
SasuSaku: Empty Eyes

In short: SasuSaku Sexy Vampire Fic Complete with Sequel! Sakura finds herself sentenced to serve the royal family after accidentally committing a crime. Things didn't seem so bad until she woke in a pool of blood without knowing how she got there. The memory of glowing red eyes was all that remained. SasuSaku/InoSai/NaruHina Rated M for many reasons!

Hina5enpai · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

Chapter 15-Mature Content Warning

My heart beat so loudly in my ears that I had trouble eavesdropping on the conversation Sasuke was having with whoever'd interrupted us. Sweat was practically dusting my skin as I got embarrassed over the lewd actions I'd just been involved in played on repeat behind my eyes.

Surely the prince would tease me for offering such unfiltered reactions once his guest leaves.

Is it normal for women to make those sorts of sounds in that type of situation?

Did I kiss him correctly?

My body almost shook with insecurity. I bet I'd done everything wrong and he thinks I'm an even bigger weirdo than before. My fingers danced up to touch my bottom lip, remembering the rough sensation I felt from him.

With a shake of my head, I pushed my anxious thoughts away and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. Then, I put an ear to the door, only to feel the disgusting weight of jealousy drop down into the pit of my gut.

Karin's nasally voice was easily distinguishable.

With a small frown, I took a few moments to soothe my appearance before exiting the restroom with as calm a facade as possible. "Oh! You didn't tell me Sakura was here!"

My eyes locked onto her half-undressed form as she stood in front of Sasuke, who was sitting on the edge of the bed. He wasn't looking at either of us. Instead, his glare was locked onto the floor. A humorless scoff slid past my lips before I could bite it back and his dark eyes jumped up to mine. My brow furrowed, I shook my head in disbelief, and then clamped my mouth shut as I turned and left the room, shutting the door behind me.

I headed down into the garden for some fresh air in hopes it would clear my head of the negative emotions swirling around in my chest. Luckily, neither of them followed me and I was grateful.

I was embarrassed, humiliated even.

Not only did I let myself get caught up in my emotions while we were kissing, but I also acted like a jealous little brat right in front of both him and Karin. He never even hinted at having the intention to break things off with her, or any of his other playthings, yet I responded to the situation like an idiot.

I began watering some flowers, hoping the action would distract me from my arousal. The moonlight provided more than enough vision for me and I felt a cool breeze brush against my hot face.

"If the Uchiha intends to claim you, why does he let you wander off alone like this, especially in a state of need."

A chill ran up my spine at the deep voice directly beside me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I turned my head to see Gaara, King of Suna, leaning down mere inches away from my face so he could look me in the eye.

The watering can slipped from my grasp and fell silently onto a patch of grass as I took a few steps away from the odd royal, "U-Um!"

His beautiful eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight and he stepped forward to keep minimal distance between us, "It wasn't my intention to scare you. I couldn't help but approach when I caught the scent of your arousal. It's unforgivable for a master to leave something like you unsatisfied."

A variety of very intense emotions were screaming at me in my head all at once: fear, embarrassment, regret, and even anger. My lips couldn't seem to form a response, so I put my hands up in defense as I shook my head in denial.

The king searched my face unblinkingly, "In my homeland, my kind doesn't ask humans for consent, especially me. I understand things are different in Konoha so allow me to formally offer: Would you like me to ease your discomfort?"

My legs shook and nearly gave out from under me. Dizziness swept over me as the blush on my face rose in temperature, "N-No thank you!"

The redhead nearly scares me more than even Madara with his clearly inhuman demeanor. He tilted his head with what seemed to be confusion, but his facial expression remained the same. The act came off as incredibly threatening. "A rejection."

His eyes seemed to darken slightly and my legs finally gave out from under me, causing me to land roughly on the pavement. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I couldn't pull my gaze from his.

Gaara continued to stare deeply into my eyes, but the darkening reverted to the white that was there before. " You fear me, Sakura Haruno?"

I managed to nod and he surprisingly offered me a pale hand. Gingerly, I accepted it and he helped me back to my feet, unable to comprehend his odd behavior. Once I was upright, he quickly removed his hand from mine. His gaze was once again studious as he looked me up and down, "I'll make my intentions clear."

I smoothed my rumpled skirt without looking down at it, afraid to offend him by averting my gaze.

"I aim to have you as my own. Should the chance arise to steal you from the Uchihas, I'll be there."

A hysterical laugh came from a few yards away and we both turned to see Kankuro sitting on a bench as he watched us like we were putting on some twisted play for his amusement, "Damn, Brother, at least try to woo her a bit before confessing your undying love!"

My face warmed once more with unease and I took a few steps toward the door that leads back into the castle, "I-I-I have to go!"

The Suna prince continued laughing as I turned and rushed away from them.

My whole body continued to shake with fright as I approached the stairs, only to freeze in realization. Karin's probably still up there. I can't just waltz in when they're most likely in the middle of something I very much don't want to know about.

With a defeated sigh, I retrieved a spare pillow and blanket from the laundry room. On the plush rug in front of the warm fireplace, I made a makeshift bed for myself in the family room. It took a few minutes for me to relax, but I eventually did and started to slowly lull to sleep. To my shock, I was shaken back to my senses by the sound of quickly approaching footsteps.

I sat up groggily, only to see Karin lunging at me with an enraged expression on her beautiful face.

With a speed I didn't know I possessed, I caught both of her hands in my own before she could sink her claws into my face. Tears were rolling down her face as I fought against her, "You lying skank!"

I was confused, I was still angry about earlier, and I was tired so I quickly lost my temper with the woman. My blood boiled as I somehow forced myself on top of her, holding her down on her back. She glared up at me with an animalistic growl. "What's your problem, Karin!" I felt her knee crack against the middle of my back and I was thrown forward.

We rolled, fighting for dominance over one another. "You stole Sasuke from me, you slut!"

She landed a hit to my stomach and I responded with a hit to her shoulder, "What the hell are you-"

I was suddenly pulled back by someone's arms wrapping around both of my own, but I ignored whoever it was and tried to pull myself free so I could continue holding my own against her. Karin seemed to have the same idea as she rose to her feet, but froze when she noticed who was behind me.

Through the angry hue dusting my vision, I noticed her reluctance and stopped fighting so I could look. My blood ran cold when I saw Sasuke's murderous glare. It was directed at her, but it still terrified me.

"Do not come back, " his voice was harsh and low.

She uncharacteristically scurried her way toward the nearest exit, leaving me with the enraged vampire.

Once we couldn't hear her heeled shoes against the floor anymore, I yanked my arms away from his and angrily went to collect my items from the rug, "You shouldn't have stopped us."

He spoke in a cold voice that he hadn't used on me since I first met him, "We need to talk."

I met his guarded gaze with annoyed ones before nodding and following him back up to his room. Once the door was closed, I sat on my little couch and watched him crouch down a few feet in front of me. He, to my surprise, was fully clothed and the bed didn't even look slept in.

Did they not…?

The air was awkward and silent for a moment as we looked at each other before I averted my gaze down to my hands. He spoke in the same voice as before, "We need to talk about what happened."

My face heated up for what felt like the millionth time today, "Which part are you talking about in particular? The part where you kissed me or the part where you let Karin in here immediately afterwards?"

His eyes steeled into a glare and I bit my tongue guiltily. There I go again, letting my jealousy get the best of me. The prince didn't respond as he no doubt realized I wanted to take my words back.

"I'm sorry…I shouldn't have said that."

It was hard to meet his gaze. It's not my place to tell him what he can or can't do. His voice was a bit less cold when he replied slightly quieter than before, "Do you want to do this or not?"

My mouth opened in surprise at his braziness. "D-Do what exactly?"

He rose to his feet with a defeated sigh, pulling me firmly up by my wrist. I nervously allowed him to do so, standing directly in front of his much larger frame. "Are you sure you want to get involved with something like me?"

All the annoyance and irritation I felt toward the situation dissipated in an instant. He wasn't trying to earn my pity. No, he meant what he said.

Sadness washed over me and I moved to grip his forearm, the one that was still holding my wrist. His dark eyes met mine with distrust, but I still pulled him closer to me, "I want to get involved with someone like you, yes." We held each other's gaze for a moment before I offered a reassuring nod.

Itachi's advice to get close to Sasuke wasn't even on the backburner of my mind at this point. My actual emotions were taking over my actions. Despite the lies and the danger, I've truly come to like Sasuke. Even if he's irrational and angry a lot, there's something there that I can't seem to resist. It's something hopeful and strong that I don't think even he knows about.

After verifying for sure that he and Karin hadn't done anything, I reluctantly allowed him to convince me to sleep in the bed with him from now on.

I was so nervous that I lay there stiffly for what felt like hours. The entire time, I was hyper aware of where exactly his body was, not a foot away from mine but not touching as I lay with my back turned to him. Eventually, my body got cramped from being so still and I had to roll over to ease my discomfort. Of course, when I did so I came face to face with Sasuke.

Our eyes met and we simply stared at each other for a few silent moments. When he finally spoke, his voice was slightly raspier than usual from being quiet for so long and it did something sexual to me, "Can we talk about yesterday? You said something terrible would happen if you told me about what happened. What'd you mean by that?"

Quickly, I tried to answer without accidentally signing my death waiver, "Well…how do I put this…"

He waited patiently, but that only made it harder for me to sort out my jumbled thoughts. Despite still being incredibly uneasy, I tested the waters, "I found Obito in the cellar. Do you remember that?"

His dark eyes narrowed, "What were you doing down there?"

So that would be not just a no, but a hell no.

Bravely, I reached over and pulled one of his hands into my own. He looked down at them for a moment before meeting my gaze once more, "Did he…"

I nodded, "H-He fed from me, yes."

To my surprise, he hesitantly rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. The comforting act was the first time he's shown any effort to empathize with me. "How did you escape?"

I was so distracted by his touch that I answered without thinking, "Madara stopped him." My eyes widened as soon as the words left my mouth and I winced, readying myself for Sasuke's attack.

Nothing happened and when I met his eye again he was giving me a confused look. His hand stopped moving. "Was I with you?" My brain was running like crazy trying to come up with some type of response that wouldn't have him ripping my throat out with his teeth. If I say the wrong thing, he'll no doubt kill me by accident. We've just started opening up to each other in the past day or two so it's unlikely he'll be able to stop himself.

I desperately attempted to avert his attention from the subject, "I guess I don't remember, either…Oh, I did run into Gaara in the garden earlier! Did I tell you?"

His grip tightened slightly as he shook his head and waited for me to elaborate. My face warmed ever so slightly as I tore my gaze away, "He, um, said he likes me." That's technically a very understated version of what he'd said, right?


"And what?"

"And what did you say back?" His dark eyes were staring at me so intently with a strange emotion I didn't recognize and it made a familiar sensation bubble up in my lower abdomen.

I swallowed nervously before grumbling out, "I-I told him I had to go and left him there."

In an instant, Sasuke was on top of me, his knees on either side of my legs, hands against the mattress on either side of my shoulders, and a smirk on his lips. "S-Sasuke!" The warmth between my legs only heightened in response to his sudden movement. I frantically tried to distract myself with unhappy thoughts to calm myself, but I knew it was too late. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

The first few buttons of his white shirt were undone and if I very slightly looked away from his face I could see the toned muscles of his chest with ease. All I'd have to do to touch them was move a few inches. Would he let me? He'd probably make fun of me for acting so brazenly.

His husky voice broke me of my impure thoughts, "He offered to fuck you."

My face burst into flames and I turned my head to the side, too shocked to meet his heated eyes, "Sasuke! Don't say things like that…"

One of his hands moved from the bed and firmly grabbed my jaw to make me look into his eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut with nervousness, only to reopen them when he gently rested his forehead against mine, "I can't blame him. He could sense what I'm sensing right now." His grip on my jaw tightened slightly before he slowly pressed his lips against mine in a slow, sensual kiss. One of my hands shot up to grip his wrist on instinct.

When he pulled back, his expression sent a wave of unbearable arousal down my spine that made his name slide breathlessly from my lips in a voice I didn't recognize. My body trembled beneath him.

His eyebrows raised and his dark eyes were suddenly alight in a bright red. We gasped at the same time in response to the sudden change. He blinked a few times, obviously trying to revert the vampiric trait and failing, "This has never…"

I bravely met his glowing gaze, deciding to give him my trust, "I don't mind."

After tensely studying my face for a few moments, he slowly moved my head to the side so he could lean down and bury his face in my neck. My heart was beating so loudly I'm sure he could hear it. He kissed the soft skin there, slowly at first, as though he was waiting for me to shove him away.

A shiver ran down my spine at the foreign sensation, a pleasurable sound getting stuck in my throat. The noise seemed to affect him because he instantly had my wrist pinned to the bed with his free hand. His kisses against my skin became much hungrier.

My body reacted well to him and I let myself do what felt natural until the familiar feeling of teeth against my neck had us both freezing. I swallowed anxiously, eyes wide as I stared at the ceiling.

A groan that almost sounded like a growl rumbled through his chest as he pulled back to look me in the eye again with a glare. His voice was menacing, "I won't be able to stop myself if you keep doing that." The hand that'd been clamped around his wrist let go in shock and he released my jaw to pin it against the bed like the other one.

Oddly enough, I wasn't afraid of him despite the fact he'd just admitted wanting to drink from me. Instead, I felt relieved that he wasn't turned off by the sounds that managed to slip through the cracks of my control. I was still incredibly embarrassed by them, though.

His lips caught mine again and they danced similarly to how they had earlier in the day. One of his hands released my wrist so it could reach down and roughly grip my hip. A small squeak of surprise was muffled with our kiss and he used the moment to slide his tongue against mine.

My body felt like it was positively vibrating with eagerness against him. Tingles and heat erupted on my skin where it came into contact with his. Since he'd freed one of my hands, I slowly tested the boundaries. I cautiously moved it down to feel the firm muscles of his stomach, another small positive sound getting lost between us.

His hand moved around my hip and down so he could slide it under my black nightgown. The prince's calloused hand was suddenly massaging my breast underneath the silky cloth and my body arched up to absorb his touches.

His mouth left mine again and my head fell back against the pillow as I panted breathlessly. Sasuke's tongue flicked against my neck and I felt his thumb rub against my nipple, pulling more appreciative sounds from my body. Before I could react, his other hand finally released my wrist and he quite literally ripped my gown so he could tear it away from my body and toss it aside.

I was left trembling in just my underwear. My eyes shot open as the cold air in the room dusted against my skin, only to meet his blazing red eyes. They danced up and down my body before returning to meet mine.

I felt horribly self-conscious as he studied me, but he cautiously wrapped his hands around my thin waist, his cold skin causing goosebumps to appear. His hands were so big that his fingers nearly touched as they wrapped around my body.

Slowly, he ran his hands down to my hips. My breath left my body when his fingers lightly danced over my hip bones. He studied my reactions in silence as his hands moved up to cup my small breasts, my chest still slightly heaving as I attempted to catch my breath.

He unbuttoned his shirt with one hand before descending back on top of me to press his chest against mine. A sigh slid past my lips at the nice feeling it caused, but it was cut off as he hungrily started kissing me again. One of Sasuke's hands danced down to grip my thigh, pulling my leg up to wrap around his hip.

The Uchiha pressed against me and I could feel a certain part of his body was very hard. Fear mixed in with my arousal and somehow the prince picked up on it because he moved his lips down to my neck once more, speaking in between his kisses, "Do you want to?" His voice was intense as he obviously struggled to reign himself in.

Despite my body being more turned on than ever before in my life, I still hesitated to give him the go ahead. He waited a few moments before slowing and then coming to a stop so he could pull back and look me in the eye. I struggled to answer, "I-I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I've never-"

"I know."

His eyes still glowed and I could tell when he spoke that his canines seemed a bit more defined, but the frenzied look on his face had softened. He didn't let me respond and pressed his lips against mine, this time obviously more in control of himself.

Both my hands pressed against his torso eagerly, raking firmly against his muscles as I lost myself once more in the moment. I felt his manhood lightly brush against my inner thigh and my body reacted naturally to it, my hips pushing up against his. A rumble got lost in his chest, leading me to allow my body to repeat the action when he pressed against me once more.

He didn't make a lot of sounds, but the ones he let slip were incredibly attractive and addicting.

After we repeated the actions a few times, he suddenly reached one of his hands down in between us and started to gently rub against the front of my panties. My mouth opened with a gasp and he pulled back to stare down at me with an amused expression.

Sasuke continued, gradually moving his index finger lower before starting to move slow circles in just the right spot. The way he touched me…it felt like he'd studied my body and knew exactly what to do to pull reactions from me.

A wave of something magnificent rolled up my spine and a moan rose from my chest, my eyes clenching closed. The corner of his lips tugged into a smirk as he watched my face, "You're so sensitive."

My face burnt with humiliation, but I couldn't do anything because he continued his actions. In a steady pace, he moved my legs further apart so he could reach more easily. His hands swiftly slid the lacy cloth of my underwear to the side and he ran his finger up and down over my entrance, making my eyes shoot open in shock.

He sat up on his knees in between my legs. My brow furrowed as he put the same finger in his mouth before smirking at me knowingly and returning to what he was doing previously. He came back down on top of me, pressing his lips slowly against the skin in between my breasts.

The finger massaging me started building a pressure that I wasn't familiar with and my hips ground against his hand in reaction. His hot breath dusted my skin as he snickered at my reaction, "You're so wet, Sakura, " before pulling back to look at my face once more before a mischievous look crossed his face and he suddenly disappeared beneath the covers.

With quick hands, he got rid of my underwear and I felt the unfamiliar sensation of his tongue running over my damp lower regions. A wet, blazing heat erupted where his tongue touched as he expertly started flicking it against me. The pleasure was nearly unbearable, causing moan after moan to erupt from me.

One of my hands frantically reached down so I could nervously wrap my fingers in his messy hair. He licked and sucked at my womanhood in ways I never imagined anyone ever would for a couple of minutes before the pressure in my body exploded without warning.

I lost control of my actions.

My legs curled around his shoulders and my body shook with ecstasy. It felt like a few moments passed, but it also felt like hours. Once the last wave melted away, a strong wave of exhaustion and relief hit me like a ton of bricks.

Sasuke licked me for a few more moments before coming back up with a smirk on his face. I blushed, still panting for breath as I struggled to stay awake, "W-what's so funny?"

I was humiliated that he was seeing me like this. He began kissing my neck slowly, speaking in his low rumbling voice against my damp skin, "You taste good."

I squeezed my eyes shut and made an embarrassed sound that made him chuckle. His lips danced across a sensitive part of my skin and I arched my neck slightly so he could better reach it, "Please don't tease me."

He came back up and kissed me sweetly, "I should let you sleep."

He didn't have to tell me twice.