
SASUKE: The Beginning Of The Journey.

This is the story of Sasuke, Hanabi and Hinata's journey. To seek revenge against Neji and Itachi, for massacring their clan. The Konoba ignored the Hyuga clan for generations. The Uchiha clan were blamed for the Kyubi attack 15 years ago. So both clans decided to plan a coup to overthrow the Hokage. What will Sasuke, Hanabi and Hinata do in the future of their journey?

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Chapter 1: A bond formed.

After the events that happened yesterday. Sasuke's thoughts still echo through his head. And even that little kiss from Hanabi yesterday was still very fresh in his mind.

Sasuke was still sleeping in his bed peacefully. And then, he starts to open his eyes slowly, trying to wake up. He sits on his bed and yawns. Sasuke yawned and brushed his eyes. And he hears someone knocking on his door. got off his bed and approached his door.

He opened the door and saw his older brother looking at him directly into his eyes, he didn't expect him to be the one to wake him in his sleep.

Good morning, Sasuke. Itachi said smiling at Sasuke.

Big brother, what's the matter? Sasuke said surprised at Itachi. He didn't know that Itachi was already home.

Mother asked me to wake you up because breakfast is about to start. Itachi said to Sasuke.

Itach turned around and walked past Sasuke. Then Sasuke called Itachi.

Wait, brother. Sasuke said making Itachi stop and turn around and look at him.

Hum... What is it, my brother? Itachi asks Sasuke.

Sasuke wanted to ask his big brother to train with him. He only hopes that Itachi has no mission today so they can train together.

Can we train together? Sasuke said twigling his fingers.

Sure, why not? Itachi said smiling at Sasuke.

This makes Sasuke, very happy with Itachi's words. Finally, they can spend time training together.

Itachi saw his little brother's reaction. This makes him smile a little. Come Sasuke, Mother and Father are waiting for us. Itachi said to his little brother.

Yes, big brother... Sasuke said walking alongside his big brother.

"In the kitchen". Mikoto was preparing some plates on the table. Putting them one by one in a specific order.

Here's your plate, my dear. Mikoto said gave her husband a plate.

Thank you, my dear. Fugaku said to his wife.

He was in the corner of the table "sitting silently". He was waiting for Itachi to wake up Sasuke so they could start to have breakfast. Then finally, Itachi arrived in the kitchen. Alongside Sasuke.

Good, you're both here now. What took you so long to get here? Fugaku said to his two boys.

Sorry father. We have a little chat about something. Itachi said apologizing to his father.

Now now. You two, find your seats so we can finally start. Mikoto said to his two boys.

Which made both Sasuke and Itachi find their seats on the table.

"An hour later" Itachi starts to ask Sasuke about what her parents told him about Sasuke yesterday...

So. Sasuke, I heard that you made new friends yesterday in the clan meetings. Is that true? Itachi ask smiling at Sasuke.

This made Sasuke cough, while he was eating his food. Aa-what... Where did you hear that?.. Sasuke said stuttering his words.

This made Itachi chuckle a little bit to his little brother. Mother told me about it. Itachi said while biting one of his foods.

Mom, why did you tell Itachi? Sasuke said embarrassed by the Revelation.

I'm sorry Sasuke, I can't help it. I was so happy that you finally had some crushes. Mikoto said with a "tears of joy". While his father smirks at him.

They are not my crushes, we were just friends!!! Sasuke said shouted. He is very embarrassed that his face is like a potato's.

Oh my, I'm sorry my dear, I didn't know that they were only your friends. Mikoto said giggling at Sasuke.

This made Sasuke cover his face with his hands in embarrassment. But before he can continue to finish eating his food. His brother asks him a question that he is not ready to answer.

Then if you have no crush on one of them. Then tell us what are "they" to you. Itachi asks his little brother.

This made Sasuke stop what his doing. He is trying to think of a good answer to tell them. He can't tell what are "Hinata and Hanabi" to him. Since they only met yesterday.

I-I don't know. Sasuke said not sure of his words.

What makes you say that? Itachi said wondering at his brother's words.

Bb-because, we only met yesterday. I didn't know them very well. Sasuke said trying to hide his blush.

This, however, didn't go unnoticed by their parents, "especially by Itachi"

Then I guess, you should spend more time with them. Mikoto said while smiling.

Sasuke wanted to argue back. Then he was cut off by his father.

That's enough, don't tease him too much. Fugaku said with a stoic tone. Besides it is better if he is the one to decide that on his own. Fugaku said with a smirk to Sasuke.

This made Sasuke blush by his father's words. He didn't expect him to also tease him.

Speaking of which. I also heard that Neji Hyuga was in your platoon in the Anbu. Is that right Itachi? Fugaku said to his oldest son.

Yes, Father, Neji Hyuga was indeed in the same platoon as me. Why did you ask about it, Father? Itachi said asking his father.

Because I just wanted to clarify what Hiashi said to me when we were drinking together. Fugaku said with a stoic tone.

Oh, I never thought that you would be friends with Hiashi, My dear. Mikoto said surprised.

Of course, it's better to have a good relationship with a noble clan. Fugaku said answering his wife's words.

I see, that's very good to hear, my dear. Mikoto said to his husband.

Also Itachi, I heard that Neji Hyuga was indeed a prodigy in the Hyuga clan. Just like you too Itachi. Mikoto said asking Itachi.

However, Mikoto's words catch Sasuke's attention. He didn't know that the Hyuga clan also had a prodigy as well.

Yes, mother. He is very talented indeed, he demonstrates all of his skills in training sometimes. Not just that mother, he even beat me one time in a sparring match. Even Kakashi Hatake was also impressed by his talents too. Itachi said to his mother.

This made Sasuke eyes widen in shock. He was very surprised that his brother was defeated by Neji Hyuga. He wanted to meet this Neji Hyuga who beat his brother in a sparring match. Maybe meeting Hanabi and Hinata will make that happen though. He only hopes they will meet again.

Oh really, I never imagined Neji Hyuga would even beat you in a sparring match. Mikoto said surprised.

Hum... That's pathetic, Itachi. I can't believe you even allowed yourself to be defeated by a Hyuga. Fugaku said frowning.

Fugaku!!! That's mean of you to say something like that... Mikoto shouted at her Husband.

It's okay mother. I understand fathers words, it is indeed a shame to the Uchiha clan that their "prodigy" was defeated by a Hyuga. Itachi said understanding his father's words.

But don't worry father. We once had another sparring match again. And that time, I defeated him. Which makes us "even". Itachi said to his father making him understand.

Fugaku smirks at his older son's words. Good, you better get what you lost to him. Fugaku said to his older son.

Which made Itachi smirk at his father too. However, Sasuke wanted to know more about Neji Hyuga. To him, he might be very awesome and cool just like, Shishui Uchiha.

After a long breakfast. Sasuke ready himself to train with his brother. He was so excited to finally have this opportunity to himself.

Sasuke wears his sandals. He goes to the door and then shouts into the hallway letting his mother know.

I'm heading out to train with Itachi. Sasuke said trying to make his mother hear him.

His mother also replies. Okay, don't go too late. Mikoto said to his youngest son. She was in the kitchen washing some dishes.

Sasuke nodded to his mother and then he went outside. To the forest where his training with his brother starts.

As he goes outside the house. His brother waited for him. Itachi was standing peacefully waiting for his little brother to appear. Finally, Sasuke approached his brother. Itachi saw him and said.

You're finally here... Let's go then. Itachi Said gave his hand to Sasuke. Sasuke nodded happily to his brother.

"On their way to the forest," they stumbled upon a baker's shop, where the owner of this baker's shop was an old couple. He was then greeted by them.

Oh. Good morning Itachi and to you too, Sasuke. Are you both going to buy something for us? The old man said to the two. He was wearing a white long-sleeved with a grey path. The old man is reading a newspaper.

While his wife was sweeping the floor with a broom, next to him. She was wearing a brown duster with a white long sleeve in her arms.

Good morning... The old woman said happily.

Sasuke also greeted them as well. Good morning too... Sasuke said smiling to the old couple.

Good morning to you as well. No were we going to the forest to train? Itachi said to the old man.

I see. Good luck with your training then. The old man said to them. And also. Say my regards to your father from me, okay? The old man said to the two. And his wife was waving her hand saying goodbye, to the brothers.

With made Itachi nodded at him. Then they started walking again.

Sasuke was in a forest near the river where he always hung out with. This is where they always train together. Trying to practice his shurikens throwing with his big brother Itachi.

Then Sasuke jumped from mid-air and threw all of his Shuriken to hit the targets. Some of the targets hit and some of them didn't. As he went down to the ground.

You still lack focus and timing, Sasuke. Itachi said to Sasuke, giving him some advice.

I know I did everything you asked me. But I can't get the perfect timing. Sasuke said getting annoyed.

Here, I'll show you a demonstration. So watch closely okay? Itachi said to Sasuke. Which made Sasuke give his shurikens.

Itachi jumped from mid-air and threw all of his Shuriken to hit the targets. He hit them perfectly. As he went down to the ground.

Sasuke was impressed by the perfect accuracy. Wow, that was awesome, Itachi. Sasuke said amazed.

This made Itachi chuckle at him. And he gave Sasuke another shuriken and he said. Here, try again. Itachi said to Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded and grabbed the shurikens and did what Itachi had shown him to do.

"After a long training" Itachi looked at his younger brother with a soft smile. "Sasuke, it's not about getting it perfect. It's about understanding the rhythm and flow of the target. You need to feel it, not just see it."

Sasuke frowned, not fully understanding his brother's words. "Feel it? How can I feel it?"

Itachi chuckled, "It's hard to explain. It's like... sensing the wind, predicting its direction, and adjusting your aim accordingly. It's not something you can learn overnight. It takes time and practice."

Sasuke nodded, taking in his brother's advice. He picked up another set of shurikens and took a deep breath, trying to feel the wind and adjust his aim. He threw the shurikens again, this time hitting more targets than before.

"Good, Sasuke. You're improving," Itachi praised, making Sasuke's heart swell with pride.

They continued their training, with Itachi teaching Sasuke different techniques, strategies and tricks. Sasuke was a quick learner, and he was determined to become as strong as his brother.

As the sun began to set, they decided to take a short break. He was very exhausted but satisfied with his progress. Sasuke was particularly happy. He had learned a lot from his brother, and he felt closer to him than ever.

"And in the middle of their short break," They were sitting in one of the trees relaxing. And suddenly Itachi stood up in his seat.

What's wrong big brother? Sasuke asked confused.

Someone is watching us. Itachi said making Sasuke's eyes widen.

I know you're here. You can come out now, Shishui. Itachi said with a smirk on his face.

Shishui jumped off one of the trees and landed in front of Itachi. Huh... I never expected you would know that it was me... Shishui said smirking at Itachi.

Of course, your chakra is familiar to me, Shishui. So I know that it was you... Itachi said smirking back at him.

Shishui smirks back at him too. And then Sasuke ran over him with a hug.

Shishui, how are you? Did you just come here to say hi? Sasuke said hugging him happily. Which made Shishui raffle his hair.

Yes, I am. What are you guys doing here in the forest by the way? Shishui said asking them.

Sasuke asks me to train. So I'm here to train him. We were only taking a short break. Itachi said to his best friend.

Ah. I see, sorry for the interruption. Shishui said to Itachi.

Buy the way. Shushui, what brings you here? Itachi said with a curious tone.

Shishui looked at him and said. The Hokage called all of the Anbu to report back to the Hokage office ASAP. Shishui said to his best friend.

Hum... For what... Itachi said with a curious tone.

It's an emergency meeting... Shishui said making Itachi understand.

Okay... But I need to come home to warn my mother and father. Itachi said making sure his parents would not worry.

No need, I already told them about it. Shishui said to Itachi.

Sasuke however heard all of this. He argues with his big brother. So he voice his words to him.

Wait, you're leaving. Sasuke said annoyed.

I'm very Sorry, Sasuke it's a very urgent meeting. Shishui said to the boy.

But you promised to train with me today. Sasuke said angry.

Sorry, Sasuke, until next time then. Itachi said flicking Sasuke's forehead.

Sasuke pouted at his brother's sodden ack. The Itachi ask Shishui to get going. Which made them disappear in front of Sasuke's sight. Sasuke was left alone in the forest again.

Damn it Itachi, you promised to train with me today. Sasuke thought to himself, while annoyed at Itachi for leaving him behind.

"Then a minute has passed". Sasuke was about to go home. When he suddenly hears some sobbing in the corner. He looked around him to find no one. But he can still hear the sound. And starts investigating the sobbing sound following it. It's coming from the river bank where I always hang out with. Could it be, that someone also knows this place? Sasuke thought to himself.

He then jumps to one of the trees to find out for himself. His eyes widen to what he saw in front of him.

It's them... Sasuke thought remembering Hinata and Hanabi yesterday.

Hinata was crying so badly. While Hanabi is trying to comfort her crying sister. He was happy to see them again. But he didn't know why Hinata was crying.

Perfectionist jerk'. Hanabi thought as she tried to comfort her sister'. We're only seven years old. How the hell does he expect Hinata to fight me, seriously what an asshole? Hanabi thought angry at his father. She disliked her father, he was a cold and uncaring bastard constantly berating her and Hinata at their slightest mistake. Their father was a bastard to them. Only their mother has the only positive influences in their life. She the one that supports and believes in them.

However, Sasuke jumped and landed in front of the twin sisters. Making Hanabi stumble a bit.

Sasuke, what are you doing here? Hanabi said surprised and also happy.

This also made Hinata stop crying a bit. And then, she glanced at Sasuke while sobbing a little.

I was in the middle of my training. When I heard a sobbing noise. Sasuke said making the two sisters understand.

Oh, um. I'm sorry for interrupting you with your training. Hanabi said apologizing to Sasuke.

Oh. No, it's okay actually. I was about to go home when I started to hear a crying sound. Sasuke said waving his hands so Hanabi would not worry.

Then Sasuke started to ask Hanabi what was going on. What happened here? Sasuke asks Hanabi.

To which Hanabi also replied. It's hard to explain. Hanabi Said giving Sasuke a fake smile.

Sasuke senses that Hanabi has given him a fake smile. So Sasuke approached them directly. He sits in front of Hinata and asks. Why are you crying, Hinata? Sasuke said putting his hand on Hinata's head, giving her a head pat.

Hinata was blushing fearlessly at Sasuke's sudden action. She was about to faint but trying to stop it from happening.

Hanabi's eyes widen at Sasuke's sodden actions as well. She was also surprised at it. And she looked at her sister and giggled at her blushing face.

U-um ff-father tt-told mm-me t-that i-i w-was u-useless. Hinata said struggling to her every word.

Sasuke was taken aback by Hinata's words. He couldn't believe that someone as kind and gentle as Hinata could be called 'useless' by their own father. He looked at Hanabi, who nodded in confirmation, her eyes filled with concern for her sister.

"That's... Harsh," Sasuke said, struggling to find the right words. He didn't know much about the Hyuga clan, but he knew that they were one of the most prestigious clans in Konoha. He could only imagine the pressure Hinata and Hanabi must be under.

He looked at Hanabi again. And asked her a question once more. What exactly happened, Hanabi? Sasuke said with a concerned tone.

Hanabi took a long deep breath and said. Father wanted to choose between us, to be the clan heiress. So he decides to make us have a sparring match. Whoever wins will be the clan heiress. Hanabi said to Sasuke. However, Hinata held back her final attack. And let me win in the end. So that's why Father is angry at her. Hanabi said with a frowning look on her face.

Hinata sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I-I know I'm not as strong as he wanted him to be... But I'm trying my best," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Then Sasuke suddenly had questions in his mind. Wait, I know that the two of you are twins, right? But who is the firstborn between you two? Sasuke said with a questioning tone.

Hinata was the firstborn between us, Sasuke. Hanabi said to Sasuke.

Then why did he choose Hinata to be the heiress, instead of making you both fight together for it? Sasuke said confused.

That's exactly the point, Sasuke. The reason, why "our jerk of a father" decided to make us fight in the first place. Is to choose between us the perfect candidates to be a heiress to the Hyuga clan. Hanabi said to Sasuke. Since Hinata was the firstborn. And I started to show my early signs of being a prodigy. That's why, "Father" has to choose between us. Hanabi said to Sasuke making him understand.

Sasuke felt a pang of sympathy for Hinata and the rage Hanabi had toward his father. He knew what it was like to be compared to a stronger sibling. He reached out, placing a comforting hand on Hinata's shoulder. "Hey, don't say that. You're not useless, Hinata. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. You just need to find yours."

Hinata looked up at Sasuke, her pale lavender eyes filled with surprise. "R-really?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Sasuke nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. "Really. And besides, you shouldn't let others define your worth. You're more than what they say you are."

Hinata stared at Sasuke, her eyes wide. She had never heard anyone say something like that to her before. She felt a warmth spread through her chest, and for the first time in a long time, she felt a glimmer of hope.

"Thank you, Sasuke-kun," Hinata said, her voice filled with gratitude. She gave him a small, shy smile, her cheeks tinted pink.

Sasuke felt his cheeks heat up at her smile. He quickly looked away, scratching the back of his head. "It's nothing, Hinata. I just... I just think it's unfair, that's all". Sasuke said.

Hanabi, who had been watching the exchange silently, finally spoke up. "Thank you, Sasuke. You've really helped Hinata". Hanabi felt a little jealous of her sister, for making Sasuke blush. But this made them even now. Since she also made Sasuke blush yesterday.

Sasuke shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Like I said, it's nothing". Sasuke said trying to act cool.

Hanabi giggled at Sasuke for trying to act cool somehow. To her, it's kinda cute to watch.

But despite his nonchalant words, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had managed to comfort Hinata, and in doing so, he felt like he had made a difference.

Then Sasuke stood up and grabbed both Hanabi and Hinata's hands and said. How about let us spend more time together? Sasuke said giving both Hinata and Hanabi a wonderful smile. Which made both Hanabi and Hinata surprised by it.

Like what, exactly... Hanabi asked Sasuke.

You know. Train and have some fun. Sasuke said happily.

Since the day is still young. It's better if we spend this time to train together. Sasuke said happily to the twin sisters.

Hinata and Hanabi looked at each other for a moment. And then Hanabi starts to ask him about it.

Ahh... I see, so you wanted to train with us, huh? Hanabi said with a wink to Sasuke. I guess, we don't have a choice but to train with you then, right sis? Hanabi said to Sasuke trying to flirt with him. Which made Hinata nod at her sister too.

But don't think for a second that, we will go easy on you because you are cute. Hanabi said pointing her finger at Sasuke.

Sasuke was taken aback by what Hanabi Said cute. She thought that I was cute. which made Sasuke blush a little.

Then he chuckled at Hanabi's words, "I wouldn't have it any other way." He said, his eyes gleaming with determination.

And so, they began their training. Sasuke taught them some of the Uchiha clan's basic techniques, while Hinata and Hanabi showed him some of the Hyuga clan's gentle fist techniques. They trained hard, pushing each other to their limits.

As they trained, Sasuke couldn't help but notice how Hinata's confidence seemed to grow. She was no longer the shy, timid girl he had met earlier. She was strong, determined, and brave. He admired her for that.

Hanabi, on the other hand, was as fiery and competitive as ever. She was always trying to outdo Sasuke, always pushing him to do better. He found her spirit infectious and couldn't help but smile whenever she challenged him.

As the sun began to set, they decided to call it a day. They were all exhausted, but they were also satisfied. They had learned a lot from each other, and they had also had a lot of fun.

"Thanks for today, Sasuke," Hinata said, her cheeks tinting pink. "I... I had a lot of fun."

"Yeah, me too," Hanabi added, grinning at Sasuke. "We should do this again sometime". Hanabi said to Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded, "I'd like that." He said, returning their smiles.

Then let's make a promise then. We will see each other again in this river. Just the three of us, okay? Sasuke said smiling making a pinky swear to the twin sisters. Which made both sisters accept Sasuke's promise, to meet again.

As the sun began to set, Sasuke decided to walk Hinata and Hanabi back to their home. He wanted to make sure they got home safely, and besides, he didn't have anything else to do.

As they walked, Sasuke couldn't help but think about what had happened. He had never expected to find Hinata and Hanabi in the forest, and he certainly hadn't expected to comfort Hinata. But despite the unexpectedness of it all, Sasuke couldn't help but feel glad.

He had managed to help someone, and in doing so, he had made a new friend. And as he looked at Hinata his right side, who was walking beside him with a small smile on her face. And he also looked at Hanabi on his left side, with a big smile on her face as well. Sasuke couldn't help but feel that he had done something right.

This is our stop then... Our compound was right around the corner. Hanabi said to Sasuke.

Sasuke was not sure if he should just let them go on their own. But again, The Hyuga and Uchiha compounds were always near to each other making them neighbours.

Are you sure you don't want me to walk you two home? Sasuke said worriedly.

Hum... Why so worried? Don't tell me you're already missing us that badly. Hanabi said with a teasing tone.

Sasuke face suddenly turned red making him blush. So he looked away not letting the two see him blushing.

That's not true. I was just worried that's all. Sasuke said trying not to be embarrassed.

Aaahhh... How cute, he is trying to not feel embarrassed. Hanabi thought to herself. Hinata on the other hand, just giggled at Sasuke's sodden embarrassment. Just like her sister Hanabi, it's also cute to watch her see Sasuke feeling embarrassed.

Don't worry about us. We will going to be fine, right sis? Hanabi said making Sasuke understand. Which also made Hinata agree with her sister.

Sasuke wanted to argue more with them. But just agree with them in the end. He doesn't want to make them to be angry at him.

"Sasuke signed and said". I guess, this is goodbye then. Sasuke said not want to argue anymore.

Yeah. See you later, Sasuke. Hanabi said with a flirtatious tone.

See you next time then, Sasuke. Hinata said stuttering while playing with her fingers.

But before they could take their separate ways. Hinata and Hanabi ran towards Sasuke and they both kissed him on his cheek.

Goodbye, Sasuke. See you next time. Hanabi said with a wink.

Yeah. Thank you for spending time with us. Hinata said with a blush on her face.

Which made Sasuke stunned for a moment. He felt his own cheeks heat up at her smile. He quickly looked away, scratching the back of his head.

And so, they parted ways, promising to meet again for another training session. As Sasuke watched Hinata and Hanabi disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He had made new friends, and he had also helped someone in need. He couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

As he walked home, he couldn't help but think about his day. He had trained with Hinata and Hanabi, and he had also comforted Hinata when she was upset. He felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had been able to help her. He looked forward to their next training session, eager to see how much they would improve.

And so, Sasuke's days were filled with training and laughter, with Hinata and Hanabi by his side. He was happy, and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

And so, as the sun set and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Sasuke, Hinata, and Hanabi walked home, their hearts filled with a newfound sense of hope and friendship. And though they didn't know it yet, this was just the beginning of their story.

To be continued.