
The Backstory.

September 26th, 2005

Jaeha Song grew up in one of the harshest and most brutal places on earth, Cheonliang, South Korea. He was abandoned as a young child, and in the horrible place he lived in at the time made life way more risky and hellish. He struggled to survive on his own, and the only thing he knew how to do at the young age of 7 was to fight. He was practically a born prodigy, and was better than most professional fighters whose careers were to fight. Obviously, when growing up in such a harsh environment with no friends or family around, you tend to become a little cold-hearted and desensitized to the world around you. And this is exactly what Jaeha Song became, he would absolutely beat the living hell out of anyone and everyone who dared to cross him. Full grown adults, getting their ass whooped by a 7 year old boy with no family or friends. The only thing more powerful than him at the time being the higher ups of society. One day, on September 26th, 2005, Jaeha attempted to steal from a large shopping center in the middle of Cheonliang.

Jaeha Song, the fighting prodigy himself, walks down a secluded alleyway behind a large shopping center which held all the food he could ever need. Obviously, being a homeless orphan, he was desperate for food. Maybe even desperate enough to kill for it, however, on this desperate mission, he had to refrain from showing his strength in public with that many people watching. So, off he went, strolling down into the back entrance of the store. He slides his finger across the walls as he walks through the maintenance hallway where all the employees passed through to make deliveries. As he inches closer and closer to the main entrance, his lust for food rapidly grows. He walks into the main entrance and finds himself surrounded by aisles upon aisles of food, tantalizingly close yet frustratingly out of reach. Jaeha's stomach growls loudly, a harsh reminder of his dire circumstances. He moves stealthily, blending into the shadows as he navigates the aisles, his senses heightened from years of survival in the unforgiving streets of Cheonliang. His eyes scan the shelves, searching for any opportunity to satisfy his gnawing hunger. Suddenly, he spots it—a loaf of bread, sitting innocently on a shelf, unguarded. Without hesitation, Jaeha moves towards it, his hand outstretched. But just as his fingers brush against the soft bread, a voice cuts through the silence. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Jaeha freezes, his heart pounding in his chest. He turns slowly to face the source of the voice—a security guard, towering over him with a stern expression. Caught in the act, Jaeha's instincts kick into overdrive. Without a word, he lunges forward, his fists flying with deadly precision. The security guard staggers back, taken aback by the ferocity of the young boy's attack. But Jaeha is relentless, his years of fighting experience giving him an edge that few can match. Blow after blow, he pummels the guard until he lies motionless on the ground, defeated. Breathing heavily, Jaeha surveys the scene before him. His hands are shaking, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knows he must act quickly before reinforcements arrive. With a final glance at the loaf of bread, Jaeha snatches it from the shelf and makes a run for it, disappearing into the shadows once more. As he flees into the night, Jaeha can't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. He may be alone in this harsh world, but he is a survivor, a fighter. And as long as he has his strength, he knows he can overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. So, he runs. Running without thought or meaning and powered by the sheer will to survive, what hunger does to a human being's resolve is unmatched. But, the authorities are still the ones controlling it all, so with little to no struggle, they catch the hungry boy. They taze him, and beat him with batons until he can't move anymore. His body was numb, and he fell unconscious.

6 Hours Later.

Jaeha's eyes slowly open, and he's met with a concrete ceiling right above him. He was locked in a cell. He shot up and ran over to the metal bars, "HEY! LET ME OUT OF HERE OR GIMME SOME FOOD!" He yelled down the hallway right before him, just out of reach, the only thing standing in his way being a set of metal bars. All of a sudden, the loud speaker on the ceiling begins to speak. "You slept well, Jaeha." It says, in a muffled voice that sounded like a voice changer. "Wow, too pussy to use your own voice I see." Jaeha snarls. "Hahah, such vulgar language for a 7 year old, And fighting capabilities too. You don't see a child prodigy like you everyday, you know." The voice laughs, "The real reason we've brought here was not to imprison you, but to test the true power of your strength. We will be throwing you into a tournament against 6 professional boxers. The winner gets guaranteed freedom." It says. "Huh. Maybe you guys aren't so bad after all, gonna let me show some real strength." Jaeha chuckles, "So, when is this tournament? I'm hungry and need to get this shit over with." Jaeha asks. "Hmmm. 5 minutes from now." It casually says. "Wha-What the hell? I just woke up!" Jaeha yells. "Yeah, we don't care." The voice mockingly says. 2 guards walk up to the cell door and pull out their keys and tasers. "Do not move and put your hands behind your back or you will be tased." Jaeha moves his hands behind his back slowly, and the guards walk in and cuff him. They escort him out of the cell and down the long spiraling dark hallway. They arrive at a bright blinding light that Jaeha slowly begins to make out as a door leading to a small colosseum. "The tournament is about to start." The policeman uncuffs Jaeha and pulls up the metal door. They shove him inside of the colosseum and slam the door behind him. "...God damn it." Jaeha says under his breath. The other 5 doors also open, and 5 buff men walk out of each door. "Hah!" Jaeha laughs, "They're trying so hard to appear strong!" Jaeha cuffs his hands over his mouth, "You guys look like shirtless retards!" He mockingly yells at the men. "I'm gonna beat that kid to a bloody pulp." One of the men with tattoos all over his chest and arms says, he was butt hurt. A Loud voice erupts over the coliseum, "Good afternoon wrestlers!" It yells. "We have a strange sort of fighters for this tournament today, 5 professional boxers, and then we have…" You can hear a faint drum roll coming from the speaker. "A 7 year old homeless orphan!" The voice laughs hysterically. "H-hey! Maybe looks don't matter as much as we think. Let's find out, in 3…" The voice starts counting down. "2…1…" It goes silent. "BEGIN!" It yells. Jaeha quickly got into his fighting position, the man that was butt hurt earlier started charging at Jaeha, "I'll kill you, you worthless orphan!" He yells. Jaeha sighs, "You're weak." As the man goes in for a punch, Jaeha swiftly dodges and grabs the man's entire arm. "Well, you tried." Jaeha squats, and jumps about 20 feet up into the air with the man still in hand. He grabs the man's face and spirals downwards, slamming the dude's entire head into the concrete floor. The man was already unconscious. Jaeha shoots up off the floor, "HELL YEAH, THAT FELT AMAZING!" All of a sudden a man comes from behind and goes in for a strong kick, Jaeha jumps back, barely avoiding the kick. He smiles and rushes towards the man at high velocity. He goes in for a punch, and the man goes to dodge. But, it was a fake out! Jaeha quickly pulls out his other fist and punches the man right in the face. He spurts out blood and falls to the floor. Jaeha reels his fist back, and wipes the blood off his knuckles using his shirt. The other 3 men, all terrified, decide to team up. "Yeah, he can't handle all three of us." One of them said, They all start charging at Jaeha. "You guys are dumber than you look." Jaeha waits till they get really close, and as the first one goes to punch, he tries to catch his fist. But all of a sudden, another one kicks him in the side at the same moment. They were fast. Jaeha almost falls over from the sheer power of these men's blows, they may be stupid but they certainly weren't weak. As Jaeha goes to regain his composure, another guy comes up and socks him in the stomach. "GAH!" Blood shoots out of his mouth as he tumbles back. "God damn it! You weaklings seriously have to gang up on a 7 year old!?" Jaeha shouts. "You worthless fuck-ups will never be anything in life but boxers who can't even fight fairly!" Fighting fairly is one of Jaeha's biggest pet peeves. Fight fairly, or don't fight at all was his mindset. "I'll show how weak you idiots are by beating all 3 of you at once." He grunts and stands up with his fists in the air. Jaeha starts running at all three of them, "What, is the kid stupid? There's three of us…" Jaeha bawls his fists up as he inches closer, this was the most exhilarating moment of his life thus far. He gets in strike range, and one of the men goes in for a punch, but Jaeha swiftly slide under the man's arm and trips the man. He grabs the man's foot as he's falling and picks him up. "NOW, GOODBYE YOU WORTHLESS FUCK UPS!" One of the men's eyes widened in fear as he realized what Jaeha was doing, he swung the man's entire body straight into the other two. The man yelps in pain as a 200 pound body is slammed into him, and he gets sent flying into a wall. The other one wasn't hit as hard and slowly gets up. "DAMN!" The man turns around and starts running away in fear. "You goddamn coward." Jaeha sprints after the man and tackles him. "You're the worst of the bunch!" He rapidly starts to punch the man in the face while he's on the floor until he's no longer responsive. The tournament was over, and it wasn't even close.