
Savage Saga part 16 the extent of Savage's plan

The head of Perfect Savage remains in the hands of the Military however he had planned for this and had prepared multiple escape plans but will they work? Or will he remain there for good? Also the rise of a new legend begins as well as the return of old faces.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Page 8

Two days later a team of twenty were sent to Easter Island to deal with the current Easter Bunny Jade and Jason are sent with them. After the death of the Easter Bunny Bella became the new Easter Bunny this was possible as she was reincarnated as a Bunny girl again thus she could become the new Easter Bunny. She wiped out the soliders and got brought in by Jade and Jason. Easter Bunny Bella was placed in the same place as Jasmine and Perfect Savage's head. Two days later Alpha Spider was brought in and placed there the Director was jealous that these three girls were all brought to the same place as the head of Perfect Savage. Jason says "Um Director I think there's something going on here I mean what are the odds that three dead lovers would be brought in at the same time?" The Director says "It's all a coincidence do you really think he played everyone for fools as a head and has a grand plan?" Jason says "Yes" Suddenly alarms start blaring signaling a code red a threat so massive that it threatened the entire Military appeared and was coming. The threat was a lone Vampire girl whoose power alone threatened the entire Military this was the Vampire Jade. There wasen't a weapon powerful enough to affect her Jasmine says "What is this power? It's impossible so massive!" Alpha Spider says "It's Jade she's going to kill us all!" Bella says "Impossible she's dead please you gotta let us out!" One of the guards tasked with guarding the girls says "Yeah not going to happen" Suddenly the guards are all killed by Jade she says "As agreed your trojan horse plan worked"