
SASUKE: The Beginning Of The Journey.

This is the story of Sasuke, Hanabi and Hinata's journey. To seek revenge against Neji and Itachi, for massacring their clan. The Konoba ignored the Hyuga clan for generations. The Uchiha clan were blamed for the Kyubi attack 15 years ago. So both clans decided to plan a coup to overthrow the Hokage. What will Sasuke, Hanabi and Hinata do in the future of their journey?

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7 Chs

Prologue: Clan Meeting.

The sun begins to rise on the horizon and shines on the village hidden in the leaves. The sunlight shines in the room of a certain Uchiha, causing him to wake. Then suddenly he hears someone knocking on the door of his room.

Sasuke wakes up to the sound of the knock. Sasuke, breakfast is ready. Go downstairs, okay? His Mother said outside of his room.

Okay, mother. Sasuke said starting to get up from his bed.

So he sits up and yawns, rubbing his eyes, he gets out of bed and opens the curtains, bringing more of the sunlight into his room. He gets dressed changing his pyjamas. He wore a black long sleeve and white shorts.

Then he glanced at the mirror in his room. He saw his reflection. He saw that his hair was messy so he grabbed a comb and combed his hair perfectly.

After he is done combing his hair. He put the comb in the drawer. He went outside of his room, making his way to the kitchen. As he descended the stairs. He can smell the delicious food on the table. As he finally reaches the kitchen. He was then greeted by his mother. As she prepared some plates on the tables.

Oh, welcome Sasuke. Come sit down, Join us. Mikoto said happily

Yes, mother. Sasuke said happily. Making his way to the table to find a chair. He then glanced at his father. Which also glanced at him. Good morning father. Sasuke said happily.

Which makes his father nod at him as well. Then he sits at the centre of the table. Getting ready to eat. His mother passed him some plates.

Here. Sasuke, I make your favourite food. Mikoto said passing him some food.

Tomato soup? Sasuke asks surprise.

Mikoto nodded at him. Yes. Tomato soup is our breakfast right now. Your favorite. Mikoto said happily to Sasuke.

Which makes Sasuke very happy. He then starts munching the food one by one. Which makes her mother giggle at him.

This also makes Fugaku smile a little. Then he starts eating as well. He must say that his wife is very good at cooking. All of her cooks are very delicious. He takes pride in that.

This is very good, dear. I love it. Fugaku said with a smirk. Even though he is not fond of tomato soup.

Yeah, Mom. This tomato soup is the best. Sasuke said agreeing with his father.

Thanks, darling. I knew you two would love it. Mikoto said happily to her two boys.

Then Sasuke felt that something was missing. He looked around to see where his big brother was. Almost forgot to ask where Itachi is. He is so focused on his food, that he forgets to tell where his "older brother Itachi" was.

Wait. Where is Itachi? Sasuke asks curiously.

But before he can continue. He was cut off by his father. Which answers his question. He is on a mission Sasuke. He will be back tomorrow. Fugaku said with a stoic voice.

This makes Sasuke sad. He wanted to train with Itachi after breakfast. But it seems he is on a mission. And he will be back by tomorrow too. Sasuke thought to himself.

He knows that Itachi is in the "ANBU" at the age of eleven. Which makes him very talented at a young age. He always gets his father's attention, because he is gifted. While I don't. I was also hoping that someday Father would acknowledge me too. Like he always did to Itachi. Sasuke thought hoping that he would get his father's approval.

Then he left that thought aside for now. As he started eating his food again. He then also hears his parents talking to each other. So he glanced at them a little bit.

Dear, are you going to the clan meeting today? Mikoto asks her husband.

Yes, dear, I wanted to go there early today. Fugaku said answering her questions.

Oh, that would be very good, dear. You always wanted to be the first one to arrive right? Mikoto said happily while raising his finger.

Of course. This is a very important matter to me. I will not gonna be late for a "Clan meeting". This will be a big shame to the Uchiha clan if their leader arrives "late" at a meeting. Fugaku said pridefully.

This made Mikoto giggle at her husband's pridefulness. Every Uchiha is indeed prideful. Especially the women too. So to her talking to her husband about "Uchiha pride" is quite amusing to her.

Then Fugaku starts talking again. I was hoping to bring Itachi with me to the clan meeting. Since he is the clan heir to the Uchiha Clan. Fugaku said saddened by this.

This also makes Sasuke sad. He knows that Itachi is the next in line to the Uchiha Clan. It's not like he is interested in becoming a clan heir. But at least his father will also give him some attention, just like he always did to Itachi. Sasuke is shaking while gripping his spoon tightly.

But this however didn't go unnoticed by her mother. He can sense Sasuke is listening to them. And she knows that. He wanted his father's attention. So she thinks of an idea to make that happen.

Dear. How about you bring Sasuke with you to the clan meeting instead? Mikoto said happily to her husband while clapping his hands

This widened Sasuke's eyes in shock at what his mother just said. And Fugaku raises an eyebrow at his wife's words.

What do you mean? Fugaku said with a questioning tone.

Because. Itachi is not the only one who is an heir to the Uchiha clan. Sasuke to as well. Since Itachi is not here. It is better if you also bring Sasuke with you. And teach him how to be a good leader someday. Mikoto said smiling while clapping her hands. And also. This is a good opportunity for you two to have a " father and son " bonding together. Mikoto said with a smile. Looking at Sasuke and giving him a wink.

Which also makes Sasuke giggle to his mother.

Fugaku wanted to argue with her wife's words but decided to agree with her. Very well then, Sasuke. ready yourself. You are going to the clan meeting with me. Fugaku said standing while walking outside.

Sasuke. You should prepare your things now. Your father will wait for you outside. Mikoto said smiling to Sasuke.

Yes, mother. Sasuke said excitedly while getting ready.

Mikoto looked at Sasuke. Who is going upstairs to prepare his things? She smiled knowing that he had made his little boy happy.

Sasuke sprinted upstairs to get his shoulder bag in his room. And go back down to wear his sandals. But before he is done wearing his sandals. He hears his mother's footsteps walking in his back. So he glances at her mother. She approached him and said.

Sasuke... Mikoto said to Sasuke.

What is it, mother? Sasuke said to his mother.

Don't make trouble with your father at the clan meeting okay? Be a good boy out there. Mikoto said smiling while holding Sasuke's cheeks.

Don't worry mother. I will not cause a problem at the clan meeting. And I will be a good boy. I promise you that. Sasuke said smiling at his mother.

Mikoto smiled and gave Sasuke a wonderful kiss on his forehead.

Which makes Sasuke blush at his mother's kiss.

Good luck out there. Okay. Mikoto said to Sasuke.

Don't worry mother. I will. Sasuke said while nodding.

Then he walks to the door. Opens it, and goes outside to find his father. Her mother watched from behind smiling at him.

"Outside the house". He saw his father leaning against the wall folding his arms with closed eyes, waiting for him.

So Sasuke approached him and said. Father. I'm ready to go. Sasuke said excitedly.

Very well. Come, Sasuke. It is almost time now. Fugaku said starting to walk.

Sasuke nodded and followed his father on the way.

An ordinary day from the Hidden Leaf Village. Every year a clan meeting was scheduled. So that, peace can be managed among the clans.

Fugaku is walking his way alongside Sasuke to the clan meeting. He wanted to bring Itachi from him since Itachi is a clan heir to the Uchiha clan. But he is on a mission, so he doesn't have a choice but to bring Sasuke with him. Because this is his wife's request. And after a long walk. Sasuke starts to argue.

Father, how long are we at the clan meeting... Sasuke asks his father.

We are almost there Sasuke. If we are there. I want you to be at your best performance, okay? Fugaku said to Sasuke.

Sasuke wanted to argue more but he just went quiet. He didn't want to make his father angry.

Sasuke frowned. Aaahhh... Man, I hope this is not boring as Itachi told me so. I just wanted to stay home training more. But at least I can spend time with my father. Sasuke thought to himself.

While they are walking to the village. Fugaku saw Sasuke's reaction. So he wanted to make Sasuke clear that this is also part of his responsibility in the future. So he voices his words to him.

Sasuke. This is also part of your responsibility in the future. "Like your mother said", you are also the heir to the Uchiha Clan. I want the two of you to help each other to make the Uchiha clan better. Fugaku said to Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't say anything about his father's words. It's too much responsibility for him. He only wanted to be stronger "stronger than Itachi" so he could prove to his father that he was better at Itachi. Or maybe this is the start of that. Maybe his father has finally acknowledged him.

Sasuke nodded to his father's words. I'll do my best Father. I promise you that. Sasuke said happily.

Fugaku nodded at him. He is happy that Sasuke finally understands the responsibility of being a clan leader.

While they are walking in the streets of the Konoha. Many people greeted them along the way. Sasuke notices that his father is very famous in the village. When they notice his father, they bow their head, to show some respect. Some of them, by some groceries. Some are eating in a simple restaurant. And some kids Sasuke's age are playing. Then finally, they are in the building where the clan meeting is about to start.

Come Sasuke. Let's go inside. Fugaku said offering his hands to Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded happily. Grabbing Fugaku's hands as well.

When they were walking in the hallway. They spotted Hiashi Hyuga walking with his two daughters. So Fugaku didn't hesitate to greet Hiashi. And Hiashi also greeted him back.

Good morning Fugaku. I didn't expect you to be this early. Hiashi said to Fugaku.

Of course, I am. I will not gonna be late for a clan meeting Hiashi. Fugaku said jokingly.

Which makes both Fugaku and Hiashi chuckle at each other.

Fugaku saw Hiashi's two daughters on his side. The long dark brown-haired girl was looking at him on his father's right side, quietly. While the short navy blue-haired girl was also looking at him too. But she was hiding shyly on his father's left side.

Hiashi also saw Fugaku's son. The boy is looking at him quietly. He can see that the boy is looking him straight in the face "eye to eye". Like he was trying to understand him so badly.

He is very scary. It's like there is no life in his eyes. This must be the Byakugan father has spoken of. The "doujutsu" of the Hyuga clan that rivals the Sharingan. Sasuke thought looking at Hiashi.

Oh. What's the name of your little boy? Hiashi asks Fugaku.

His name is Sasuke Uchiha. Fugaku said putting his hand on Sasuke's shoulder. What about your two daughters? Fugaku asks Hiashi.

Her name is Hanabi Hyuga. Hiashi said holding onto Hanabi's shoulder from his right side. Which made Hanabi greet them. Hi there. Nice meeting you. And this is Hinata Hyuga. Hiashi said also holding onto Hinata's shoulder, from his left side. Which also, made Hinata hide on his father's back. They are fraternal twins. Hiashi said to Fugaku.

Ah, I see. So they are fraternal twins. They have a beautiful name. Fugaku said to Hiashi.

Indeed. They are fraternal twins. And your son has a wonderful name as well. Hiashi said to Fugaku.

But before they can talk more. The Hokage has announced a word to everyone. Okay, please all of the clan leaders. Be ready, this clan meeting is about to start in a few minutes. The Hokage said announcing it to every clan leader.

It's about to start now... Hiashi thought to himself.

Hum... It's about damn time. Fugaku thought to himself.

Fugaku looked at Sasuke. Which made Sasuke look at him too. Go ahead Sasuke. Play with them. Fugaku said whispering to Sasuke. Which made Sasuke nod at him.

This also made Hiashi do the same thing to his two daughters as well. You two. Ask him to play with the both of you, okay? Hiashi said to his two daughters.

Hanabi nodded happily. And ran over to Sasuke and grabbed his hand. Come Sasuke, let's play. Hanabi said happily to Sasuke. This makes Sasuke surprised at her energetic personality. Oo-Okay... Sasuke said to Hanabi. Hinata followed too. But slowly walked on them. Since she is a shy one compared to her sister.

Hanabi grabs Hinata and Sasuke's hands. And drag them both outside so the three of them can play together in the park.

"Outside the building". Hanabi gave one of his dolls to Sasuke. Here. Take it, you can play with that. Hanabi said to Sasuke. And Sasuke took one of Hanabi's dolls, that she had given to him. Thank you... Sasuke said to Hanabi. Thanking her for sharing her toys with him. Hinata also joined in them to play. She is still very shy. But she is trying to play with them, so we would not left behind. So the three children play together happily outside.

Both Hiashi and Fugaku looked at their children playing with each other. This just makes things easier for them to engage one of them in the future.

It's about to start. Let's better get going now... Fugaku. Hiashi said to Fugaku.

Yeah. You're right, let's go... Fugaku said. Agreeing with Hiashi.

So both the clan leaders took their

separate ways. They took one glance at their children playing outside. And then the clan meeting started.

As the clan leaders gathered in the grand hall, the atmosphere was tense. The room was filled with the most influential figures of the Hidden Leaf Village, each representing their respective clans. Fugaku Uchiha and Hiashi Hyuga, two of the most powerful men in the village, took their seats at the head of the table.

The Hokage, the village's leader, stood at the front of the room, his gaze sweeping over the assembled leaders. "Thank you all for coming," he began, his voice echoing in the silent room. "We have many important matters to discuss today."

The meeting went on for hours, with each clan leader presenting their reports and discussing various issues. Fugaku, as the head of the Uchiha clan, spoke about the recent missions his clan members had undertaken and the progress they had made in their training. He also mentioned Itachi's progress, subtly hinting at his potential to be a future leader.

Meanwhile, outside, Sasuke, Hanabi, and Hinata were having a great time. They played various games, shared stories, and even had a small picnic under a tree. Sasuke, despite his initial apprehension, found himself enjoying the company of the Hyuga sisters. Hanabi's energetic personality was infectious, and Hinata's shy but kind nature was endearing.

As the sun began to set, the clan meeting finally came to an end. Fugaku and Hiashi, along with the other clan leaders, emerged from the grand hall, their faces showing signs of exhaustion. However, upon seeing their children playing happily together, their tired expressions softened.

"Sasuke," Fugaku called out, his voice stern but gentle. Sasuke, hearing his father's voice, immediately stopped playing and ran over to him. "Yes, Father?" he asked, looking up at Fugaku with wide, curious eyes.

Fugaku looked down at his son, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Did you have fun?" he asked, his tone softer than usual. Sasuke nodded enthusiastically, a bright smile on his face. "Yes, Father! Hanabi and Hinata are fun to play with!"

Fugaku ruffled Sasuke's hair affectionately, his smile growing wider. "I'm glad to hear that," he said, his voice filled with warmth. "Now, let's go home. Your mother must be worried."

But before they can walk home. Hanabi approaches the "father and son". So you are going home now. Hanabi said to Sasuke. It's fun hanging out with you today, Sasuke... We have a great time together, the three of us... Hanabi said smiling at Sasuke. Which Hinata nodded at her sister. II-I hh-hope ww-wee cc-can up-play m-more ii-in tt-the fff-future... Hinata said stuttering at her words. Hanabi giggled at her sister to her stutters.

Hanabi, Hinata, that's enough. Come now, it's time to go home, now. Hiashi said to his two daughters. Yes, father. Hanabi said agreeing with his father. But before Hanabi can go home. She approached Sasuke and kissed him on the cheeks, and said. Bye-bye, Sasuke-kun. Hanabi said giving Sasuke a wink. Then she walked to her sister and father's side.

This made Sasuke blush at Hanabi's kiss on his cheek. His face was super red "like a pomato. Which made both Fugaku and Hiashi smirk at Sasuke. Hinata however, felt a little jealous of her sister. If only she is not very shy. She could also kiss Sasuke on the cheeks as well.

After they are done saying goodbye to one another. Fugaku and Hiashi took their separate ways. But. Sasuke, Hanabi and Hinata promised to meet again some other day. He only hopes that they will meet again.

As they walked home, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Today had been a good day. He had made two new friends, "and not to mention they were twins". spent time with his father, and even got to attend a clan meeting. As he looked up at the starry sky, he made a silent promise to himself. He would work hard, become stronger, and make his family proud. And in the middle of their walk home. Fugaku starts to talk to Sasuke.

So, tell me Sasuke. Do you have a crush on one of the twin sisters? Fugaku said with a smirk on his face.

This made Sasuke blush by his father's words. II-I don't know, father. Sasuke said blushing.

This made Fugaku chuckle at his son's embarrassment. You do not need to feel embarrassed, Sasuke... Fugaku said with a smile. It's normal for your age to have a little crush on, a girl nowadays. Fugaku said smirk teasing Sasuke.

However, Sasuke just went quiet. He didn't want to argue back, because he was too embarrassed to say something. He still, didn't understand why Hanabi just kissed him on the cheek so suddenly.

Fugaku saw his son's expression. And start to tease him even more.

Hum... It turns out, Hanabi has a liking for you. Fugaku said forming a smirk on his face.

It reminded me back when I was your age. My mother always tease me about your mother. Fugaku said with a smile.

Really. Father, you also felt embarrassed by it? Sasuke said surprised by his father's words.

Indeed. I was always embarrassed back then. Just like you right now. Fugaku said looking at Sasuke.

The only advice that I can you is. Follow what screams in your heart... If you truly love someone, be honest with what you're truly feeling about them, and do not ever hide it. Because if you did hide your feelings, you would regret it, in the end. Fugaku said to Sasuke. Be honest with them. The same way I did you your mother, when we were kids. Fugaku said ruffling Sasuke's head.

Sasuke was supposed to answer back, but. Was stopped, because they finally reached home. And for a long walk to the clan meeting. Fugaku and Sasuke walk to the entrance of their house. Then Fugaku opened the door of his house, alongside Sasuke. Then they were greeted by Mikoto waiting for them to come home.

Honey, we are home. Fugaku announced which made Mikoto greet them.

Welcome back, my dear. So how was the clan meeting? Mikoto asked her husband.

Sasuke ran to her mother and hugged her. Which her mother accepted. And welcome to you too... My little boy. Mikoto said hugging on to Sasuke.

It was very good, actually. The clan meeting went perfectly fine. Fugaku said to his wife.

That's good to hear. Mikoto said clapping her hands together. Which made Fugaku nod at her.

Fugaku walks past his wife. But before he can go even further. He stops. Dear, is the food ready, I'm hungry. Fugaku said while looking at his wife.

Yes, my dear. The food is ready at the table. If you want to eat first. Go ahead, I have something to ask about Sasuke. Mikoto said to Fugaku.

Fugaku nodded. And starts walking in the kitchen.

So, Sasuke. What happened at the clan meeting? Did you have some fun? Mikoto asks Sasuke.

Yes, mom. I have so much fun today. I made two new friends. Sasuke said smiling. And also one of them kissed me on the cheek. Sasuke said shyly to her mother.

Oh really, one of them kiss you, huh? Mikoto said surprised. That's good to hear. My dear. Tell me, what is their name? Mikoto asked her son about the name of his two friends.

Aaahhh... If I am correct. Their name is. Hanabi Hyuga and Hinata Hyuga. Sasuke said scratching his head.

Mikoto was surprised at the name of her son's friends. She would not imagine that her son would have been friends with the twin sisters of the Hyuga Clan. Mikoto said to Sasuke.

Wait, you know them, Mom. Sasuke asked surprised by it.

Yes. Of course, my boy. Their mother is one of my closest friends. Mikoto said happily.

Really. Mother, what's the name of their mother? Sasuke said with a surprise tone.

Her name is, Hanashi Hyuga. Mikoto said to her son.

Wow Mom, I never expected you to be friends with a Hyuga too... Sasuke said happily.

Of course, it's better to have a good relationship with a noble clan too... You know. Mikoto said jokingly.

Sasuke was surprised by this. He was supposed to voice his words. When his stomach growled loudly. Which made Sasuke embarrassed by the sound.

Her mother giggled. Oh my, it seems you are hungry. Let's continue this into the table, okay? Mikoto said holding her hand on Sasuke. And leading Sasuke to the kitchen so they can eat together with Fugaku.

But little that they know that, Fugaku was listening to their conversation. Fugaku was leaning against the wall. He was smirking listening to them.

"At the table". The three have a wonderful meal together. Both of the boys enjoyed their food, and Mikoto was happy that her two boys loved her cooking too...

To be continued.