
Saruto's journey

Stephen_Andre_13 · Histoire
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Saruto becoming a ninja

one day there was a two powerfull baby that was god and satan God was born in heaven and satan was born to hell. heaven and hell are in a war god and satan are fighting and then satan hit god and then

satan: give up god so i can have your angels as servant.

God:i will not!. and then gods body is starting to glow and big white ball of energy is starting to

bright up and people who are still alive around a 100 people and saw the big white ball of energey hit the half of people.

satan:So thats what you wants to them as your servant.and then satans body is starting glow and a big red energy ball of energy and satan threw the big red energy ball hit the other half and then god and satan said im going to live this to the next generation.few centuries has pass and theres a group called devils are cuasing the truoble in the world they all have red energy. few years has passed the one who got a red and white energy are now friends but one of them got a son named Saruto Uzumaki

his parents are kushina kazekage and minato uzumaki,they live in clover kingdom with king who is talented and had white energey and red energy the strongest king,Saruto will be desame as the kings energy white and red energy, when Saruto is now 7 he will start going to the acadamey.The acadamey teaches how to there energy and to now what kind of energy that they have.When Saruto he goes to the acadamey.they will introduce

Saruto:My name is Saruto uzumaki!!

and then the teacher introduce

inazaki:hi kids i will be your teacher my name is Inazaki Kazuko.

Inazaki:Ok today we will learn what kind of energy do you.Inasaki will show a white paper called energy paper.

Inazaki:this a enrgy paper this the paper we will use to now what kind of do u have ok lets begin fist shadow come here

Shadow:How will i do this teacher inazaki

Inazaki:put your energy in the paper the paper will light up with bright whight or red

Shadow will put his energy in the energy paper and paper turn bright red

Inazaki:ok shadow very good you have a red energy

Shadow:yess,but umm teacher inazaki what will happend if you have both red and white energy

Inazaki:ok class if you have bot red and white energy the energy paper will cut into half so theres to papers now so that will to energy papers will light up with bright red and white energy but to have both energy is rare.ok every student had try to see what kind of energy do they have but Saruto is not yet done.

Inazaki:ok last student is saruto come here

Saruto:ok teacher inazaki.Inazaki will give saruto a energy paper and saruto will put energy to the paper and the paper will cut in half and two papers lighten up and theres a bright white and red energy. The whole class was shock especialy teacher inazaki

Inazaki:ok saruto you got the energy white and red.after the class teacher inazaki goes to the king as fas as he could then he arrive to the kings office

king A:said what are doing here teacher inazaki

Inazaki:King a there a new student in the academy who got red and white energy like king A.

king A:ohh who is it?

inazaki:is Saruto uzumaki

King A: oh minato and kushinas son

inazaki:he's the son the legendary knights.inazaki is shock .

Minato and Kushina:wil ask saruto hows the academy.

Saruto:umm we just introduce our self and learn what kind of energy do we have.

Minato:let me guese you have white and red energy right saruto.

Saruto:wait how do you now

Kushina:the king told us

Saruto:how did the king now

Minato:your teacher told it to king A.

A few years has passed Saruto is now a ninja at the academy .

Inazaki:ok congrats to all of for passing the academy all of you are now a genin.

Shadow:huh Genin?

Inazaki:there are 5 different level of a ninja are genin,Chunin,jonin and knight, okay class today you will having a team three members, there are seven teams in your class.ok inazaki is now announcing the team.

Inazaki: team 7,shadow nara,jeanna hyuga and naruto uzumaki you leader will arrive soon.all of the was pick up now but team 7 are still in the classroom waiting for there leader at last there is here there leader's name is minato uzumaki.

saruto:dad how you didn't tell your our leader

minato: saruto while we're on mission call me teacher or minato sensei.

Saruto:okay minato sensei.minato will say meet me at the training field and the the three of goes to the training field and minato will ask the three of them what are there goals

Saruto:my goal is to be strongest ninja and to be the king

Jeanna:my goal is to be the best girl ninja

Shadow:my goal is to be strongest man alive

Minato:all of your are interesting ok I'm going to see how strong are by demonstrating you taijutsu,ninjutsu,genjutsu and senjutsu.

all of the will show there taijutsu skills

Minato:ok nice you all done very good job jeanna you just need to improve you speed and timing saruto you need to improve timing too but for shadow he is good at now ninjutsu.

Saruto will show minato clone jutsu,water wall,fire dragon,wind style tornado jutsu, lightning dragon and lightning blade, shadow will show shadow of strangle jutsu,clone jutsu,wind style gale pam,wind style great domestic blade,and lightning blade, and now jeanna's turn to show his ninjutsu she will perform clone jutsu,earth wall,fire dragon,lightning dragon,water dragon,wind blade.minato was thinking they all have a lot of energy especially saruto.

minato:ok now genjutsu can someone use genjutsu

all three of them:we can't do genjutsu

Minato:ok senjutsu can someone do senjutsu

Saruto:me I can use senjutsu I'm gonna use sword.Saruto will.show his senjutsu skills by using sword.

Minato:Ok great job to all of you ok we will start our mission tommorow