

City mafia rule! Will you be a celebrity, hitman, senator, or FBI director? Join the mob and rule the city! Will you become a celebrity mobster, or the shadow rule?

senhordogamerplay · Urbain
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25 Chs


Everyone was impressed when I joined the army. I didn't like being told what to do, but I liked the atmosphere and the interesting places they intended to send me.

(Firearms +10, Fighting +10, Athletics +10 and Won $1000)

Two years passed and I had just finished basic training when I met my first mobster. He was a capo of one of the Five Families of Nova Daria.

of course, I had no idea when I met him. I was home on leave and was doing laundry. What? Oh haha. No, not money laundering... at least not at that time in my life. I was in a coin wash. I was on my own, so despite my rich parents, I still had to wipe my underwear like everyone else.

"Hey, is anyone else here?" said the man when he entered.

He looked to be in his early 40s and had slicked-back dark hair. He had a bit of a belly, but there was something in his eyes that said he was dangerous. That and the fact that he had a gun in his hand. He was all sweaty and out of breath. As it turned out, we were the only two people there that day.

The man ignored me as his eyes frantically scanned the room. His gaze landed on a small broom closet which he opened and entered. The door barely closed before two more men entered the room.

(Cunning +5)

They were both big and one of them had a barbed wire tattoo around his bicep. They also had weapons. The tattooed man pointed his piece at me while the other scoured the laundry room. He checked the locked door to the manager's office and the empty restrooms, but found nothing. He briefly shook the handle on the broom closet, but it, too, appeared to be locked.

"Do you see a guy running around here?" the man with the gun said, pointing it straight at me.

Both men looked at me for what seemed like a long time. None of us saw the broom closet door open or the gun peeking through the crack. Double shots exploded in the small laundry room as the dark-haired man killed his two pursuers. He came out of the closet, his eyes on the dead men.

"You did good, boy," the man said as he approached me. "You know who I am?"

I admitted not. That was the day I met Four Finger Nelson Harcourt, a Life Sketch Family caporegime. He told me that if I needed anything, any kind of favor, all I had to do was ask. He made a phone call and four men showed up to remove the bodies. No police investigation was made and the incident never made the papers.

I went back to my base camp and researched all kinds of mafia websites right after that. I learned that New Daria was home to the Five Families: The Sato Family, the Smirnov Family, the Rossi Family, the Martinez Family, and the Life Sketch Family. I learned that a capo is a captain and only one level below the boss himself.

Four Finger Nelson Harcourt was one of ten caporegimes who worked directly with Terrence "Silver Dollar" De Luca, one of America's most wanted men. Although he did not found the Life family of sketches, he was the current boss.