
Sanguinary Path

The path to omnipotence is not easy, it can leave you in many states, broken and afraid, weak and powerless, or in most cases dead. Yet many still tread on this path all for their own goals, on this path the line between good and evil does not exist, the only thing that matters is who comes out alive. ‘Koshin’ is a person who has an understanding of how the world works. Being an orphan and having heard and seen the brutality that happens daily, he understands that being weak is not okay. Yet fate has dealt ‘Koshin’ a bad hand but his luck is not all bad, equipped with a lucky encounter, a goal, and a fragile body he has no choice but to attempt to become omnipotent Other tags: #SmartMc #ClamMC #SensibleMC

Wandering_Persona · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Nitar & Nisar

"KEeahh! I've had it up to here with this aimless wandering!" Nisar groaned, rubbing his aching legs, his voice a dull echo in the vast wilderness. "Feels like we've been walking for days and we've got nothing to show for it!"

Nitar, fed up with his brother's constant grumbling, snapped back, "You know what I've really had enough of, Nisar? Your constant whining!"

Seeing as his brother was getting agitated Nisar tried a different approach, nudging his brother lightly. "Hey, how about we call it a day, Nitar?" he suggested, hoping to sway his stubborn twin.

Nitar shrugged off his brother's hand, a spark of defiance in his eyes. "And who's gonna cover this week's rent? If you're so keen on quitting, then go ahead. I'd be more than happy to tell the innkeeper that it's just me staying there now. Maybe he'll even cut me a deal on the rent. That'd leave more coin for a decent drink and some fun," he retorted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Caught off guard by his brother's retort, Nisar quickly changed his tune. "I was just messing around! Come on, let's find a Qi beast already. I have a good feeling about our luck today!"

Nisar took the lead, leaving Nitar shaking his head at his brother's antics. However, twenty more fruitless minutes later, Nitar couldn't help but snark, "Some luck, huh?" as he shot an irritated glance at Nisar who had a sheepish grin on his face. "At this rate, we're gonna have to go deeper into Emiria's Grove."

Nisar balked at the suggestion. "Are you nuts? Go deeper and we might as well dig our graves!"

Nitar just rolled his eyes, "Quit being a scaredy-cat, we're cultivators for crying out loud. Let's go a bit deeper, it won't hurt," and with that, he brushed past Nisar, not waiting for his approval.

With apprehension knotted in their guts, the brothers ventured deeper into the dense, gnarled heart of the grove. Nisar couldn't suppress a shudder that had nothing to do with the cool afternoon breeze. "Still no sign of anything. Maybe we should...try our luck another day?" His voice held a tinge of desperation as he looked around the shadow-dappled surroundings.

Nitar mulled over his brother's words, but the lure of coin proved too tempting. "Just a bit further," he persuaded as they stumbled upon a serene clearing. Standing on the threshold of the open space, Nitar's gaze swept over the area, finding nothing out of the ordinary. As he was about to suggest a retreat, Nisar's hand on his shoulder made him pause.

"Look over there," Nisar breathed, his finger trembling as he pointed toward an anomaly in the ground.

Nitar followed his brother's direction and froze. 'A hole?' That was the first thought that swarmed his mind.

"Where do you think it leads?" Nisar's hushed voice trembled with curiosity. "I don't know, but there's only one way to find out," Nitar responded in an equally low whisper, beckoning his brother as he inched closer to the mysterious cavity.

Approaching the gaping mouth of the hole, they strained their eyes into the inky blackness, but all they could discern were the moss-laden, time-worn stone steps leading into oblivion. Glancing at Nithar, who was looking into the hole, Nisar whispered, "What should we do now?"

'This might be dangerous, but danger also comes with opportunity' Nitar thought. Summoning a dollop of courage, he then declared, "We descend and investigate. Take out the torches, let's light our path."

Nisar shook visibly at his brother's command, his anxiety bubbling over. "Are you sure? What if there are traps or a strong cultivator down there? What if we stumble upon a cult preparing for a sacrifice and we end up being the unwilling offerings?" His questions hung heavily in the air, tainting the otherwise tranquil afternoon.

"Think of it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Nisar. Do you want to live hand-to-mouth for the rest of your life, or seize this chance that might change our circumstances for the better?" Nitar tried to infuse his voice with as much optimism as he could muster.

Nisar hesitated, before nodding slowly. "Alright, let's do this. But remember, at the first sign of danger, we bolt. There's no point in a fortune if we're not around to enjoy it."

"Agreed," Nitar responded, clapping Nisar on the shoulder. "Now, stop dallying and get the torches."

Nisar hurriedly pulled out two small torches from his pack, scavenging nearby for sturdy sticks to affix them to. A few moments later, he had two makeshift torches ready. Striking a flint, he ignited the ends and handed one to Nitar.

"Stay close," Nitar instructed, unfastening his sword from his belt. His brother did the same, and together they descended into the subterranean darkness. The stone stairs soon gave way to a twisting, serpentine path, flanked by shadowy corners and sudden bends.

"All these turns... they're making me dizzy," Nisar muttered under his breath.

"Quiet," Nitar admonished softly, gesturing towards an opening up ahead, which seemed to radiate an ethereal glow. Nisar clamped his mouth shut as they neared the entrance. As they got to the entrance the two then looked at each other signaling that they were ready to enter.

As they stepped into the cavern, their surroundings blossomed into clarity, lit by an unidentifiable source. 'Where is the light coming from?' Nitar puzzled silently, scanning the rocky ceiling and walls for signs of a torch or any artificial light source, but found none.

Unbeknownst to them, someone else in this cave also noticed this, and as for where this person currently was. He was on his way back to the first cave after he had just finished defeating the fifth. As for the two brothers, they had no idea about the ruins challenge; they didn't even recognize that it was a ruin, even missing the mysterious mechanism and symbols outside.

Emerging from the depths of the fourth cavern, Koshin's appearance bore testimony to the battles he had just weathered. His robe hung in ragged shreds from his body, concealing an array of cuts and bruises. Fatigue weighed heavily on him, the aftermath of his grueling duel with five Earth clones.

As Koshin delved deeper into the cave system, he noticed that the clones he encountered didn't just grow stronger - their armaments, techniques, and even cultivation realms underwent upgrades, demanding more of his strength and cunning with each fight.

However, the trials of the past two weeks hadn't been without their rewards. As he faced these escalating challenges, Koshin himself had grown considerably stronger. His understanding of his own abilities, his technique execution, and even his physical endurance had improved significantly, allowing him to face the increasing difficulties of the cavern with relative confidence.



Name - Stane Celtus

Age - 11

Sex - Male

Race - Human


CR (Cultivation Realm) - [Tier 2] Infinitesimal State



Strength - 7.4

Speed - 7.4

Body- 7.4

Mind - 10.4

Stat Points: 0



OA (Origin Abilities) - [Omni-Realm, Accelerator, Omni-Eyes]



Omni-Blood Cell - 1

Omni-Cyte Cell - 1

Omni-Throm Cell - 1


Over the course of the two weeks, Koshin's diligence and determination paid off. He finally broke through to [Tier 2] Infinitesimal State. Moreover, he managed to accumulate enough Omni-Qi to form an Omni-Cyte Cell. While these achievements were monumental in their own right, what Koshin considered the real jackpot was a manual he had acquired.

For two silver coins, Koshin had bought 'A Guide to Harnessing QI Energy.' This invaluable guide detailed the dynamics of qi, its manipulation, and even provided insights into the progression through the initial cultivation realms. According to the manual, upon transitioning to the cultivator's path, an individual forms the first 360 qi veins in their body. Techniques hinged on channeling qi through these veins in various patterns.

As for making techniques? The process of crafting techniques was fraught with peril. Each vein had a finite tolerance for qi flow, and exceeding this could have catastrophic consequences. Hence, understanding the individual capacity of each vein was paramount. Most cultivators, therefore, learned techniques from manuals, where the qi routes had been meticulously mapped out by the creators to avoid potential dangers.

Many looked at technique creation as something dangerous, yet many people still tried hoping to at least create one.

That being said, people often found that they created the same technique as someone else, but most of the time that was not the case as even if two people were to create a similar technique, the results would differ based on the qi route and volume of qi used. For instance, a technique that fired qi through the index finger would vary in power and efficiency depending on the individual's control and understanding of their qi network.

The manual also shed light on a higher cultivation realm where a second set of 360 veins would form, providing cultivators with more versatile options. However, it also increased the complexity of crafting and executing techniques.

The cultivation realm written in the manual from weak to strong were: Infinitesimal State, Human State, High-Human State, Super-Human State, and Elemental Induction State. Each realm was divided into five tiers, and only after transcending the fifth tier could one ascend to the next major realm.

Over the two weeks spent in the cave and training, Koshin had grown to understand that his lack of techniques was his most significant shortfall. Thus, he had dedicated most of his time to mastering the movement of qi within his body. Experimenting with this, he found that guiding his internal qi flow could enhance his speed and physical strength, which he began to apply in battles, enhancing his combat prowess.

However, the creation of techniques was another challenge. But with the Omni-Realm, Koshin was at an advantage. The realm allowed him to experiment without risking permanent or harmful effects on his physical body. He was free to try, fail, learn, and grow.

Exiting the third cave, worn and battered, he traced his steps back to the entrance, eager to leave the labyrinth of caves behind. But as he stepped through the mouth of the first cave, his body stilled. Two figures stood ominously a few meters ahead of him, Koshins arrival was as surprising to them as they were to him



Name: Nitar

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Race: Human

CR - [Tier 4 ] Infinitesimal State

Mood: Shocked




Name: Nisar

Age: 30

Sex: Male

Race: Human

CR - [Tier 3 ] Infinitesimal State

Mood: Frighten


Upon Koshin's arrival, the two brothers almost ran for it, but upon noticing the small, haggard-looking Koshin they froze in place. Different thoughts then ran through their minds as the three stared at each other.

'How?' Koshin thought, his mind then came to the realization, 'Of course! If I found this place how could other people not do the same, especially when the entrance is wide open, Damnit!'

Realizing this crucial oversight Koshin got himself ready for a confrontation as the 2 looked anything but friendly.

Just by looking at them, Koshin could tell that they were twins, Nitar, standing at a height of about 6'2, had a big build with a muscular frame that screamed strength. His dark hair, cropped short and roughly combed, added to his overall ruffian look. Nitar's hazel eyes, though not particularly striking, held a subtle spark of focus, reflecting that he had experience in these types of things. He donned a simple and sturdy robe of earthy tones.

Nisar looked just like his brother only he was a little shorter and his hair was longer stopping at his shoulders. His frame was also different as he was leaner yet his muscles still bulged from under his skin which made him look dangerous. Nisar wore loose-fitting robes in shades of blue and gray.

The silence that hung between them was broken by Nitar. "Hey kid," he gruffly began, looking at Koshin, "What exactly is this place?" His voice echoed in the hollow expanse of the cave.

When Koshin didn't respond, Nitar took a step forward, his boots crunching on the stone floor, causing Koshin to involuntarily recoil which made Nitar stop in his track as he didn't want Koshin to run back further into the cave.

"Wait, wait, wait kid, I- We mean no harm, we just want to help," Nitar said as his eyes landed on Koshins satchel. He then looked at his brother and both of them mentally nodded.

"What's your name kid," Nisar joined in trying to coax Koshin who stood there silently. Seeing as nothing was working the two then tried a different approach.

"Sigh~ Look kid, how about this, whatever you have in the bag just hand it over, and we'll let you walk out of here alive," Nitar said in a threatening tone. He then finally got a response from Koshin.

Koshin's reply was hesitant, his words painting the picture of a cornered animal with a hint of defiance. "How do I know what you say is true? What if I hand over the bag and you two then kill me?"

"Kid, if we really wanted you dead, wouldn't we have attacked already?" Nisar responded, his voice smooth and cajoling. He flashed a deceitful smile, which seemed to work as the look on Koshin's face shifted from fear to belief.

"How about this, we'll let you go outside and you just leave the bag by the entrance." Nitar said, he then continued as he looked at Nisar, "Give the boy some space brother"

Moving in a synchronized fashion, Nisar and Nitar retreated to opposite ends of the cave, leaving a clear path for Koshin in the middle.

After looking at the two of them, Koshin slowly made his way toward the cave's exit. Halfway there, he noticed the twin brothers sharing a look. The realization dawned on him that the time for action was now. In an instant, the fear and tension that had dominated Koshin's face was replaced by an icy indifference. His eyes turned steely, the look of a determined fighter replacing the scared child facade he had been projecting moments ago.

An icy shiver shot down Nitar's spine as he met Koshin's eyes, he then saw Koshin make a beeline for his brother. "HE'S A CULTIVATOR! BE CAREFUL!" he shouted as he noticed Koshin's speed, an edge of fear creeping into his voice. But his warning was a fraction of a second too late.

'That's obvious!' Nisar mentally berated his brother as he prepared to engage with Koshin. As Koshin neared, his body inside was a whirl of motion as he circulated qi through his veins, amplifying his strength. He launched a punch at Nisar, who blocked it with the flat of his sword.

Unfazed, Koshin swiftly followed with an uppercut aimed at Nisar's sword-wielding hand. However, the attack did not go as Koshin anticipated. Instead of being disarmed, Nisar maintained his grip on the sword even as his hand was forced upwards.

Taking advantage of the situation, Nisar swiftly pulled out a knife from his waist sheath with his free hand. With a swift, brutal motion, he brought the blade down toward Koshin's head.

Reacting quickly, Koshin seized the blade with both hands, managing to halt its downward descent. But then Nisar, using his qi to enhance his strength, overpowered Koshin's resistance. Unable to hold back the blade, Koshin redirected it, causing it to bury itself into his left shoulder instead of his head.

"ErARGH!" a harsh grunt of pain escaped Koshin's lips as warm blood spurted from the wound. But he did not let the pain stop him. With a burst of determination, Koshin grasped Nisar's knife-wielding hand and yanked his own body upwards. Using his own body as leverage, he delivered a brutal knee strike to Nisar's jaw while he was in mid-air.

The sudden attack caught Nisar off-guard, causing him to release his grip on the knife and stagger backward, dazed and momentarily disoriented.

With a swift evasion, Koshin sidestepped to the right just in time as Nitar, having finally caught up to the action, swung his sword down with formidable force. The weapon cleaved through the air where Koshin had been standing a mere heartbeat ago, the violent rush of displaced wind brushing Koshin's face and whispering tales of a near miss. The sword slammed into the ground sending a small shockwave through it.

Nitar, gritting his teeth at the failed attack, rallied his strength and heaved his sword upwards in a quick, sweeping arc. Koshin, alert to his every move, sprung backward just in time to avoid the blade's deadly path.

Upon landing, Koshin swiftly unslung his satchel from his shoulder and tossed it aside, freeing him from its encumbrance which hindered his movements. "Damn this kid!" Nisar growled, gingerly touching his throbbing jaw, his eyes tracking the satchel as it landed a few feet away.

"Leave it for now. We need to deal with the brat first," Nitar counseled his brother, his eyes trained on Koshin, gauging his movements and preparing for the next bout of action.

Anticipating their next assault, Koshin circulated all the remaining qi he had within his body. As he did so, a white glow began to emanate from him, making the brothers smirk. "We can do that too!" Nisar barked, both twins then began to imbue their bodies with their own qi, matching Koshin's glowing aura.

'Heh, then can you do this?' Koshin inwardly sneered at their hubris. The Omni-Blood cell finally made its way into his heart, allowing him to complete the first revolution of [Accelerator]. Suddenly, a renewed surge of power coursed through Koshin's veins as the air around him turned deadly.

"Huh?!" the twins faltered, their confidence visibly shaking at this unexpected development. "This kid..." Nisar muttered, a tinge of fear seeping into his words.

"Tch! I'm not afraid of you, kid!" Nitar challenged, masking his apprehension with bravado. He charged towards Koshin who matched his aggression, rushing forward to meet him. As they closed the distance, Koshin retracted his arm, balling his hand into a fist, and unleashed a punch with all his might.

Nitar, who was prepared to slash his way to victory, felt a sudden spike of danger and instinctively moved to block the punch with the flat of his sword. However, as the punch connected, he was overwhelmed by a force unlike any he had experienced before. The sheer power of Koshin's punch sent him reeling backward, lifting him clean off his feet and hurling him away.

As Nitar was sent spiraling through the air past him, a look of horror spread across Nisar's face. "What the..." he muttered in disbelief, but his sentence was left unfinished as the heavy, rhythmic thumping of Koshin's footsteps yanked him back to the deadly reality unfolding before his eyes.

'Just what is this kid?' Nisar couldn't help but question, his mind racing to make sense of the turn of events. However, his ponderings were short-lived as Koshin's rapid approach left him no room for retreat.

Closing the gap between them, Koshin swiftly grabbed Nisar's wrist, the one he was using to wield his sword. With an abrupt and forceful twist, a gruesome cracking sound echoed within the cave, signaling the fracturing of bones. Nisar released a bone-chilling scream, his fingers losing their grip on the sword that clattered onto the cave floor.

Koshin then shifted his right hand, opening it into a flat palm, and launched it into Nisar's chest with devastating force. The impact expelled the air from Nisar's lungs, his breath leaving him in a strangled gasp as Koshin released his arm. The sheer power behind the strike sent Nisar stumbling backward, his hand clutching his chest as he desperately attempted to reclaim his breath.

Capitalizing on Nisar's momentary vulnerability, Koshin swiftly picked up the discarded sword. Gripping the hilt tightly with both hands, he then closed the distance and plunged the weapon into Nisar's stomach, the force behind his attack lifting the man off the ground.

Finally drawing a gasping breath, Nisar released a blood-curdling scream as the pain of the impalement seared through him. His mouth filled with the bitter taste of his own blood, leaking down the corners of his lips and staining his chin as he slowly slide down the sword.

In an act devoid of mercy, Koshin used all his strength and heaved the sword upwards. The sharp blade sliced through Nisar's flesh and bones effortlessly, carving a path from his stomach, through his chest, and up to his head, splitting him neatly in half. The cave was then painted in a gruesome tableau of scarlet, a rain of blood, guts, and unidentifiable pieces of flesh showering down on Koshin. Nisar's lifeless body, now silent and split in twain, slumped to the cave floor, forever silenced by Koshin's brutal assault.

Rising painfully from the dust-coated ground, Nitar's eyes widened in sheer horror as they fell upon the macabre spectacle of his twin brother's remains. A cry of agony escaped his lips, echoing within the cavernous space, "NISARR!!" His voice was heavy with a gut-wrenching mix of pain and disbelief.

However, Koshin offered him no time for grief. His approach was steady, his gaze cold and determined. "You...you," Nitar stammered, his mind struggling to comprehend the swift demise of his sibling.

With a swift movement, Nitar discarded his sword, clasping his hands together. Then as he pulled his arms apart, palms facing outward toward Koshin, a shimmering wall materialized, adorned with intricate white hexagons interconnecting within its structure.

Undeterred, Koshin charged forward, delivering a powerful kick to the barrier. The impact ignited an explosion, scattering shards of the shattered qi as both Koshin and Nitar were flung backward. Koshin skidded across the rough terrain, but swiftly recovered his footing, locking his gaze on Nitar who stayed standing.

With a roar of rage, Nitar unleashed a surge of qi that reverberated through the surroundings. His muscles swelled noticeably, and his eyes took on a terrifying, bloodshot hue. "I'LL KILL YOU!!" he bellowed, charging at Koshin who met his approach without hesitation.

Their paths converged in a cataclysmic clash, each throwing their most potent punch. The collision resonated through the very ground beneath them, causing fissures to snake outward. Time seemed to slow for Nitar as he witnessed his arm contorting unnaturally. Then, in a horrifying spectacle, his limb erupted in a bloody spray as Koshin's fist drove through it unimpeded, crashing into his chest and caving it in. The force sent Nitar tumbling backward in a chaotic spin.

When his rolling body finally came to rest, Nitar choked on his own blood. He then managed to turn on his side, his gaze landing on the lifeless body of his twin. His remaining hand stretched weakly toward Nisar's body, only a few meters away. 'Nisar..... I should've listened,' he thought, as tears carved a path down his dirt-streaked face. His senses began to fade, numbing the pain. The wish to leave this place with his brother dominated his mind.

Suddenly, he was flipped onto his back. Still, Nitar refused to meet his killer's gaze, choosing instead to keep his focus on his deceased brother.

Koshin straddled Nitar's body, removing the dagger that Nisar lodged into his shoulder with a grimace. Without hesitation, he drove it into Nitar's temple. The blade sank in with a sickening squelch, Koshin twisting it cruelly before leaving it embedded. Nitar's life was extinguished instantaneously, his final moments filled with profound regret.

Koshin then promptly deactivated [Accelerator], rolling off Nitar's corpse and onto his back. His breaths came in ragged gasps, "Ha~..ha~...ha~.." Suddenly, a surge of blood erupted from his mouth and nose, further staining his blood-drenched body.

"I...won," Koshin managed to utter between his labored breaths, his gaze firmly affixed towards the stone ceiling of the cave. The echoes of their brutal confrontation seemed to linger, a somber reminder of the brutal reality of the cultivation world.