
Sarah's Submission (moved to a new link)

Everything changed the following week. She came inside in another slutty little outfit ready to tease and send Mr. Michaels off to his game as usual, but he did not look happy to see her. He told her to come in and sit down on the couch. Billy was nowhere to be seen. She could even see that Max had been put outside onto the deck and waited at the glass doors.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantaisie
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39 Chs


He wrapped his left arm around her leg in the front and found her clit with his thumb. With the other he curled his fingers and inserted two into her pussy and started thrusting them down against the roof of her pussy on her g-spot. Sarah moaned more loudly and it started feeling better and better. Then he started kissing all over her tender ass, his lips were cold against the heat come off the pink flesh. He kissed toward the center and worked his mouth between her ass cheeks. His tongue found her little brown hole and started working around it. The tingles inside Sarah from the triple assault assured that it wouldn't take long. As soon as he started fucking her ass with his tongue while his fingers continued on her other sensitive parts, she let the orgasm go.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming for you sir!" she said in an urgent plea. Her legs shook and she felt what had become a very usual convulsion in her stomach. She fought to keep her knees from buckling, as she rode out several waves of pleasure.

"Thank you sir. Thank you so much Mr. Michaels. Sir. Master," she ventured with a very satisfied sigh. She made no effort to move at all and stayed exactly in the position he had put her while he got back up.

"Good girl. You may sit back up on the bed and we can finish." She obeyed and grimaced as she sat on her tender behind. It definitely hurt, but she had taken it and been rewarded.

"You have your instructions for the week," he started while waving toward the set of butt plugs. "But we still have to deal with your punishment for cumming with Conner. Your instruction was to fuck without cumming. But you weren't able to do that. You clearly need more practice.

Mr. Michaels reached back into the shopping bag still on the floor by the bed. He pulled out a small pink handheld vibrator identical to the one he had used on her earlier. He also pulled out an 8" dildo that looked just like a cock with balls and what looked like a suction cup on the bottom, followed by a small tripod with jointed legs, obviously made to hold a phone. The dildo had a flesh tone color with a very large and realistic looking head and even veins on the shaft. It really looked very similar to Mr. Michaels' cock, just not quite as girthy.

"Starting on Monday, I want you to use either your fingers, the dildo, or the vibrator to masturbate. Once in the morning, once while you are at school, and once at night before you go to sleep. You will bring yourself to the edge of orgasm and then stop. And when I say the edge of orgasm, I mean right to the point of no return. I will know by how you react if you are really accomplishing this or not. But no matter what, you will not cum at all next week until you return here to me."

He waited for her to look up before continuing. "You will record yourself with your phone and text me the video each time you masturbate. The tripod can be used to help hold the phone to let you use both hands if needed. But you will have to improvise while you are at school. It shouldn't take more than two or three minutes each time you try. So go at it hard and get it done. And don't forget, you still have your task with the butt plugs. You can do both at the same time, if that helps. Fuck two birds with one stone, so to say," he chuckled. "Is that all understood?"

"Holy shit," came to mind, but she didn't vocalize it. At school too? This wouldn't be easy. Let alone the idea of masturbating without cumming. She had never even tried that. But if this night had taught her anything, she did not even consider complaining or refusing. "Yes, sir. I understand. I will get it all done for you sir," she said more determined than she felt. She hoped next week would not be a big homework week. And where the hell could she go to masturbate at school? She would have to worry about all of that later.

"You've had enough tonight. Go get cleaned up and get all of your toys together." He laid back on the bed and propped his head up on a couple of pillows resting on his arm bent behind his head. Sarah couldn't help but notice the satisfied look on his face as he watched her put all of her toys in the bag. She took her time and examined each one as she put them into the bag. The first couple of plugs didn't look too bad. She wrapped her fingers around each of the others and pushed it though, using her fingers to mimic her asshole to see how it stretched them. She shuddered.

The cock had a real feel to it. Soft and pliable, but still firm in the center. She could bend it, but only so far. She even tried to stick it to the bedside table to see how the suction cup worked. She had trouble getting it back off until Mr. Michaels suggested that she use one finger to pull up one edge to break the suction. She tried it and nodded at the result. Then she tried the vibrator. Three indents for 'buttons'. Lower button clearly being the power. And the top one went from slower vibrations to faster harder vibrations. The middle button ran through a bunch of patterns. Pulses, slowly ramping intensity waves, longer and shorter durations, and lots of combinations. That could be fun she thought to herself.

Last she squirted just a drop of lube on her fingers and rubbed it between her first two fingers and thumb. Very slick, but not too heavy. She got everything into the shopping bag and smiled at Mr. Michaels and then turned with a bounce and headed to the shower. She ran through everything from the night in her head as the warm water did its work. So much had happened. She realized how tired it had made her. She dried off and dressed quickly.

Then she jumped up on the bed and gave Mr. Michaels a big cheerful kiss and probed his mouth with her tongue drawing his out. She even felt him hold her head gently with his hand. She finally broke the kiss and pulled back enough to look him in the eyes and said, "Thank you Master." She grabbed her shopping bag and headed out with one quick look back as she left the bedroom.