
Satan On Wheels

Chloe is a 24-year-old Nurse working Nights and living with her older stepbrother Ryan who is an auto mechanic. He has feelings for her and loves her more than a brother should, so he kind of, rude and mean to her, but she doesn't take it and knows he has feelings, so she pushes his nerves to try and get him to act on them

RoseMaddox1990 · Urbain
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3 Chs

Chapter One

Hello, my name is Chloe. I live with my older Step-Brother Ryan, and I feel like he loves me more than he should, and I am unsure how to respond. Still, I don't make it easy as I push his buttons and make it hard for him to keep his feelings inside. I am a night nurse, and he is an Auto Mechanic. I was getting home from a 12-hour shift, and I walked into the apartment and sighed, seeing the mess. "My fucking brother is a slob," I mumble. I cleaned up the mess, catching him just waking up. "Could you clean up after yourself?" he said. Ryan looks at me, shrugs, and leaves. I took a deep breath and went to shower and lay down.

When I woke up, I finished cleaning the apartment and started dinner. I ate and plated Ryan's, left a note, cleaned the kitchen, got a book, and got comfortable on the sofa in booty shorts and a blanket. Ryan walks in and sees her. *you dressing like that around me fuck, really* he thought. "Dinner in on the stove," I say, turning a page. Ryan nodded and went to shower. Ryan walks out in just gray sweatpants. I peek at his body and tattoos and cover my face with my book. Ryan warms up dinner and eats. "Thank you," he said, cleaned his plate, and went out to smoke. I glanced at him and looked, watching him smoke. I step out with him, light my cigar, and inhale. Ryan looks at me. "Get some clothes on," he says and walks inside. I look down. "I am dressed," I mumble. I stood up and walked inside. Ryan was playing video games and looked at me for a while before shutting his door. I roll my eyes "Asshole," I mumble. I grab a book and open it. Ryan walked out and looked. "What did I say? You don't need to walk around looking like that," he said, grabbing a beer. I look at him. "I am in my home. I can wear what I like," I said. Ryan walks back to his room and shuts the door. I went to my room and got back to reading, "Oh look, I am Ryan. I am going to be a dick," I mumbled. Ryan was lying down. "Fucking walking around the house half naked bitch" he murmurs and covers up. The next day, I rushed out of the house. Ryan had the day off. He walked into my room, lay on my bed, and smiled. "You always smell nice," he mumbles and sighs. Ryan stood up and looked around my room. Ryan found my journal and lay down reading it. Ryan sat up and shut it, put it back, fixed my bed, and left my room. Ryan went out to smoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "Fuck she likes me," he mumbles. *I have been a colossal dick—no way she would. Maybe if I get her drunk.* he thinks. Ryan went out and got whiskey, knowing I was off this weekend.