
Santairiku Eiyuuki: Gendai Chishiki ni Yoru Teikoku Saikenki

Santairiku Eiyuuki: Gendai Chishiki ni Yoru Teikoku Saikenki (Light Novel) Possessing memories of being born, raised and died in a country called Japan… the young boy Hercule was born in the imperial household of a declining empire. This empire that once was a super power that reigned over the world… is now a country nearing it’s end. The public finances are in bankruptcy, the military strength declined to the point that barbarians are able to wreck havoc on their territories, and the neighboring countries squeeze the Empire for tribute payments every year. And the young Hercule is forced to take over this empire! Thus, the 12-year-old Hercule ascends to the throne. Using the knowledge from his previous life, Hercule struggles to rebuild the empire… reforming the tax system, revolutionizing the industry, reorganizing the public finances, rebuilding the administration and reforming the military system. Tags : Action..Comedy. Drama. Ecchi. Fantasy. Harem .Light Novels. Isekai. Kingdom Building .Modern Knowledge. Person in a Strange World. Reincarnation. Royalty. Based on a Web Novel, , Story does not belong to me . I am just posting it here for me to read on this app. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs

Chapter 1 – The Principality of Travisos

[A genius who can make people hate him and make people unhappy, can also be a genius who can make people like him and make people happy.

The ability to read people's hearts was probably the most necessary talent for a monarch.]

About Hercule

-Lunarie Alshark-


[Your Majesty the Emperor. The tunnel has reached right below the rampart… it is possible to destroy it at any time.]

[Alright, tell Edmond, Darios, Oscar. It's an all-out attack.]

The winter came shortly after the rebellion was suppressed, and Hercule celebrated his birthday and turned sixteen years old.

And then spring passed, and today was summer…

Hercule was attacking the Principality of Travisos.

During the autumn of last year, the Principality of Travisos was more vigilant and hired many mercenaries against Hercule, after they learned that he made a move to incite rebellion in preparation to attack the Principality of Travisos.

However, the mercenaries were poor quality.

And the Principality of Travisos, which did not have a great Commander like Darios, was easily defeated by Hercule in a field battle.

After defeating the Principality of Travisos army, Hercule launched an attack on the Capital of Travisos, which was also their trading port.

And then…

It's been two weeks since he started the attack.

Finally, the tunnel that Hercule had dug extended to right below the rampart.

The tunnel, everyone thought that they had to dig a hole and attack the enemy directly.

However, that is not the case.

The tunnel was created to break the rampart.

A large cave was created in the foundation part on the underground of the rampart, and it was supported by wood.

The rampart won't collapse as long as the wood supports them.

But if you set it with fire…

It is needless to say.

The Generals who received the instructions of Hercule…

[I see, finally they will fall… Good grief, it was really a long battle. As I thought, I hate siege battles.]

Darios, who was in charge of the eastern wall, sighed.

[We did it. At last, can we finally go home after this?]

Edmond, who was in charge of the southern wall, laughed happily.

[The tunnel that was dug on the west side… In other words, is it me who will launch the attack first? Is this Your Majesty's consideration to give me an honor as a newcomer? I'm deeply grateful.]

Oscar, who was in charge of the western wall, muttered with deep emotion.

And then…

A part of the wall collapsed with a noise.

There, Oscar led his troops and charged.

[Go forward!! Long life for the Emperor!!!]

The soldiers led by Oscar flowed into Travisos from the collapsed walls.

Because it was sudden, the soldiers of the Principality of Travisos were confused and unable to respond to the attack.

In the meantime, Oscar's soldiers opened the east and south gates.


[Now, it's finally working. Let's go!!]

[This is the end!! Fight with your heart!!]

Darios and Edmond lead the soldiers and move through their respective gates.

[It seems the victory or defeat has been decided?]

[As expected, Your Majesty the Emperor.]

Carolina, who has also turned 16 years old, smiled at Hercule.

Hercule stood up and kissed Carolina's forehead…

[How is it? What are your thoughts on the siege?]

[It's boring, is it not good?]

[No, I have the same impression… The siege battle is really indeed troublesome.]

Hercule shrugs his shoulders.

On that day, the Principality of Travisos was destroyed by Hercules.

After that, Hercule, who made a triumphant return to the capital, received the cheers of [Hurray for the Emperor], and then he held an evaluation meeting with the Generals.

[I have several things to say… do you guys have anything to say?]

[Then, is it okay with me first?]

Oscar raised his hand.

Hercule nods silently and allows him to speak.

[As expected, I feel that the movement of the new recruits is worse than other veterans… Maybe it's because my command was bad…]

[No, there is no such thing, you're not inferior in command. In fact, the new recruits aren't as good as veterans… Sorry about it, but you need to take care of them. After all, racially-wise, I think you are the most suitable person for it.]

[No, that's… From here on, I'm going to train more and complete the army that Your Majesty wanted!]

After that rebellion.

Hercule had created a new corps.

This is because he got a new and excellent commander named Oscar Almon.

Financially, the monopoly of coffee and bone ash porcelain had begun to give results, so there was room to create a new corps.

At this point, Hercule put his idea that he had been thinking about into practice.

The current Lemurian infantry consisted mainly of white people (there was no race nor white to be exact, it is inappropriate to distinguish by skin color, but here they will be used as white people for convenience), whose majority consist of the Human tribe. (TL Note: Reminder that MC and majority of Lemuria citizens are elves.)

The reason is because the inhabitants of the suburbs of the Capital were white people, and it is the easiest to gather.

However, the Lemurian Empire was a multi-ethnic nation and it has a large territory.

In the southern part of the Empire, there are many people who are commonly included in [Black people].

It is biased to make up an army of white people alone.

That's what Hercule thought.

Therefore, since he got Oscar who was a black person and who is also an excellent commander, he decided to form a new corps of only black people.

This is also aimed for them to compete with each other.

This decision was accepted without any resistance, as the Lemurian Empire was originally a multi-ethnic nation, and there was not much racial discrimination either.

For this reason, Oscar led the third army composed only of blacks people.

[For me, I consider them to become active ones… After all, the Human race in the southern part has physical strength and is excellent. As a soldier, they can fight even in hot places… I'm looking forward to your future success report.]


Oscar gives a deep and earnest gratitude.

[Anyone else?]

Darios and Edmond responded by shaking their heads.

Hercule muttered small [Is that so?], and he went into the main subject.

[I had thought it even from the previous rebellion… The side siege is delicious… That's why I still want to increase the halberd unit to some extent and increase its flexibility.]

In the previous rebellion, Oscar succeeded in getting out of the side.

During this war, Hercule besieged the Travisos army, which is inferior in number to themselves…

This time, the encirclement was slow and as a result they missed a few soldiers.

The main reason is due to the small number of Halberd units.

Well, the success of the rebel encirclement, and the failure of the Travisos siege was largely due to the skill of the enemy commander.

The rebel army led by the idiot Hadrian, and the Travisos army was a mediocre general, but he still had the competency of a [General].

[Then, do you mean to reduce one or two Pike units and increase the Halberd unit? …But if you increase two or more, the Pike unit's strength will drop and it will make the frontal strength drop… If it's just one unit, would it make the odd number out of balance?]

Hercule nodded greatly when he heard Edmond's point.

[That's right… So, I'm going to reinforce two battalions into ten battalions, and then make four battalions into halberd units and six battalions into pike units.]

In other words, Hercule's idea is to add 2400 to 9600, to make an army of 12000 people.

[You guys have to take care of the two new battalions… it won't change a lot, right?]

[For me, it doesn't change much when two battalions are added, and I think it's nice to have more tactics to increase flexibility…]

Darios made opening remarks, and then continued to point out the biggest problem with this reform.

[Two new battalions are added to each of the three corps. A total of six battalions… In other words, the military expansion of 7200 people. In reality, it's like adding a new corps…won't that be difficult?]

[Certainly, it's difficult with the current finances, but… I have secured the funds. Rest assured.]

[Then, I have nothing to say.]

Darios withdrew easily.

Hercule's domestic affairs can be seen in the fact that he rebuilt the Empire finances a few years ago.

It's not a place for an amateur to intervene.

Yes, that's what they decided.

[And also, I want a military logistical unit.]

[When it comes to the military logistics unit… does that mean increasing the number of horses?]

[That's obvious.]

Hercule nods and answers Edmond's question.

Lemuria gained victory because of their supply logic. 

It was an old story.

However, many of those logistics functions were now lost.

Although it's left in the form of books… But, experimental technology to use has become obsolete.

However, it is being improved little by little by Hercule.

For example, the current Lemurian army has arranged that each soldier should carry at least three days' worth of food.

With this, you can make action for at least three days without any food.

It's only three days, but still three days.

However, it is still not enough.

[But, if you increase the number of horses, can the finance afford them?]

[Well, there's a plan to get it cheaper…but it's not possible yet. I'll tell you from time to time. The financial affairs are my job, so it has nothing to do with you…]

Hercule sighs.

The job of an Emperor is still troublesome.

[The expansion of cavalry after that, I think? I want to do this quickly.]

[The cavalry, is it? Is it still insufficient in the present situation?]

Oscar tilts his head.

From Oscar's point of view, the Lemurian Cavalry units seem to be sufficient enough.

[The heavy cavalry Clibanarii is good. For now. What I want is a light cavalry for reconnaissance and messenger... I want at least one battalion.]

[Do you need that much?]

[Aside for information gathering, exchanging the information is also important. Am I wrong?]

[No, it's as you said.]

Oscar nodded greatly.

Oscar also understands the importance of information.

[And also, one last thing. Train yourself to build endurance so that you can march faster… I'm not talking about 20 kilometers a day is the limit.]

Nowadays, in this world where the level of war is stagnant, even a march of 10 kilometers a day is called [Fast].

In the worst army, they can't even travel five kilometers a day.

This is a matter of soldier morale.

Mercenaries and farmers are usually drafted by force, so they lack morale, even if they are physically fit.

As a result, they will walk slowly, and as result the march speed will decrease.

But, Hercule's standing army is different.

The elite army gathered to protect the country is highly morale, furthermore they can be strengthened by daily training.

Thanks to that, they succeeded in marching 20 kilometers a day.

…..But, it doesn't seem to reach the level that Hercule wanted.

[How much speed does Your Majesty want?]

Hercule answers Darios' question with a smile.

[Normal march, 25 kilometers every 5 hours a day. Forced march, 30 to 35 kilometers in 6 to 7 hours. The strongest march, as much as possible day and night…I think?]

[…..That's the speed of the former Lemurian army, right?]

[The former Lemurian army is still the same person, right?]

Darios made an unhappy face.

Of course, there is nothing that can be done since the ancient people and modern people are the same human beings.

There is nothing that human beings can't do, if you train yourself and squeeze your spirits.

Hercule's demands are still within the bounds of common sense, unlike some of Generals who wanted to be praised and claimed they could march 70 and 80 kilometers all day and night.

The important thing is daily training and energy.

[Anyway, it's a marathon. Understand? The soldiers need to value speed. The faster you move, the more initiative you get. This must be prioritized. The individual strength doesn't matter. The first is the marching speed, the second is the discipline, and the third is cooperation. Understand? Training thoroughly. Because that's a standing army for.]
