking, everyone, even the twins, looked at me in surprise.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked confused.

"A thousand books?!" the twins were the first to speak, looking at me as if I were an alien from another dimension.

"A monthly income of a thousand Galleons..." Ronald began to mutter, staring at nothing.

"No big deal… I guess" I said, getting a look from the twins that said 'I'm just not going to bewitch you here and now because our mother is here'.

"Oh dear, that's very kind of you, but I can't accept it" Mrs. Weasley who came out of her stupor said.

"Don't worry Ms. Weasley, if I don't use this card it will only gather dust," I said, waving my hand dismissively.

"You really don't need—"

"I insist," I said, and not giving her time to refuse again I placed the card in her hands.

"Oh, um... In that case, thank you very much," she said a little apprehensively, but with a grateful look on her face.

"You're welcome," I said.

"Huh, what's with this VIP card?" Potter asked, and Granger, like the amazing encyclopedia that she is, was quick to respond.

"This card is like a muggle library card... You know how muggle library cards work, right?" she asked Potter, who nodded.

"Well, just unlike library cards, this card gives some discounts to the person who buys books at this bookstore with this card. The card also has several types, and the one in Mrs. Weasley's hand is the Silver VIP card, which It's the second best card, and one of the hardest to get. It gives 50% off all Flourish and Blotts books, and even gives the cardholder early access to new books that will be published!" Granger said it all in one breath, looking at the card with desire and envy.

"Oh" Potter replied, looking at the card in surprise, as were the other Weasleys who knew about the cards but didn't know about the benefits of the Flourish and Blotts Silver VIP card.

"And it's not just Flourish and Blotts that have VIP cards, almost all Diagon Alley stores have this card system, but it's usually very difficult to get one. I still need to meet some requirements to get the most basic card from here" Granger continued, and once again she looked at the card with envy.

Mrs. Weasley who was holding the card in her hands started looking at it as if it were some precious possession, and Ronald was still staring at nothing as he muttered about a thousand Galleons.



(End AN: For some reason I don't know myself, this week I started watching a lot of horror movies, and among them are the 3 Blair Witch movies.

In fact, at the moment I'm posting this chapter I'm finishing the third movie, and I intend to watch Sinister 1 and 2, which has as the evil entity of the movie one of the members of Slipknot, lol.

Do you like horror movies? What are your favorites? And which ones scare you the most?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!)